twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

83 lines
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Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
import "tensorflow/core/protobuf/data_service.proto";
option go_package = "";
// Configuration for a service DispatchServer.
// Next id: 10
message DispatcherConfig {
// The port for the dispatcher to bind to. A value of 0 indicates that the
// dispatcher may bind to any available port.
int64 port = 1;
// The protocol for the dispatcher to use when connecting to workers.
string protocol = 2;
// A work directory to use for storing dispatcher state, and for recovering
// during restarts. The empty string indicates not to use any work directory.
string work_dir = 3;
// Whether to run in fault tolerant mode, where dispatcher state is saved
// across restarts. Requires that `work_dir` is nonempty.
bool fault_tolerant_mode = 4;
// (Optional.) If the job uses auto-sharding, it needs to specify a fixed list
// of worker addresses that will register with the dispatcher. The worker
// addresses should be in the format "host" or "host:port", where "port" is an
// integer, named port, or %port% to match any port.
repeated string worker_addresses = 7;
// (Optional.) service deployment mode. Supported values are "REMOTE",
// "COLOCATED", and "HYBRID". If unspecified, it is assumed to be "REMOTE".
DeploymentMode deployment_mode = 9;
// How often the dispatcher should scan through to delete old and unused
// jobs. A value of 0 indicates that the decision should be left up to the
// runtime.
int64 job_gc_check_interval_ms = 5;
// How long a job needs to be unused before it becomes a candidate for garbage
// collection. A value of -1 indicates that jobs should never be garbage
// collected. A value of 0 indicates that the decision should be left up to
// the runtime.
int64 job_gc_timeout_ms = 6;
// How long to wait before garbage-collecting a client that hasn't
// heartbeated to the dispatcher. A value of 0 indicates that the timeout
// should be left to the runtime.
int64 client_timeout_ms = 8;
// Configuration for a service WorkerServer.
// Next id: 11
message WorkerConfig {
// The port for the worker to bind to. A value of 0 indicates that the
// worker may bind to any available port.
int64 port = 1;
// The protocol for the worker to use when connecting to the dispatcher.
string protocol = 2;
// The address of the dispatcher to register with.
string dispatcher_address = 3;
// The address of the worker server. The substring "%port%", if specified,
// will be replaced with the worker's bound port. This is useful when the port
// is set to `0`.
string worker_address = 4;
// Tags attached to the worker. This allows reading from selected workers.
// For example, by applying a "COLOCATED" tag, service is able to read
// from the local worker if one exists, then from off-TF-host workers,
// to avoid cross-TF-host reads.
repeated string worker_tags = 10;
// How often the worker should heartbeat to the master. A value of 0 indicates
// that the decision should be left up to the runtime.
int64 heartbeat_interval_ms = 5;
// How long to retry requests to the dispatcher before giving up and reporting
// an error. A value of 0 indicates that the decision should be left up to the
// runtime.
int64 dispatcher_timeout_ms = 6;
// The protocol for the worker to use when transferring data to clients.
string data_transfer_protocol = 7;
// The data transfer address of the worker server. The substring "%port%", if
// specified, will be replaced with the worker's bound port. This is useful
// when the port is set to `0`.
string data_transfer_address = 8;
// When shutting down a worker, how long to wait for the gRPC server to
// process the final requests. This is used to achieve clean shutdown in unit
// tests.
int64 shutdown_quiet_period_ms = 9;