twitter-team 31e82d6474 improvements from external prs
-fix corner case where dr converter failed when initializing

Closes twitter/the-algorithm#550
2023-04-28 10:37:15 -05:00

354 lines
13 KiB
Protocol Buffer

/* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package tensorflow;
import "tensorflow/core/framework/device_attributes.proto";
import "tensorflow/core/framework/graph.proto";
import "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.proto";
import "tensorflow/core/protobuf/config.proto";
import "tensorflow/core/protobuf/error_codes.proto";
import "tensorflow/core/protobuf/named_tensor.proto";
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
option java_outer_classname = "DistributedRuntimeProtos";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.tensorflow.distruntime";
option go_package = "";
// CreateSession method request/response protos.
message CreateSessionRequest {
// The initial graph definition.
GraphDef graph_def = 1;
// Configuration options.
ConfigProto config = 2;
// The target string used from the client's perspective.
string target = 3;
message CreateSessionResponse {
// The session handle to be used in subsequent calls for the created session.
// The client must arrange to call CloseSession with this returned
// session handle to close the session.
string session_handle = 1;
// The initial version number for the graph, to be used in the next call
// to ExtendSession.
int64 graph_version = 2;
// ExtendSession method request/response protos.
// The "graph_def" specifies a set of nodes to be added to the session's graph.
// A typical "graph_def" will contain:
// * Zero or more new nodes with names that do not exist in the server-side
// graph. These will be added to the graph.
// PRECONDITION: The server-side current version is req.current_version.
// None of the names in req.graph_def appeared in previous successful calls to
// CreateSession or ExtendSession with the same session_handle.
// POSTCONDITION: The server-side current version is resp.new_version.
message ExtendSessionRequest {
// REQUIRED: session_handle must be returned by a CreateSession call
// to the same master service.
string session_handle = 1;
// REQUIRED: The nodes to be added to the session's graph. If any node has
// the same name as an existing node, the operation will fail with
GraphDef graph_def = 2;
// REQUIRED: The version number of the graph to be extended. This will be
// tested against the current server-side version number, and the operation
// will fail with FAILED_PRECONDITION if they do not match.
int64 current_graph_version = 3;
message ExtendSessionResponse {
// TODO(mrry): Return something about the operation?
// The new version number for the extended graph, to be used in the next call
// to ExtendSession.
int64 new_graph_version = 4;
// RunStep method request/response protos.
// The caller should provide the feeds needed by the graph and specify
// what nodes should be fetched.
message RunStepRequest {
// REQUIRED: session_handle must be returned by a CreateSession call
// to the same master service.
string session_handle = 1;
// Tensors to be fed in the step. Each feed is a named tensor.
repeated NamedTensorProto feed = 2;
// Fetches. A list of tensor names. The caller expects a tensor to
// be returned for each fetch[i] (see RunStepResponse.tensor). The
// order of specified fetches does not change the execution order.
repeated string fetch = 3;
// Target Nodes. A list of node names. The named nodes will be run
// to but their outputs will not be fetched.
repeated string target = 4;
// Options for the run call.
RunOptions options = 5;
// Partial run handle (optional). If specified, this will be a partial run
// execution, run up to the specified fetches.
string partial_run_handle = 6;
// If true then some errors, e.g., execution errors that have long
// error messages, may return an OK RunStepResponse with the actual
// error saved in the status_code/status_error_message fields of the
// response body. This is a workaround since the RPC subsystem may
// truncate long metadata messages.
bool store_errors_in_response_body = 7;
// Unique identifier for this request. Every RunStepRequest must
// have a unique request_id, and retried RunStepRequest must have
// the same request_id. If request_id is zero, retry detection is disabled.
int64 request_id = 8;
message RunStepResponse {
// NOTE: The order of the returned tensors may or may not match
// the fetch order specified in RunStepRequest.
repeated NamedTensorProto tensor = 1;
// Returned metadata if requested in the options.
RunMetadata metadata = 2;
// If store_errors_in_response_body is true in the request, then
// optionally the server may return an OK status for the RPC and
// fill the true status into the fields below, to allow for messages
// that are too long to fit in metadata.
error.Code status_code = 3;
string status_error_message = 4;
// PartialRunSetup method request/response protos.
// The caller should provide the future partial run feeds, fetches, and targets.
// Then the caller can use RunStepRequest with is_partial set to make partial
// run calls.
message PartialRunSetupRequest {
// REQUIRED: session_handle must be returned by a CreateSession call
// to the same master service.
string session_handle = 1;
// Tensors to be fed in future steps.
