twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

49 lines
1.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
import "tensorflow_serving/apis/input.proto";
import "tensorflow_serving/apis/model.proto";
package tensorflow.serving;
// A single class.
message Class {
// Label or name of the class.
string label = 1;
// Score for this class (e.g., the probability the item belongs to this
// class). As per the proto3 default-value semantics, if the score is missing,
// it should be treated as 0.
float score = 2;
// List of classes for a single item (tensorflow.Example).
message Classifications {
repeated Class classes = 1;
// Contains one result per input example, in the same order as the input in
// ClassificationRequest.
message ClassificationResult {
repeated Classifications classifications = 1;
// RPC Interfaces
message ClassificationRequest {
// Model Specification. If version is not specified, will use the latest
// (numerical) version.
ModelSpec model_spec = 1;
// Input data.
tensorflow.serving.Input input = 2;
message ClassificationResponse {
// Effective Model Specification used for classification.
ModelSpec model_spec = 2;
// Result of the classification.
ClassificationResult result = 1;