twitter-team 617c8c787d Open-sourcing Unified User Actions
Unified User Action (UUA) is a centralized, real-time stream of user actions on Twitter, consumed by various product, ML, and marketing teams. UUA makes sure all internal teams consume the uniformed user actions data in an accurate and fast way.
2023-04-14 16:45:37 -05:00

150 lines
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#@namespace java com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftjava
#@namespace scala com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftscala
#@namespace strato com.twitter.unified_user_actions
include "com/twitter/unified_user_actions/metadata.thrift"
include "com/twitter/search/common/constants/query.thrift"
include "com/twitter/search/common/constants/result.thrift"
* Represents the product surface on which an action took place.
* See reference that delineates various product surfaces:
* Note: the implementation here may not reflect the above doc exactly.
enum ProductSurface {
// 1 - 19 for Home
HomeTimeline = 1
// 20 - 39 for Notifications
NotificationTab = 20
PushNotification = 21
EmailNotification = 22
// 40 - 59 for Search
SearchResultsPage = 40
SearchTypeahead = 41
// 60 - 79 for Tweet Details Page (Conversation Page)
TweetDetailsPage = 60
// 80 - 99 for Profile Page
ProfilePage = 80
// 100 - 119 for ?
RESERVED_100 = 100
// 120 - 139 for ?
RESERVED_120 = 120
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='false')
union ProductSurfaceInfo {
// 1 matches the enum index HomeTimeline in ProductSurface
1: HomeTimelineInfo homeTimelineInfo
// 20 matches the enum index NotificationTab in ProductSurface
20: NotificationTabInfo notificationTabInfo
// 21 matches the enum index PushNotification in ProductSurface
21: PushNotificationInfo pushNotificationInfo
// 22 matches the enum index EmailNotification in ProductSurface
22: EmailNotificationInfo emailNotificationInfo
// 40 matches the enum index SearchResultPage in ProductSurface
40: SearchResultsPageInfo searchResultsPageInfo
// 41 matches the enum index SearchTypeahead in ProductSurface
41: SearchTypeaheadInfo searchTypeaheadInfo
// 60 matches the enum index TweetDetailsPage in ProductSurface
60: TweetDetailsPageInfo tweetDetailsPageInfo
// 80 matches the enum index ProfilePage in ProductSurface
80: ProfilePageInfo profilePageInfo
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='false')
* Please keep this minimal to avoid overhead. It should only
* contain high value Home Timeline specific attributes.
struct HomeTimelineInfo {
// suggestType is deprecated, please do't re-use!
// 1: optional i32 suggestType
2: optional string suggestionType
3: optional i32 injectedPosition
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='false')
struct NotificationTabInfo {
* Note that this field represents the `impressionId` in a Notification Tab notification.
* It has been renamed to `notificationId` in UUA so that the name effectively represents the
* value it holds, i.e., a unique id for a notification and request.
1: required string notificationId(personalDataType='UniversallyUniqueIdentifierUuid')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='false')
struct PushNotificationInfo {
* Note that this field represents the `impressionId` in a Push Notification.
* It has been renamed to `notificationId` in UUA so that the name effectively represents the
* value it holds, i.e., a unique id for a notification and request.
1: required string notificationId(personalDataType='UniversallyUniqueIdentifierUuid')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='false')
struct EmailNotificationInfo {
* Note that this field represents the `impressionId` in an Email Notification.
* It has been renamed to `notificationId` in UUA so that the name effectively represents the
* value it holds, i.e., a unique id for a notification and request.
1: required string notificationId(personalDataType='UniversallyUniqueIdentifierUuid')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='false')
struct TweetDetailsPageInfo {
// To be deprecated, please don't re-use!
// Only reason to keep it now is Sparrow doesn't take empty struct. Once there is a real
// field we should just comment it out.
1: required list<string> breadcrumbViews(personalDataType = 'WebsitePage')
// Deprecated, please don't re-use!
// 2: required list<metadata.BreadcrumbTweet> breadcrumbTweets(personalDataType = 'TweetId')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct ProfilePageInfo {
// To be deprecated, please don't re-use!
// Only reason to keep it now is Sparrow doesn't take empty struct. Once there is a real
// field we should just comment it out.
1: required list<string> breadcrumbViews(personalDataType = 'WebsitePage')
// Deprecated, please don't re-use!
// 2: required list<metadata.BreadcrumbTweet> breadcrumbTweets(personalDataType = 'TweetId')
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct SearchResultsPageInfo {
// search query string
1: required string query(personalDataType = 'SearchQuery')
// Attribution of the search (e.g. Typed Query, Hashtag Click, etc.)
// see http://go/sgb/src/thrift/com/twitter/search/common/constants/query.thrift for details
2: optional query.ThriftQuerySource querySource
// 0-indexed position of item in list of search results
3: optional i32 itemPosition
// Attribution of the tweet result (e.g. QIG, Earlybird, etc)
// see http://go/sgb/src/thrift/com/twitter/search/common/constants/result.thrift for details
4: optional set<result.TweetResultSource> tweetResultSources
// Attribution of the user result (e.g. ExpertSearch, QIG, etc)
// see http://go/sgb/src/thrift/com/twitter/search/common/constants/result.thrift for details
5: optional set<result.UserResultSource> userResultSources
// The query filter type on the Search Results Page (SRP) when the action took place.
// Clicking on a tab in SRP applies a query filter automatically.
6: optional SearchQueryFilterType queryFilterType
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct SearchTypeaheadInfo {
// search query string
1: required string query(personalDataType = 'SearchQuery')
// 0-indexed position of item in list of typeahead drop-down
2: optional i32 itemPosition
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
enum SearchQueryFilterType {
// filter to top ranked content for a query
TOP = 1
// filter to latest content for a query
// filter to user results for a query
// filter to photo tweet results for a query
// filter to video tweet results for a query