twitter-team 94ff4caea8 Open-sourcing Topic Social Proof Service
Topic Social Proof Service (TSPS) delivers highly relevant topics tailored to a user's interests by analyzing topic preferences, such as following or unfollowing, and employing semantic annotations and other machine learning models.
2023-04-14 16:45:36 -05:00

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package com.twitter.tsp.stores
import com.twitter.tsp.stores.TopicTweetsCosineSimilarityAggregateStore.ScoreKey
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.frigate.common.util.StatsUtil
import com.twitter.simclusters_v2.thriftscala._
import com.twitter.storehaus.ReadableStore
import com.twitter.simclusters_v2.common.TweetId
import com.twitter.tsp.stores.SemanticCoreAnnotationStore._
import com.twitter.tsp.stores.TopicSocialProofStore.TopicSocialProof
import com.twitter.util.Future
* Provides a session-less Topic Social Proof information which doesn't rely on any User Info.
* This store is used by MemCache and In-Memory cache to achieve a higher performance.
* One Consumer embedding and Producer embedding are used to calculate raw score.
case class TopicSocialProofStore(
representationScorerStore: ReadableStore[ScoreId, Score],
semanticCoreAnnotationStore: ReadableStore[TweetId, Seq[TopicAnnotation]]
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver)
extends ReadableStore[TopicSocialProofStore.Query, Seq[TopicSocialProof]] {
import TopicSocialProofStore._
// Fetches the tweet's topic annotations from SemanticCore's Annotation API
override def get(query: TopicSocialProofStore.Query): Future[Option[Seq[TopicSocialProof]]] = {
StatsUtil.trackOptionStats(statsReceiver) {
for {
annotations <-
StatsUtil.trackItemsStats(statsReceiver.scope("semanticCoreAnnotationStore")) {
filteredAnnotations = filterAnnotationsByAllowList(annotations, query)
scoredTopics <-
StatsUtil.trackItemMapStats(statsReceiver.scope("scoreTopicTweetsTweetLanguage")) {
// de-dup identical topicIds
val uniqueTopicIds = { annotation =>
TopicId(annotation.topicId, Some(query.cacheableQuery.tweetLanguage), country = None)
if (query.cacheableQuery.enableCosineSimilarityScoreCalculation) {
scoreTopicTweets(query.cacheableQuery.tweetId, uniqueTopicIds)
} else {
Future.value( => id -> Map.empty[ScoreKey, Double]).toMap)
} yield {
if (scoredTopics.nonEmpty) {
val versionedTopicProofs = { annotation =>
val topicId =
TopicId(annotation.topicId, Some(query.cacheableQuery.tweetLanguage), country = None)
scores = scoredTopics.getOrElse(topicId, Map.empty),
} else {
* When the allowList is not empty (e.g., TSP handler call, CrTopic handler call),
* the filter will be enabled and we will only keep annotations that have versionIds existing
* in the input allowedSemanticCoreVersionIds set.
* But when the allowList is empty (e.g., some debugger calls),
* we will not filter anything and pass.
* We limit the number of versionIds to be K = MaxNumberVersionIds
private def filterAnnotationsByAllowList(
annotations: Seq[TopicAnnotation],
query: TopicSocialProofStore.Query
): Seq[TopicAnnotation] = {
val trimmedVersionIds = query.allowedSemanticCoreVersionIds.take(MaxNumberVersionIds)
annotations.filter { annotation =>
trimmedVersionIds.isEmpty || trimmedVersionIds.contains(annotation.modelVersionId)
private def scoreTopicTweets(
tweetId: TweetId,
topicIds: Set[TopicId]
): Future[Map[TopicId, Map[ScoreKey, Double]]] = {
Future.collect { { topicId =>
val scoresFut = TopicTweetsCosineSimilarityAggregateStore.getRawScoresMap(
topicId -> scoresFut
object TopicSocialProofStore {
private val MaxNumberVersionIds = 9
case class Query(
cacheableQuery: CacheableQuery,
allowedSemanticCoreVersionIds: Set[Long] = Set.empty) // overridden by FS
case class CacheableQuery(
tweetId: TweetId,
tweetLanguage: String,
enableCosineSimilarityScoreCalculation: Boolean = true)
case class TopicSocialProof(
topicId: TopicId,
scores: Map[ScoreKey, Double],
ignoreSimClusterFiltering: Boolean,
semanticCoreVersionId: Long)