twitter-team f1b5c32734 Open-sourcing User Signal Service
User Signal Service (USS) is a centralized online platform that supplies comprehensive data on user actions and behaviors on Twitter. This service stores information on both explicit signals, such as Favorites, Retweets, and replies, and implicit signals like Tweet clicks, profile visits, and more.
2023-04-14 16:45:37 -05:00

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package com.twitter.usersignalservice
package base
import com.twitter.finagle.memcached.{Client => MemcachedClient}
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.hashing.KeyHasher
import com.twitter.relevance_platform.common.injection.LZ4Injection
import com.twitter.relevance_platform.common.injection.SeqObjectInjection
import com.twitter.storehaus.ReadableStore
import com.twitter.twistly.common.UserId
import com.twitter.usersignalservice.thriftscala.Signal
import com.twitter.util.Duration
import com.twitter.util.Future
import com.twitter.util.Timer
* Use this wrapper when the latency of the signal fetcher is too high (see BaseSignalFetcher.Timeout
* ) and the results from the signal fetcher don't change often (e.g. results are generated from a
* scalding job scheduled each day).
* @param memcachedClient
* @param baseSignalFetcher
* @param ttl
* @param stats
* @param timer
case class MemcachedSignalFetcherWrapper(
memcachedClient: MemcachedClient,
baseSignalFetcher: BaseSignalFetcher,
ttl: Duration,
stats: StatsReceiver,
keyPrefix: String,
timer: Timer)
extends BaseSignalFetcher {
import MemcachedSignalFetcherWrapper._
override type RawSignalType = baseSignalFetcher.RawSignalType
override val name: String = this.getClass.getCanonicalName
override val statsReceiver: StatsReceiver = stats.scope(name).scope(
val underlyingStore: ReadableStore[UserId, Seq[RawSignalType]] = {
val cacheUnderlyingStore = new ReadableStore[UserId, Seq[RawSignalType]] {
override def get(userId: UserId): Future[Option[Seq[RawSignalType]]] =
backingStore = cacheUnderlyingStore,
cacheClient = memcachedClient,
ttl = ttl)(
valueInjection = LZ4Injection.compose(SeqObjectInjection[RawSignalType]()),
statsReceiver = statsReceiver,
keyToString = { k: UserId =>
override def getRawSignals(userId: UserId): Future[Option[Seq[RawSignalType]]] =
override def process(
query: Query,
rawSignals: Future[Option[Seq[RawSignalType]]]
): Future[Option[Seq[Signal]]] = baseSignalFetcher.process(query, rawSignals)
object MemcachedSignalFetcherWrapper {
private val keyHasher: KeyHasher = KeyHasher.FNV1A_64