twitter-team b389c3d302 Open-sourcing pushservice
Pushservice is the main recommendation service we use to surface recommendations to our users via notifications. It fetches candidates from various sources, ranks them in order of relevance, and applies filters to determine the best one to send.
2023-05-19 16:27:07 -05:00

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Utilties for constructing a metric_fn for magic recs.
from twml.contrib.metrics.metrics import (
from .model_utils import generate_disliked_mask
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
"OONC": ["OONC"],
"OONC_Engagement": ["OONC", "Engagement"],
"Sent": ["Sent"],
"HeavyRankPosition": ["HeavyRankPosition"],
"HeavyRankProbability": ["HeavyRankProbability"],
def remove_padding_and_flatten(tensor, valid_batch_size):
"""Remove the padding of the input padded tensor given the valid batch size tensor,
then flatten the output with respect to the first dimension.
tensor: A tensor of size [META_BATCH_SIZE, BATCH_SIZE, FEATURE_DIM].
valid_batch_size: A tensor of size [META_BATCH_SIZE], with each element indicating
the effective batch size of the BATCH_SIZE dimension.
A tesnor of size [tf.reduce_sum(valid_batch_size), FEATURE_DIM].
unpadded_ragged_tensor = tf.RaggedTensor.from_tensor(tensor=tensor, lengths=valid_batch_size)
return unpadded_ragged_tensor.flat_values
def safe_mask(values, mask):
"""Mask values if possible.
Boolean mask inputed values if and only if values is a tensor of the same dimension as mask (or can be broadcasted to that dimension).
values (Any or Tensor): Input tensor to mask. Dim 0 should be size N.
mask (boolean tensor): A boolean tensor of size N.
Returns Values or Values masked.
if values is None:
return values
if not tf.is_tensor(values):
return values
values_shape = values.get_shape()
if not values_shape or len(values_shape) == 0:
return values
if not mask.get_shape().is_compatible_with(values_shape[0]):
return values
return tf.boolean_mask(values, mask)
def add_new_user_metrics(metric_fn):
"""Will stratify the metric_fn by adding new user metrics.
Given an input metric_fn, double every metric: One will be the orignal and the other will only include those for new users.
metric_fn (python function): Base twml metric_fn.
Returns a metric_fn with new user metrics included.
def metric_fn_with_new_users(graph_output, labels, weights):
if USER_AGE_FEATURE_NAME not in graph_output:
raise ValueError(
"In order to get metrics stratified by user age, {name} feature should be added to model graph output. However, only the following output keys were found: {keys}.".format(
name=USER_AGE_FEATURE_NAME, keys=graph_output.keys()
metric_ops = metric_fn(graph_output, labels, weights)
is_new = tf.reshape(
tf.cast(graph_output[USER_AGE_FEATURE_NAME], tf.int64),
tf.cast(NEW_USER_AGE_CUTOFF, tf.int64),
labels = safe_mask(labels, is_new)
weights = safe_mask(weights, is_new)
graph_output = {key: safe_mask(values, is_new) for key, values in graph_output.items()}
new_user_metric_ops = metric_fn(graph_output, labels, weights)
new_user_metric_ops = {name + "_new_users": ops for name, ops in new_user_metric_ops.items()}
return metric_ops
return metric_fn_with_new_users
def get_meta_learn_single_binary_task_metric_fn(
metrics, classnames, top_k=(5, 5, 5), use_top_k=False
"""Wrapper function to use the metric_fn with meta learning evaluation scheme.
metrics: A list of string representing metric names.
classnames: A list of string repsenting class names, In case of multiple binary class models,
the names for each class or label.
top_k: A tuple of int to specify top K metrics.
use_top_k: A boolean value indicating of top K of metrics is used.
A customized metric_fn function.
def get_eval_metric_ops(graph_output, labels, weights):
"""The op func of the eval_metrics. Comparing with normal version,
the difference is we flatten the output, label, and weights.
graph_output: A dict of tensors.
labels: A tensor of int32 be the value of either 0 or 1.
weights: A tensor of float32 to indicate the per record weight.
A dict of metric names and values.
