twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

197 lines
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Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
import "tensorflow/core/framework/model.proto";
option go_package = "";
// Represents the type of auto-sharding we enable.
enum AutoShardPolicy {
// AUTO: Attempts FILE-based sharding, falling back to DATA-based sharding.
AUTO = 0;
// FILE: Shards by input files (i.e. each worker will get a set of files to
// process). When this option is selected, make sure that there is at least as
// many files as workers. If there are fewer input files than workers, a
// runtime error will be raised.
FILE = 1;
// DATA: Shards by elements produced by the dataset. Each worker will process
// the whole dataset and discard the portion that is not for itself. Note that
// for this mode to correctly partitions the dataset elements, the dataset
// needs to produce elements in a deterministic order.
DATA = 2;
// HINT: Looks for the presence of `shard(SHARD_HINT, ...)` which is treated
// as a placeholder to replace with `shard(num_workers, worker_index)`.
HINT = 3;
// OFF: No sharding will be performed.
OFF = -1;
// next: 5
message AutotuneOptions {
// Whether to automatically tune performance knobs.
oneof optional_enabled {
bool enabled = 1;
// When autotuning is enabled (through autotune), determines the CPU budget to
// use. Values greater than the number of schedulable CPU cores are allowed
// but may result in CPU contention.
oneof optional_cpu_budget {
int32 cpu_budget = 2;
// When autotuning is enabled (through autotune), determines the RAM budget to
// use. Values greater than the available RAM in bytes may result in OOM. If
// 0, defaults to half of the available RAM in bytes.
oneof optional_ram_budget {
int64 ram_budget = 3;
// When autotuning is enabled (through autotune), determines the algorithm to
// use. If not explicitly set by user, autotuning will follow HILL_CLIMB
// algorithm but has more flexibility to tune parameters more aggressively,
// in which case the behavior is implementation specific and may change over
// time.
oneof optional_autotune_algorithm {
model.AutotuneAlgorithm autotune_algorithm = 4;
// next: 2
message CardinalityOptions {
enum ComputeLevel {
// Cardinality will only be computed if it can be determined in a cheap
// manner (ie. without reading from file sources). If the cardinality would
// be nontrivial to compute, Cardinality() will return UNKNOWN_CARDINALITY.
// Moderate effort will be made to determine cardinality, such as reading
// index data from source files. If significant work is needed to compute
// cardinality (e.g. reading entire source file contents or executing user
// defined functions), Cardinality() will return UNKNOWN_CARDINALITY.
ComputeLevel compute_level = 1;
// next: 3
message DistributeOptions {
AutoShardPolicy auto_shard_policy = 1;
// The number of devices attached to this input pipeline.
oneof optional_num_devices {
int32 num_devices = 2;
// next: 18
message OptimizationOptions {
// Whether to apply default graph optimizations. If False, only graph
// optimizations that have been explicitly enabled will be applied.
oneof optional_apply_default_optimizations {
bool apply_default_optimizations = 1;
reserved 2;
reserved 3;
reserved 4;
reserved 5;
// Whether to fuse filter transformations.
oneof optional_filter_fusion {
bool filter_fusion = 6;
// NOTE: field id 7 deleted in June 2021.
reserved 7;
// NOTE: field id 8 deleted in June 2021.
reserved 8;
// Whether to fuse map and batch transformations.
oneof optional_map_and_batch_fusion {
bool map_and_batch_fusion = 9;
// Whether to fuse map and filter transformations.
oneof optional_map_and_filter_fusion {
bool map_and_filter_fusion = 10;
// Whether to fuse map transformations.
oneof optional_map_fusion {
bool map_fusion = 11;
// Whether to parallelize stateless map transformations.
oneof optional_map_parallelization {
bool map_parallelization = 12;
// NOTE: field id 13 deleted in June 2021.
reserved 13;
// Whether to eliminate no-op transformations.
oneof optional_noop_elimination {
bool noop_elimination = 14;
// Whether to parallelize copying of batch elements. This optimization is
// highly experimental and can cause performance degradation (e.g. when the
// parallelization overhead exceeds the benefits of performing the data copies
// in parallel). You should only enable this optimization if a) your input
// pipeline is bottlenecked on batching and b) you have validated that this
// optimization improves performance.
oneof optional_parallel_batch {
bool parallel_batch = 15;
// Field id 16 was removed in 06/2021.
reserved 16;
// Whether to fuse shuffle and repeat transformations.
oneof optional_shuffle_and_repeat_fusion {
bool shuffle_and_repeat_fusion = 17;
// next: 3
message ThreadingOptions {
// If set, it overrides the maximum degree of intra-op parallelism.
oneof optional_max_intra_op_parallelism {
int32 max_intra_op_parallelism = 1;
// If set, the dataset will use a private threadpool of the given size.
oneof optional_private_threadpool_size {
int32 private_threadpool_size = 2;
// Represents how to handle external state during serialization.
enum ExternalStatePolicy {
// Message stored with Dataset objects to control how datasets are processed and
// optimized.
// next: 8
message Options {
// Whether the outputs need to be produced in deterministic order.
oneof optional_deterministic {
bool deterministic = 1;
// The distribution strategy options associated with the dataset.
AutotuneOptions autotune_options = 7;
// The distribution strategy options associated with the dataset.
DistributeOptions distribute_options = 2;
// The optimization options associated with the dataset.
OptimizationOptions optimization_options = 3;
// Whether to introduce 'slack' in the last `prefetch` of the input pipeline,
// if it exists. This may reduce CPU contention with accelerator host-side
// activity at the start of a step. The slack frequency is determined by the
// number of devices attached to this input pipeline.
oneof optional_slack {
bool slack = 4;
// The threading options associated with the dataset.
ThreadingOptions threading_options = 5;
// This option can be used to override the default policy for how to handle
// external state when serializing a dataset or checkpointing its iterator.
// There are three settings available - IGNORE: External state is ignored
// without a warning; WARN: External state is ignored and a warning is logged;
// FAIL: External state results in an error.
oneof optional_external_state_policy {
ExternalStatePolicy external_state_policy = 6;