twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
Please note we have force-pushed a new initial commit in order to remove some publicly-available Twitter user information. Note that this process may be required in the future.
2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

218 lines
6.7 KiB

#include "internal/thrift.h"
#include "internal/error.h"
#include <twml/HashedDataRecordReader.h>
#include <twml/utilities.h>
#include <twml/functions.h>
#include <cmath>
namespace twml {
bool HashedDataRecordReader::keepId(const int64_t &key, int64_t &code) {
auto it = m_keep_map->find(key);
if (it == m_keep_map->end()) return false;
code = it->second;
return true;
bool HashedDataRecordReader::isLabel(const int64_t &key, int64_t &code) {
if (m_labels_map == nullptr) return false;
auto it = m_labels_map->find(key);
if (it == m_labels_map->end()) return false;
code = it->second;
return true;
bool HashedDataRecordReader::isWeight(const int64_t &key, int64_t &code) {
if (m_weights_map == nullptr) return false;
auto it = m_weights_map->find(key);
if (it == m_weights_map->end()) return false;
code = it->second;
return true;
void HashedDataRecordReader::readBinary(
const int feature_type,
HashedDataRecord *record) {
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(feature_type, TTYPE_SET, "type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_I64, "key_type");
int32_t length = readInt32();
int64_t id, code;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
id = readInt64();
if (keepId(id, code)) {
record->addKey(id, id, code, DR_BINARY);
} else if (isLabel(id, code)) {
void HashedDataRecordReader::readContinuous(
const int feature_type,
HashedDataRecord *record) {
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(feature_type, TTYPE_MAP, "type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_I64, "key_type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_DOUBLE, "value_type");
int32_t length = readInt32();
int64_t id, code;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
id = readInt64();
if (keepId(id, code)) {
double value = readDouble();
if (!std::isnan(value)) {
record->addKey(id, id, code, DR_CONTINUOUS, value);
} else if (isLabel(id, code)) {
record->addLabel(code, readDouble());
} else if (isWeight(id, code)) {
record->addWeight(code, readDouble());
} else {
void HashedDataRecordReader::readDiscrete(
const int feature_type,
HashedDataRecord *record) {
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(feature_type, TTYPE_MAP, "type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_I64, "key_type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_I64, "value_type");
int32_t length = readInt32();
int64_t id, code;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
id = readInt64();
if (keepId(id, code)) {
int64_t transformed_key = mixDiscreteIdAndValue(id, readInt64());
record->addKey(id, transformed_key, code, DR_DISCRETE);
} else {
void HashedDataRecordReader::readString(
const int feature_type,
HashedDataRecord *record) {
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(feature_type, TTYPE_MAP, "type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_I64, "key_type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_STRING, "value_type");
int32_t length = readInt32();
int64_t id, code;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
id = readInt64();
if (keepId(id, code)) {
const uint8_t *begin = nullptr;
int32_t str_len = getRawBuffer<uint8_t>(&begin);
int64_t transformed_key = mixStringIdAndValue(id, str_len, begin);
record->addKey(id, transformed_key, code, DR_STRING);
} else {
int32_t str_len = readInt32();
void HashedDataRecordReader::readSparseBinary(
const int feature_type,
HashedDataRecord *record) {
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(feature_type, TTYPE_MAP, "type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_I64, "key_type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_SET, "value_type");
int32_t length = readInt32();
int64_t id, code;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
id = readInt64();
if (keepId(id, code)) {
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_STRING, "set:key_type");
int32_t set_length = readInt32();
for (int32_t j = 0; j < set_length; j++) {
const uint8_t *begin = nullptr;
int32_t str_len = getRawBuffer<uint8_t>(&begin);
int64_t transformed_key = mixStringIdAndValue(id, str_len, begin);
record->addKey(id, transformed_key, code, DR_SPARSE_BINARY);
} else {
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_STRING, "set:key_type");
int32_t set_length = readInt32();
for (int32_t j = 0; j < set_length; j++) {
int32_t str_len = readInt32();
void HashedDataRecordReader::readSparseContinuous(
const int feature_type,
HashedDataRecord *record) {
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(feature_type, TTYPE_MAP, "type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_I64, "key_type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_MAP, "value_type");
int32_t length = readInt32();
int64_t id, code;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
id = readInt64();
if (keepId(id, code)) {
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_STRING, "map::key_type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_DOUBLE, "map::value_type");
int32_t map_length = readInt32();
for (int32_t j = 0; j < map_length; j++) {
const uint8_t *begin = nullptr;
int32_t str_len = getRawBuffer<uint8_t>(&begin);
int64_t transformed_key = 0;
switch(m_decode_mode) {
case DecodeMode::hash_fname_and_valname:
transformed_key = mixStringIdAndValue(id, str_len, begin);
default: // m_decode_mode == DecodeMode::hash_valname == 0 is default
twml_get_feature_id(&transformed_key, str_len, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(begin));
double value = readDouble();
if (!std::isnan(value)) {
record->addKey(id, transformed_key, code, DR_SPARSE_CONTINUOUS, value);
} else {
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_STRING, "map::key_type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_DOUBLE, "map::value_type");
int32_t map_length = readInt32();
for (int32_t j = 0; j < map_length; j++) {
int32_t str_len = readInt32();
void HashedDataRecordReader::readBlob(
const int feature_type,
HashedDataRecord *record) {
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(feature_type, TTYPE_MAP, "type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_I64, "key_type");
CHECK_THRIFT_TYPE(readByte(), TTYPE_STRING, "value_type");
int32_t length = readInt32();
int64_t id;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// Skips the BlobFeatures if they are defined or not in the FeatureConfig
id = readInt64();
int32_t str_len = readInt32();
} // namespace twml