metric_op_weighted = get_partial_multi_binary_class_metric_fn(
metrics, predcols=0, classes=classnames
classnames_unweighted = ["unweighted_" + classname for classname in classnames]
metric_op_unweighted = get_partial_multi_binary_class_metric_fn(
metrics, predcols=0, classes=classnames_unweighted
valid_batch_size = graph_output["valid_batch_size"]
graph_output["output"] = remove_padding_and_flatten(graph_output["output"], valid_batch_size)
labels = remove_padding_and_flatten(labels, valid_batch_size)
weights = remove_padding_and_flatten(weights, valid_batch_size)
tf.ensure_shape(graph_output["output"], [None, 1])
tf.ensure_shape(labels, [None, 1])
tf.ensure_shape(weights, [None, 1])
metrics_weighted = metric_op_weighted(graph_output, labels, weights)
metrics_unweighted = metric_op_unweighted(graph_output, labels, None)
if use_top_k:
metric_op_numeric = get_numeric_metric_fn(metrics=None, topK=top_k, predcol=0, labelcol=1)
metrics_numeric = metric_op_numeric(graph_output, labels, weights)
return metrics_weighted
return get_eval_metric_ops
def get_meta_learn_dual_binary_tasks_metric_fn(
metrics, classnames, top_k=(5, 5, 5), use_top_k=False
"""Wrapper function to use the metric_fn with meta learning evaluation scheme.
metrics: A list of string representing metric names.
classnames: A list of string repsenting class names, In case of multiple binary class models,
the names for each class or label.
top_k: A tuple of int to specify top K metrics.
use_top_k: A boolean value indicating of top K of metrics is used.
A customized metric_fn function.
def get_eval_metric_ops(graph_output, labels, weights):
"""The op func of the eval_metrics. Comparing with normal version,
the difference is we flatten the output, label, and weights.
graph_output: A dict of tensors.
labels: A tensor of int32 be the value of either 0 or 1.
weights: A tensor of float32 to indicate the per record weight.
A dict of metric names and values.
metric_op_weighted = get_partial_multi_binary_class_metric_fn(
metrics, predcols=[0, 1], classes=classnames
classnames_unweighted = ["unweighted_" + classname for classname in classnames]
metric_op_unweighted = get_partial_multi_binary_class_metric_fn(
metrics, predcols=[0, 1], classes=classnames_unweighted
valid_batch_size = graph_output["valid_batch_size"]
graph_output["output"] = remove_padding_and_flatten(graph_output["output"], valid_batch_size)
labels = remove_padding_and_flatten(labels, valid_batch_size)
weights = remove_padding_and_flatten(weights, valid_batch_size)
tf.ensure_shape(graph_output["output"], [None, 2])
tf.ensure_shape(labels, [None, 2])
tf.ensure_shape(weights, [None, 1])
metrics_weighted = metric_op_weighted(graph_output, labels, weights)
metrics_unweighted = metric_op_unweighted(graph_output, labels, None)
if use_top_k:
metric_op_numeric = get_numeric_metric_fn(metrics=None, topK=top_k, predcol=2, labelcol=2)
metrics_numeric = metric_op_numeric(graph_output, labels, weights)
return metrics_weighted
return get_eval_metric_ops
def get_metric_fn(task_name, use_stratify_metrics, use_meta_batch=False):
"""Will retrieve the metric_fn for magic recs.
task_name (string): Which task is being used for this model.
use_stratify_metrics (boolean): Should we add stratified metrics (new user metrics).
use_meta_batch (boolean): If the output/label/weights are passed in 3D shape instead of
2D shape.
A metric_fn function to pass in twml Trainer.
if task_name not in METRIC_BOOK:
raise ValueError(
"Task name of {task_name} not recognized. Unable to retrieve metrics.".format(
class_names = METRIC_BOOK[task_name]
if use_meta_batch:
get_n_binary_task_metric_fn = (
if len(class_names) == 1
else get_meta_learn_dual_binary_tasks_metric_fn
get_n_binary_task_metric_fn = (
get_single_binary_task_metric_fn if len(class_names) == 1 else get_dual_binary_tasks_metric_fn
metric_fn = get_n_binary_task_metric_fn(metrics=None, classnames=METRIC_BOOK[task_name])
if use_stratify_metrics:
metric_fn = add_new_user_metrics(metric_fn)
return metric_fn
def flip_disliked_labels(metric_fn):
"""This function returns an adapted metric_fn which flips the labels of the OONCed evaluation data to 0 if it is disliked.
metric_fn: A metric_fn function to pass in twml Trainer.
_adapted_metric_fn: A customized metric_fn function with disliked OONC labels flipped.
def _adapted_metric_fn(graph_output, labels, weights):
"""A customized metric_fn function with disliked OONC labels flipped.
graph_output: A dict of tensors.
labels: labels of training samples, which is a 2D tensor of shape batch_size x 3: [OONCs, engagements, dislikes]
weights: A tensor of float32 to indicate the per record weight.
A dict of metric names and values.
# We want to multiply the label of the observation by 0 only when it is disliked
disliked_mask = generate_disliked_mask(labels)
# Extract OONC and engagement labels only.
labels = tf.reshape(labels[:, 0:2], shape=[-1, 2])
# Labels will be set to 0 if it is disliked.
adapted_labels = labels * tf.cast(tf.logical_not(disliked_mask), dtype=labels.dtype)
return metric_fn(graph_output, adapted_labels, weights)
return _adapted_metric_fn