twitter-team 197bf2c563 Open-sourcing Timelines Aggregation Framework
Open sourcing Aggregation Framework, a config-driven Summingbird based framework for generating real-time and batch aggregate features to be consumed by ML models.
2023-04-28 14:17:02 -05:00

160 lines
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package com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.query
import com.twitter.dal.personal_data.thriftjava.PersonalDataType
import{DataRecord => ScalaDataRecord}
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.metrics.AggregationMetricCommon
import java.lang.{Double => JDouble}
import java.lang.{Long => JLong}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* Provides methods to build "scoped" aggregates, where base features generated by aggregates
* V2 are scoped with a specific key.
* The class provides methods that take a Map of T -> DataRecord, where T is a key type, and
* the DataRecord contains features produced by the aggregation_framework. The methods then
* generate a _new_ DataRecord, containing "scoped" aggregate features, where each scoped
* feature has the value of the scope key in the feature name, and the value of the feature
* is the value of the original aggregate feature in the corresponding value from the original
* Map.
* For efficiency reasons, the builder is initialized with the set of features that should be
* scoped and the set of keys for which scoping should be supported.
* To understand how scope feature names are constructed, consider the following:
* {{{
* val features = Set(
* new Feature.Continuous("user_injection_aggregate.pair.any_label.any_feature.5.days.count"),
* new Feature.Continuous("user_injection_aggregate.pair.any_label.any_feature.10.days.count")
* )
* val scopes = Set(SuggestType.Recap, SuggestType.WhoToFollow)
* val scopeName = "InjectionType"
* val scopedAggregateBuilder = ScopedAggregateBuilder(features, scopes, scopeName)
* }}}
* Then, generated scoped features would be among the following:
* - user_injection_aggregate.scoped.pair.any_label.any_feature.5.days.count/scope_name=InjectionType/scope=Recap
* - user_injection_aggregate.scoped.pair.any_label.any_feature.5.days.count/scope_name=InjectionType/scope=WhoToFollow
* - user_injection_aggregate.scoped.pair.any_label.any_feature.10.days.count/scope_name=InjectionType/scope=Recap
* - user_injection_aggregate.scoped.pair.any_label.any_feature.10.days.count/scope_name=InjectionType/scope=WhoToFollow
* @param featuresToScope the set of features for which one should generate scoped versions
* @param scopeKeys the set of scope keys to generate scopes with
* @param scopeName a string indicating what the scopes represent. This is also added to the scoped feature
* @tparam K the type of scope key
class ScopedAggregateBuilder[K](
featuresToScope: Set[Feature[JDouble]],
scopeKeys: Set[K],
scopeName: String) {
private[this] def buildScopedAggregateFeature(
baseName: String,
scopeValue: String,
personalDataTypes: java.util.Set[PersonalDataType]
): Feature[JDouble] = {
val components = baseName.split("\\.").toList
val newName = (components.head :: "scoped" :: components.tail).mkString(".")
new FeatureBuilder.Continuous()
.addExtensionDimensions("scope_name", "scope")
.addExtension("scope_name", scopeName)
.addExtension("scope", scopeValue)
* Index of (base aggregate feature name, key) -> key scoped count feature.
private[this] val keyScopedAggregateMap: Map[(String, K), Feature[JDouble]] = {
featuresToScope.flatMap { feat => { key =>
(feat.getFeatureName, key) ->
type ContinuousFeaturesMap = Map[JLong, JDouble]
* Create key-scoped features for raw aggregate feature ID to value maps, partitioned by key.
private[this] def buildAggregates(featureMapsByKey: Map[K, ContinuousFeaturesMap]): DataRecord = {
val continuousFeatures = featureMapsByKey
.flatMap {
case (key, featureMap) =>
featuresToScope.flatMap { feature =>
val newFeatureOpt = keyScopedAggregateMap.get((feature.getFeatureName, key))
newFeatureOpt.flatMap { newFeature =>
featureMap.get(feature.getFeatureId).map(new JLong(newFeature.getFeatureId) -> _)
new DataRecord().setContinuousFeatures(continuousFeatures.asJava)
* Create key-scoped features for Java [[DataRecord]] aggregate records partitioned by key.
* As an example, if the provided Map includes the key `SuggestType.Recap`, and [[scopeKeys]]
* includes this key, then for a feature "xyz.pair.any_label.any_feature.5.days.count", the method
* will generate the scoped feature "xyz.scoped.pair.any_label.any_feature.5.days.count/scope_name=InjectionType/scope=Recap",
* with the value being the value of the original feature from the Map.
* @param aggregatesByKey a map from key to a continuous feature map (ie. feature ID -> Double)
* @return a Java [[DataRecord]] containing key-scoped features
def buildAggregatesJava(aggregatesByKey: Map[K, DataRecord]): DataRecord = {
val featureMapsByKey = aggregatesByKey.mapValues(_.continuousFeatures.asScala.toMap)
* Create key-scoped features for Scala [[DataRecord]] aggregate records partitioned by key.
* As an example, if the provided Map includes the key `SuggestType.Recap`, and [[scopeKeys]]
* includes this key, then for a feature "xyz.pair.any_label.any_feature.5.days.count", the method
* will generate the scoped feature "xyz.scoped.pair.any_label.any_feature.5.days.count/scope_name=InjectionType/scope=Recap",
* with the value being the value of the original feature from the Map.
* This is a convenience method for some use cases where aggregates are read from Scala
* thrift objects. Note that this still returns a Java [[DataRecord]], since most ML API
* use the Java version.
* @param aggregatesByKey a map from key to a continuous feature map (ie. feature ID -> Double)
* @return a Java [[DataRecord]] containing key-scoped features
def buildAggregatesScala(aggregatesByKey: Map[K, ScalaDataRecord]): DataRecord = {
val featureMapsByKey =
.mapValues { record =>
val featureMap = record.continuousFeatures.getOrElse(Map[Long, Double]()).toMap { case (k, v) => new JLong(k) -> new JDouble(v) }
* Returns a [[FeatureContext]] including all possible scoped features generated using this builder.
* @return a [[FeatureContext]] containing all scoped features.
def scopedFeatureContext: FeatureContext = new FeatureContext(keyScopedAggregateMap.values.asJava)