twitter-team 94ff4caea8 Open-sourcing Topic Social Proof Service
Topic Social Proof Service (TSPS) delivers highly relevant topics tailored to a user's interests by analyzing topic preferences, such as following or unfollowing, and employing semantic annotations and other machine learning models.
2023-04-14 16:45:36 -05:00

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package com.twitter.tsp.handlers
import com.twitter.inject.utils.Handler
import com.twitter.topiclisting.FollowableTopicProductId
import com.twitter.topiclisting.ProductId
import com.twitter.topiclisting.TopicListingViewerContext
import com.twitter.topiclisting.utt.UttLocalization
import com.twitter.util.logging.Logging
import javax.inject.Inject
import javax.inject.Singleton
/** *
* We configure Warmer to help warm up the cache hit rate under `CachedUttClient/get_utt_taxonomy/cache_hit_rate`
* In uttLocalization.getRecommendableTopics, we fetch all topics exist in UTT, and yet the process
* is in fact fetching the complete UTT tree struct (by calling getUttChildren recursively), which could take 1 sec
* Once we have the topics, we stored them in in-memory cache, and the cache hit rate is > 99%
class UttChildrenWarmupHandler @Inject() (uttLocalization: UttLocalization)
extends Handler
with Logging {
/** Executes the function of this handler. * */
override def handle(): Unit = {
productId = ProductId.Followable,
viewerContext = TopicListingViewerContext(languageCode = Some("en")),
enableInternationalTopics = true,
followableTopicProductId = FollowableTopicProductId.AllFollowable
.onSuccess { result =>"successfully warmed up UttChildren. TopicId length = ${result.size}")
.onFailure { throwable =>"failed to warm up UttChildren. Throwable = ${throwable}")