twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
Please note we have force-pushed a new initial commit in order to remove some publicly-available Twitter user information. Note that this process may be required in the future.
2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

33 lines
1.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package tensorflow;
option go_package = "";
// Coordination service configuration parameters.
// The system picks appropriate values for fields that are not set.
message CoordinationServiceConfig {
// Type of coordination service implementation to enable.
// For example, setting the service type as "standalone" starts a service
// instance on the leader task to provide the coordination services such as
// heartbeats and consistent key-value store.
string service_type = 1;
// Address where the coordination service instance is hosted.
string service_leader = 2;
// Whether to enable the health check mechanism.
bool enable_health_check = 3;
// Maximum wait time for all members in the cluster to be registered.
int64 cluster_register_timeout_in_ms = 4;
// Heartbeat timeout, if a worker does not record heartbeat in this time
// window, it will be considered disconnected.
int64 heartbeat_timeout_in_ms = 5;
// The list of jobs that partipate in the coordination service. If empty, all
// jobs will be included in the coordination service by default.
repeated string coordinated_jobs = 6;