twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

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import java.util.Date;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import com.twitter.common.util.Clock;
* The start or end boundary of a tier's serving range.
* This is used to add since_id and max_id operators onto search queries.
public class TierServingBoundaryEndPoint {
public static final String INFERRED_FROM_DATA_RANGE = "inferred_from_data_range";
public static final String RELATIVE_TO_CURRENT_TIME_MS = "relative_to_current_time_ms";
// Either offsetToCurrentTimeMillis is set or (absoluteTweetId and timeBoundarySecondsFromEpoch)
// are set.
private final Long offsetToCurrentTimeMillis;
private final Long absoluteTweetId;
private final Long timeBoundarySecondsFromEpoch;
private final Clock clock;
TierServingBoundaryEndPoint(Long absoluteTweetId,
Long timeBoundarySecondsFromEpoch,
Long offsetToCurrentTimeMillis,
Clock clock) {
this.offsetToCurrentTimeMillis = offsetToCurrentTimeMillis;
this.absoluteTweetId = absoluteTweetId;
this.timeBoundarySecondsFromEpoch = timeBoundarySecondsFromEpoch;
this.clock = clock;
* Parse the boundary string and construct a TierServingBoundaryEndPoint instance.
* @param boundaryString boundary configuration string. Valid values are:
* <li>
* "inferred_from_data_range" infers serving range from data range. This only works after
* Nov 2010 when Twitter switched to snowflake IDs.
* This is the default value.
* </li>
* <li>
* "absolute_tweet_id_and_timestamp_millis:id:timestamp" a tweet ID/timestamp is given
* explicitly as the serving range
* boundary.
* </li>
* <li>
* "relative_to_current_time_ms:offset" adds offset onto current timestamp in millis to
* compute serving range.
* </li>
* @param boundaryDate the data boundary. This is used in conjunction with
* inferred_from_data_date to determine the serving boundary.
* @param clock Clock used to obtain current time, when relative_to_current_time_ms is used.
* Tests pass in a FakeClock.
public static TierServingBoundaryEndPoint newTierServingBoundaryEndPoint(String boundaryString,
Date boundaryDate,
Clock clock) {
if (boundaryString == null || boundaryString.trim().equals(
return inferBoundaryFromDataRange(boundaryDate, clock);
} else if (boundaryString.trim().startsWith(RELATIVE_TO_CURRENT_TIME_MS)) {
return getRelativeBoundary(boundaryString, clock);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot parse serving range string: " + boundaryString);
private static TierServingBoundaryEndPoint inferBoundaryFromDataRange(Date boundaryDate,
Clock clock) {
// infer from data range
// handle default start date and end date, in case the dates are not specified in the config
if (boundaryDate.equals(TierConfig.DEFAULT_TIER_START_DATE)) {
return new TierServingBoundaryEndPoint(
-1L, TierConfig.DEFAULT_TIER_START_DATE.getTime() / 1000, null, clock);
} else if (boundaryDate.equals(TierConfig.DEFAULT_TIER_END_DATE)) {
return new TierServingBoundaryEndPoint(
Long.MAX_VALUE, TierConfig.DEFAULT_TIER_END_DATE.getTime() / 1000, null, clock);
} else {
// convert data start / end dates into since / max ID.
long boundaryTimeMillis = boundaryDate.getTime();
if (!SnowflakeIdParser.isUsableSnowflakeTimestamp(boundaryTimeMillis)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Serving time range can not be determined, because "
+ boundaryDate + " is before Twitter switched to snowflake tweet IDs.");
// Earlybird since_id is inclusive and max_id is exclusive. We substract 1 here.
// Consider example:
// full0: 5000 (inclusive) - 6000 (exclusive)
// full1: 6000 (inclusive) - 7000 (exclusive)
// For tier full0, we should use max_id 5999 instead of 6000.
// For tier full1, we should use since_id 5999 instead of 6000.
// Hence we substract 1 here.
long adjustedTweetId =
SnowflakeIdParser.generateValidStatusId(boundaryTimeMillis, 0) - 1;
Preconditions.checkState(adjustedTweetId >= 0, "boundary tweet ID must be non-negative");
return new TierServingBoundaryEndPoint(
adjustedTweetId, boundaryTimeMillis / 1000, null, clock);
private static TierServingBoundaryEndPoint getRelativeBoundary(String boundaryString,
Clock clock) {
// An offset relative to current time is given
String[] parts = boundaryString.split(":");
Preconditions.checkState(parts.length == 2);
long offset = Long.parseLong(parts[1]);
return new TierServingBoundaryEndPoint(null, null, offset, clock);
* Returns the tweet ID for this tier boundary. If the tier boundary was created using a tweet ID,
* that tweet ID is returned. Otherwise, a tweet ID is derived from the time boundary.
public long getBoundaryTweetId() {
// If absoluteTweetId is available, use it.
if (absoluteTweetId != null) {
return absoluteTweetId;
} else {
long boundaryTime = clock.nowMillis() + offsetToCurrentTimeMillis;
return SnowflakeIdParser.generateValidStatusId(boundaryTime, 0);
* Returns the time boundary for this tier boundary, in seconds since epoch.
public long getBoundaryTimeSecondsFromEpoch() {
if (timeBoundarySecondsFromEpoch != null) {
return timeBoundarySecondsFromEpoch;
} else {
return (clock.nowMillis() + offsetToCurrentTimeMillis) / 1000;