twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

243 lines
6.3 KiB

package com.twitter.graph_feature_service.util
import com.twitter.graph_feature_service.thriftscala.{
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* Functions for computing feature values based on the values returned by constantDB.
object IntersectionValueCalculator {
* Compute the size of the array in a ByteBuffer.
* Note that this function assumes the ByteBuffer is encoded using Injections.seqLong2ByteBuffer
def computeArraySize(x: ByteBuffer): Int = {
x.remaining() >> 3 // divide 8
def apply(x: ByteBuffer, y: ByteBuffer, intersectionIdLimit: Int): WorkerIntersectionValue = {
val xSize = computeArraySize(x)
val ySize = computeArraySize(y)
val largerArray = if (xSize > ySize) x else y
val smallerArray = if (xSize > ySize) y else x
if (intersectionIdLimit == 0) {
val result = computeIntersectionUsingBinarySearchOnLargerByteBuffer(smallerArray, largerArray)
WorkerIntersectionValue(result, xSize, ySize)
} else {
val (result, ids) = computeIntersectionWithIds(smallerArray, largerArray, intersectionIdLimit)
WorkerIntersectionValue(result, xSize, ySize, ids)
* Note that this function assumes the ByteBuffer is encoded using Injections.seqLong2ByteBuffer
def computeIntersectionUsingBinarySearchOnLargerByteBuffer(
smallArray: ByteBuffer,
largeArray: ByteBuffer
): Int = {
var res: Int = 0
var i: Int = 0
while (i < smallArray.remaining()) {
if (binarySearch(largeArray, smallArray.getLong(i)) >= 0) {
res += 1
i += 8
def computeIntersectionWithIds(
smallArray: ByteBuffer,
largeArray: ByteBuffer,
intersectionLimit: Int
): (Int, Seq[Long]) = {
var res: Int = 0
var i: Int = 0
// Most of the intersectionLimit is smaller than default size: 16
val idBuffer = ArrayBuffer[Long]()
while (i < smallArray.remaining()) {
val value = smallArray.getLong(i)
if (binarySearch(largeArray, value) >= 0) {
res += 1
// Always get the smaller ids
if (idBuffer.size < intersectionLimit) {
idBuffer += value
i += 8
(res, idBuffer)
* Note that this function assumes the ByteBuffer is encoded using Injections.seqLong2ByteBuffer
private[util] def binarySearch(arr: ByteBuffer, value: Long): Int = {
var start = 0
var end = arr.remaining()
while (start <= end && start < arr.remaining()) {
val mid = ((start + end) >> 1) & ~7 // take mid - mid % 8
if (arr.getLong(mid) == value) {
return mid // return the index of the value
} else if (arr.getLong(mid) < value) {
start = mid + 8
} else {
end = mid - 1
// if not existed, return -1
* TODO: for now it only computes intersection size. Will add more feature types (e.g., dot
* product, maximum value).
* NOTE that this function assumes both x and y are SORTED arrays.
* In graph feature service, the sorting is done in the offline Scalding job.
* @param x source user's array
* @param y candidate user's array
* @param featureType feature type
* @return
def apply(x: Array[Long], y: Array[Long], featureType: FeatureType): IntersectionValue = {
val xSize = x.length
val ySize = y.length
val intersection =
if (xSize.min(ySize) * math.log(xSize.max(ySize)) < (xSize + ySize).toDouble) {
if (xSize < ySize) {
computeIntersectionUsingBinarySearchOnLargerArray(x, y)
} else {
computeIntersectionUsingBinarySearchOnLargerArray(y, x)
} else {
computeIntersectionUsingListMerging(x, y)
None, // return None for now
* Function for computing the intersections of two SORTED arrays by list merging.
* @param x one array
* @param y another array
* @param ordering ordering function for comparing values of T
* @tparam T type
* @return The intersection size and the list of intersected elements
private[util] def computeIntersectionUsingListMerging[T](
x: Array[T],
y: Array[T]
implicit ordering: Ordering[T]
): Int = {
var res: Int = 0
var i: Int = 0
var j: Int = 0
while (i < x.length && j < y.length) {
val comp =, y(j))
if (comp > 0) j += 1
else if (comp < 0) i += 1
else {
res += 1
i += 1
j += 1
* Function for computing the intersections of two arrays by binary search on the larger array.
* Note that the larger array MUST be SORTED.
* @param smallArray smaller array
* @param largeArray larger array
* @param ordering ordering function for comparing values of T
* @tparam T type
* @return The intersection size and the list of intersected elements
private[util] def computeIntersectionUsingBinarySearchOnLargerArray[T](
smallArray: Array[T],
largeArray: Array[T]
implicit ordering: Ordering[T]
): Int = {
var res: Int = 0
var i: Int = 0
while (i < smallArray.length) {
val currentValue: T = smallArray(i)
if (binarySearch(largeArray, currentValue) >= 0) {
res += 1
i += 1
* Function for doing the binary search
* @param arr array
* @param value the target value for searching
* @param ordering ordering function
* @tparam T type
* @return the index of element in the larger array.
* If there is no such element in the array, return -1.
private[util] def binarySearch[T](
arr: Array[T],
value: T
implicit ordering: Ordering[T]
): Int = {
var start = 0
var end = arr.length - 1
while (start <= end) {
val mid = (start + end) >> 1
val comp =, value)
if (comp == 0) {
return mid // return the index of the value
} else if (comp < 0) {
start = mid + 1
} else {
end = mid - 1
// if not existed, return -1