repeated string feed = 2;
// Fetches. A list of tensor names. The caller expects a tensor to be returned
// for each fetch[i] (see RunStepResponse.tensor), for corresponding partial
// RunStepRequests. The order of specified fetches does not change the
// execution order.
repeated string fetch = 3;
// Target Nodes. A list of node names. The named nodes will be run in future
// steps, but their outputs will not be fetched.
repeated string target = 4;
// Unique identifier for this request. Every PartialRunSetupRequest must
// have a unique request_id, and retried PartialRunSetupRequest must have
// the same request_id. If request_id is zero, retry detection is disabled.
int64 request_id = 5;
message PartialRunSetupResponse {
// The unique handle corresponding to the ongoing partial run call setup by
// the invocation to PartialRunSetup. This handle may be passed to
// RunStepRequest to send and receive tensors for this partial run.
string partial_run_handle = 1;
// CloseSession method request/response protos.
message CloseSessionRequest {
// REQUIRED: session_handle must be returned by a CreateSession call
// to the same master service.
string session_handle = 1;
message CloseSessionResponse {}
// Reset() allows misbehaving or slow sessions to be aborted and closed, and
// causes their resources eventually to be released. Reset() does not wait
// for the computations in old sessions to cease; it merely starts the
// process of tearing them down. However, if a new session is started after
// a Reset(), the new session is isolated from changes that old sessions
// (started prior to the Reset()) may continue to make to resources, provided
// all those resources are in containers listed in "containers".
// Old sessions may continue to have side-effects on resources not in
// containers listed in "containers", and thus may affect future
// sessions' results in ways that are hard to predict. Thus, if well-defined
// behavior is desired, is it recommended that all containers be listed in
// "containers". Similarly, if a device_filter is specified, results may be
// hard to predict.
message ResetRequest {
// A list of container names, which may be empty.
// If 'container' is not empty, releases resources in the given
// containers in all devices.
// If 'container' is empty, releases resources in the default
// container in all devices.
repeated string container = 1;
// When any filters are present, only devices that match the filters
// will be reset. Each filter can be partially specified,
// e.g. "/job:ps" "/job:worker/replica:3", etc.
repeated string device_filters = 2;
message ResetResponse {}
// ListDevices method request/response protos.
// Returns information about the TensorFlow devices that are available
// to this master.
message ListDevicesRequest {
// Optional: session_handle must be returned by a CreateSession call to the
// same master service.
// When session_handle is empty, the ClusterSpec provided when the master was
// started is used to compute the available devices. If the session_handle is
// provided but not recognized, an error is returned. Finally, if a valid
// session_handle is provided, the cluster configuration for that session is
// used when computing the response.
string session_handle = 1;
message ListDevicesResponse {
repeated DeviceAttributes local_device = 1;
repeated DeviceAttributes remote_device = 2;
// MakeCallable method request/response protos.
message MakeCallableRequest {
// REQUIRED: session_handle must be returned by a CreateSession call
// to the same master service.
string session_handle = 1;
// Options that define the behavior of the created callable.
CallableOptions options = 2;
// Unique identifier for this request. Every MakeCallableRequest must
// have a unique request_id, and retried MakeCallableRequest must have
// the same request_id. If request_id is zero, retry detection is disabled.
int64 request_id = 3;
message MakeCallableResponse {
// A handle to the created callable.
int64 handle = 1;
// RunCallable method request/response protos.
message RunCallableRequest {
// REQUIRED: session_handle must be returned by a CreateSession call
// to the same master service.
string session_handle = 1;
// REQUIRED: handle must be returned by a MakeCallable call to the same
// master service.
int64 handle = 2;
// Values of the tensors passed as arguments to the callable, in the order
// defined in the CallableOptions.feed field passed to MakeCallable.
repeated TensorProto feed = 3;
// Unique identifier for this request. Every RunCallableRequest must
// have a unique request_id, and retried RunCallableRequest must have
// the same request_id. If request_id is zero, retry detection is disabled.
int64 request_id = 4;
message RunCallableResponse {
// Values of the tensors returned by the callable, in the order defined in the
// CallableOptions.fetch field passed to MakeCallable.
repeated TensorProto fetch = 1;
// Returned metadata if requested in the options.
RunMetadata metadata = 2;
// ReleaseCallable method request/response protos.
message ReleaseCallableRequest {
// REQUIRED: session_handle must be returned by a CreateSession call
// to the same master service.
string session_handle = 1;
// REQUIRED: handle must be returned by a MakeCallable call to the same
// master service.
int64 handle = 2;
message ReleaseCallableResponse {}