twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

135 lines
4.4 KiB

#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/shape_inference.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h"
#include <twml.h>
#include "tensorflow_utils.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
.Attr("T: {float, double} = DT_FLOAT")
.Input("mask_in: bool")
.Input("ids_in: int64")
.Input("keys_in: int64")
.Input("values_in: T")
.Input("codes_in: int64")
.Input("types_in: int8")
.Output("ids_out: int64")
.Output("keys_out: int64")
.Output("values_out: T")
.Output("codes_out: int64")
.Output("types_out: int8")
.SetShapeFn([](::tensorflow::shape_inference::InferenceContext* c) {
return Status::OK();
A tensorflow OP that extracts the desired indices of a Tensor based on a mask
mask_in: boolean Tensor that determines which are the indices to be kept (bool)
ids_in: input indices Tensor (int64)
keys_in: input keys Tensor (int64)
values_in: input values Tensor (float/double)
codes_in: input codes Tensor (int64)
types_in: input types Tensor(int8)
ids_out: output indices Tensor (int64)
keys_out: output keys Tensor (int64)
values_out: output values Tensor (float/double)
codes_out: output codes Tensor (int64)
types_out: output types Tensor(int8)
template <typename T>
class FeatureExtractor : public OpKernel {
explicit FeatureExtractor(OpKernelConstruction* context)
: OpKernel(context) {}
template <typename A, typename U>
bool allequal(const A &t, const U &u) {
return t == u;
template <typename A, typename U, typename... Others>
bool allequal(const A &t, const U &u, Others const &... args) {
return (t == u) && allequal(u, args...);
void Compute(OpKernelContext* context) override {
// Get input tensors
const Tensor& input_mask = context->input(0);
const Tensor& input_ids = context->input(1);
const Tensor& input_keys = context->input(2);
const Tensor& input_values = context->input(3);
const Tensor& input_codes = context->input(4);
const Tensor& input_types = context->input(5);
auto mask = input_mask.flat<bool>();
auto ids = input_ids.flat<int64>();
auto keys = input_keys.flat<int64>();
auto codes = input_codes.flat<int64>();
auto values = input_values.flat<T>();
auto types = input_types.flat<int8>();
// Verify that all Tensors have the same size.
OP_REQUIRES(context, allequal(mask.size(), ids.size(), keys.size(), codes.size(), values.size(), types.size()),
errors::InvalidArgument("all input vectors must be the same size."));
// Get the size of the output vectors by counting the numbers of trues.
int total_size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mask.size(); i++) {
if (mask(i))
total_size += 1;
// Shape is the number of Trues in the mask Eigen::Tensor
TensorShape shape_out = {total_size};
// Create the output tensors
Tensor* output_codes = nullptr;
Tensor* output_ids = nullptr;
Tensor* output_values = nullptr;
Tensor* output_types = nullptr;
Tensor* output_keys = nullptr;
OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->allocate_output(0, shape_out, &output_ids));
OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->allocate_output(1, shape_out, &output_keys));
OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->allocate_output(2, shape_out, &output_values));
OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->allocate_output(3, shape_out, &output_codes));
OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->allocate_output(4, shape_out, &output_types));
auto output_ids_ = output_ids->flat<int64>();
auto output_keys_ = output_keys->flat<int64>();
auto output_codes_ = output_codes->flat<int64>();
auto output_values_ = output_values->flat<T>();
auto output_types_ = output_types->flat<int8>();
// Iterate through the mask and set values to output Eigen::Tensors
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mask.size(); i++) {
if (mask(i)) {
output_ids_(j) = ids(i);
output_keys_(j) = keys(i);
output_values_(j) = values(i);
output_codes_(j) = codes(i);
output_types_(j) = types(i);
#define REGISTER(Type) \
Name("FeatureExtractor") \
.Device(DEVICE_CPU) \
.TypeConstraint<Type>("T"), \
FeatureExtractor<Type>); \