twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

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* Normalizes using the logic described in {@link SingleBytePositiveFloatUtil}.
public class SingleBytePositiveFloatNormalizer extends ByteNormalizer {
public byte normalize(double val) {
return SingleBytePositiveFloatUtil.toSingleBytePositiveFloat((float) val);
public double unnormLowerBound(byte norm) {
return SingleBytePositiveFloatUtil.toJavaFloat(norm);
* Get the upper bound of the raw value for a normalized byte.
* @deprecated This is wrongly implemented, always use unnormLowerBound(),
* or use SmartIntegerNormalizer.
@Override @Deprecated
public double unnormUpperBound(byte norm) {
return 1 + SingleBytePositiveFloatUtil.toJavaFloat(norm);
* Return the the post-log2 unnormalized value. This is only used for some legacy Earlybird
* features and scoring functions.
public double unnormAndLog2(byte norm) {
return SingleBytePositiveFloatUtil.toLog2Double(norm);