twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

145 lines
5.4 KiB

#include <atomic>
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/blocking_counter.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/threadpool.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace functor {
// `ConservativeShard` is adopted rather than `Shard` in tensorflow because the
// original `Shard` may generate number of shards more than the number of
// threads, which is not ideal for this case, as it may cause too much overhead.
static void ConservativeShard(int max_parallelism, thread::ThreadPool *workers,
int64 total, int64 cost_per_unit,
std::function<void(int64, int64)> work) {
if (total == 0) {
max_parallelism = std::min(max_parallelism, workers->NumThreads());
if (max_parallelism <= 1) {
// Just inline the whole work since we only have 1 thread (core).
work(0, total);
cost_per_unit = std::max(1LL, cost_per_unit);
// We shard [0, total) into "num_shards" shards.
// 1 <= num_shards <= num worker threads
// If total * cost_per_unit is small, it is not worth shard too
// much. Let us assume each cost unit is 1ns, kMinCostPerShard=10000
// is 10us.
static const int64 kMinCostPerShard = 10000;
const int num_shards =
std::max<int>(1, std::min(static_cast<int64>(max_parallelism),
total * cost_per_unit / kMinCostPerShard));
// Each shard contains up to "block_size" units. [0, total) is sharded
// into:
// [0, block_size), [block_size, 2*block_size), ...
// The 1st shard is done by the caller thread and the other shards
// are dispatched to the worker threads. The last shard may be smaller than
// block_size.
const int64 block_size = (total + num_shards - 1) / num_shards;
if (block_size >= total) {
work(0, total);
const int num_shards_used = (total + block_size - 1) / block_size;
BlockingCounter counter(num_shards_used - 1);
for (int64 start = block_size; start < total; start += block_size) {
auto limit = std::min(start + block_size, total);
workers->Schedule([&work, &counter, start, limit]() {
work(start, limit); // Compute the shard.
counter.DecrementCount(); // The shard is done.
// Inline execute the 1st shard.
work(0, std::min(block_size, total));
static inline void VectorSum(float *a, const float *b, int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
a[i] += b[i];
// This func is to vectorize the computation of segment sum.
template<typename Tindices>
static void LookupAndSegmentSum(const Tindices *a_indices, const float *b,
int nnz, int outer_right, float *output) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nnz; ++i) {
const Tindices m = a_indices[i * 2];
const Tindices k = a_indices[i * 2 + 1];
auto output_row_m = output + m * outer_right;
auto b_row_k = b + k * outer_right;
VectorSum(output_row_m, b_row_k, outer_right);
// This func enables sharding and multithreading, it comes with an overhead of
// duplicating output buffer to achieve lock free output. So there should not
// be too many threads.
template<typename Tindices>
static void ParallelLookupAndSegmentSum(OpKernelContext *ctx,
const Tindices *a_indices,
const float *b, int nnz, int outer_left,
int outer_right, float *output) {
auto worker_threads = *(ctx->device()->tensorflow_cpu_worker_threads());
int out_size = outer_left * outer_right;
if (worker_threads.num_threads <= 1) {
memset(output, 0, out_size * sizeof(float));
LookupAndSegmentSum<Tindices>(a_indices, b,
nnz, outer_right,
// this is to make buffer align with kAllocatorAlignment
int padded_out_size = (out_size + (Allocator::kAllocatorAlignment - 1)) &
~(Allocator::kAllocatorAlignment - 1);
std::size_t num_bytes =
(worker_threads.num_threads - 1) * padded_out_size * sizeof(float);
auto buffer = std::unique_ptr<float>(reinterpret_cast<float *>(
port::AlignedMalloc(num_bytes, Allocator::kAllocatorAlignment)));
float *temp_out = buffer.get();
std::atomic<int> thread_index(0);
auto task = [&](int64 start, int64 limit) {
int local_thread_index = thread_index++;
float *buf_ptr = nullptr;
if (local_thread_index == 0) {
buf_ptr = output;
} else {
buf_ptr = temp_out + (local_thread_index - 1) * padded_out_size;
memset(buf_ptr, 0, out_size * sizeof(float));
LookupAndSegmentSum<Tindices>(a_indices + start * 2, b,
limit - start, outer_right,
int cost_per_unit = outer_right;
// We don't use tensorflow shard func as tf may create more shards than
// number of threads.
ConservativeShard(worker_threads.num_threads, worker_threads.workers, nnz,
static_cast<int64>(cost_per_unit), task);
for (int i = 1; i < thread_index; ++i) {
VectorSum(output, temp_out + (i - 1) * padded_out_size, out_size);
} // namespace functor
} // namespace tensorflow