twitter-team 94ff4caea8 Open-sourcing Topic Social Proof Service
Topic Social Proof Service (TSPS) delivers highly relevant topics tailored to a user's interests by analyzing topic preferences, such as following or unfollowing, and employing semantic annotations and other machine learning models.
2023-04-14 16:45:36 -05:00

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package com.twitter.tsp.common
import com.twitter.decider.Decider
import com.twitter.decider.RandomRecipient
import com.twitter.util.Future
import javax.inject.Inject
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
Provides deciders-controlled load shedding for a given displayLocation
The format of the decider keys is:
enable_loadshedding_<display location>
Deciders are fractional, so a value of 50.00 will drop 50% of responses. If a decider key is not
defined for a particular displayLocation, those requests will always be served.
We should therefore aim to define keys for the locations we care most about in decider.yml,
so that we can control them during incidents.
class LoadShedder @Inject() (decider: Decider) {
import LoadShedder._
// Fall back to False for any undefined key
private val deciderWithFalseFallback: Decider = decider.orElse(Decider.False)
private val keyPrefix = "enable_loadshedding"
def apply[T](typeString: String)(serve: => Future[T]): Future[T] = {
Per-typeString level load shedding: enable_loadshedding_HomeTimeline
Checks if per-typeString load shedding is enabled
val keyTyped = s"${keyPrefix}_$typeString"
if (deciderWithFalseFallback.isAvailable(keyTyped, recipient = Some(RandomRecipient)))
else serve
object LoadShedder {
object LoadSheddingException extends Exception with NoStackTrace