twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
Please note we have force-pushed a new initial commit in order to remove some publicly-available Twitter user information. Note that this process may be required in the future.
2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

276 lines
8.5 KiB

package com.twitter.graph.batch.job.tweepcred
import com.twitter.scalding._
import com.twitter.pluck.source._
import com.twitter.pluck.source.combined_user_source.MostRecentCombinedUserSnapshotSource
import com.twitter.scalding_internal.dalv2.DAL
import com.twitter.service.interactions.InteractionGraph
import graphstore.common.FlockFollowsJavaDataset
import java.util.TimeZone
* Prepare the graph data for page rank calculation. Also generate the initial
* pagerank as the starting point. Afterwards, start WeightedPageRank job.
* Either read a tsv file for testing or read the following to build the graph
* flock edges Flock.Edge
* real graph input for weights InteractionGraph.Edge
* Options:
* --pwd: working directory, will generate the following files there
* numnodes: total number of nodes
* nodes: nodes file <'src_id, 'dst_ids, 'weights, 'mass_prior>
* pagerank: the page rank file
* --user_mass: user mass tsv file, generated by twadoop user_mass job
* Optional arguments:
* --input: use the given tsv file instead of flock and real graph
* --weighted: do weighted pagerank, default false
* --flock_edges_only: restrict graph to flock edges, default true
* --input_pagerank: continue pagerank from this
* Plus the following options for WeightedPageRank and ExtractTweepcred:
* --output_pagerank: where to put pagerank file
* --output_tweepcred: where to put tweepcred file
* Optional:
* --maxiterations: how many iterations to run. Default is 20
* --jumpprob: probability of a random jump, default is 0.1
* --threshold: total difference before finishing early, default 0.001
* --post_adjust: whether to do post adjust, default true
class PreparePageRankData(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
implicit val timeZone: TimeZone = DateOps.UTC
val PWD = args("pwd")
val WEIGHTED = args.getOrElse("weighted", "false").toBoolean
val FLOCK_EDGES_ONLY = args.getOrElse("flock_edges_only", "true").toBoolean
val ROW_TYPE_1 = 1
val ROW_TYPE_2 = 2
// graph data and user mass
val userMass = getUserMass
val nodesWithPrior = getGraphData(userMass)
val numNodes = nodesWithPrior.groupAll { _.size }
numNodes.write(Tsv(PWD + "/numnodes"))
dumpNodes(nodesWithPrior, PWD + "/nodes");
// initial pagerank to start computation
// continue with the calculation
override def next = {
Some(new WeightedPageRank(args))
* read flock edges
def getFlockEdges = {
.readMostRecentSnapshotNoOlderThan(FlockFollowsJavaDataset, Days(7))
.flatMapTo('src_id, 'dst_id) { edge: Flock.Edge =>
if (edge.getStateId() == Flock.State.Positive.getNumber()) {
Some((edge.getSourceId(), edge.getDestinationId()))
} else {
* read real graph edges with weights
def getRealGraphEdges = {
.flatMapTo('src_id, 'dst_id, 'weight) { edge: InteractionGraph.Edge =>
if (edge.getSourceId() != edge.getDestinationId()) {
val srcId = edge.getSourceId()
val dstId = edge.getDestinationId()
val weight = edge.getWeight().toFloat
Some((srcId, dstId, weight))
} else {
* combine real graph and flock. If flock_edges_only is true, only take the
* flock edges; otherwise edges are either from flock or from real graph.
* edges weights default to be 1, overwritten by weights from real graph
def getFlockRealGraphEdges = {
val flock = getFlockEdges
val flockWithWeight = flock
.map(() -> ('weight, 'rowtype)) { (u: Unit) =>
(1.0f, ROW_TYPE_1)
val realGraph = getRealGraphEdges
.map(() -> 'rowtype) { (u: Unit) =>
val combined = (flockWithWeight ++ realGraph)
.groupBy('src_id, 'dst_id) {
.max('weight) // take whichever is bigger
combined.filter('rowtype) { (rowtype: Int) =>
rowtype == ROW_TYPE_1
} else {
} else { -> ('weight)) { (u: Unit) =>
}.project('src_id, 'dst_id, 'weight)
def getCsvEdges(fileName: String) = {
.mapTo((0, 1, 2) -> ('src_id, 'dst_id, 'weight)) { input: (Long, Long, Float) =>
* Compute user mass based on combined user
def getUserMass =
.flatMap { user =>
.map { userMassInfo =>
(userMassInfo.userId, userMassInfo.mass)
.toPipe[(Long, Double)]('src_id_input, 'mass_prior)
* Read either flock/real_graph or a given tsv file
* group by the source id, and output node data structure
* merge with the user_mass.
* return <'src_id, 'dst_ids, 'weights, 'mass_prior>
* make sure src_id is the same set as in user_mass, and dst_ids
* are subset of user_mass. eg flock has edges like 1->2,
* where both users 1 and 2 do not exist anymore
def getGraphData(userMass: RichPipe) = {
val edges: RichPipe = args.optional("input") match {
case None => getFlockRealGraphEdges
case Some(input) => getCsvEdges(input)
// remove edges where dst_id is not in userMass
val filterByDst = userMass
.joinWithLarger('src_id_input -> 'dst_id, edges)
.discard('src_id_input, 'mass_prior)
// aggreate by the source id
val nodes = filterByDst
.groupBy('src_id) {
_.mapReduceMap(('dst_id, 'weight) -> ('dst_ids, 'weights)) /* map1 */ { a: (Long, Float) =>
(Vector(a._1), if (WEIGHTED) Vector(a._2) else Vector())
} /* reduce */ { (a: (Vector[Long], Vector[Float]), b: (Vector[Long], Vector[Float])) =>
(a._1 ++ b._1, a._2 ++ b._2)
} /* map2 */ { a: (Vector[Long], Vector[Float]) =>
('src_id, 'dst_ids, 'weights) -> ('src_id, 'dst_ids, 'weights, 'mass_prior, 'rowtype)) {
input: (Long, Vector[Long], Vector[Float]) =>
(input._1, input._2.toArray, input._3.toArray, 0.0, ROW_TYPE_1)
// get to the same schema
val userMassNodes = userMass
.mapTo(('src_id_input, 'mass_prior) -> ('src_id, 'dst_ids, 'weights, 'mass_prior, 'rowtype)) {
input: (Long, Double) =>
(input._1, Array[Long](), Array[Float](), input._2, ROW_TYPE_2)
// make src_id the same set as in userMass
(nodes ++ userMassNodes)
.groupBy('src_id) {
.head('dst_ids, 'weights)
.last('mass_prior, 'rowtype)
.filter('rowtype) { input: Int =>
input == ROW_TYPE_2
* generate the graph data output
def dumpNodes(nodes: RichPipe, fileName: String) = {
mode match {
case Hdfs(_, conf) => nodes.write(SequenceFile(fileName))
case _ =>
.mapTo((0, 1, 2, 3) -> (0, 1, 2, 3)) { input: (Long, Array[Long], Array[Float], Double) =>
(input._1, input._2.mkString(","), input._3.mkString(","), input._4)
* output prior mass or copy the given mass file (merge, normalize)
* to be used as the starting point
def generateInitialPagerank(nodes: RichPipe) = {
val prior = nodes
.project('src_id, 'mass_prior)
val combined = args.optional("input_pagerank") match {
case None => prior
case Some(fileName) => {
val massInput = Tsv(fileName).read
.mapTo((0, 1) -> ('src_id, 'mass_prior, 'rowtype)) { input: (Long, Double) =>
(input._1, input._2, ROW_TYPE_2)
val priorRow = prior
.map(() -> ('rowtype)) { (u: Unit) =>
(priorRow ++ massInput)
.groupBy('src_id) {
// throw away extra nodes from input file
.filter('rowtype) { (rowtype: Int) =>
rowtype == ROW_TYPE_1
combined.write(Tsv(PWD + "/pagerank_0"))