twitter-team 31e82d6474 improvements from external prs
-fix corner case where dr converter failed when initializing

Closes twitter/the-algorithm#550
2023-04-28 10:37:15 -05:00

86 lines
3.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package tensorflow.serving;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "tensorflow_serving/config/file_system_storage_path_source.proto";
import "tensorflow_serving/config/logging_config.proto";
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
// The type of model.
// TODO(b/31336131): DEPRECATED.
enum ModelType {
MODEL_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 [deprecated = true];
TENSORFLOW = 1 [deprecated = true];
OTHER = 2 [deprecated = true];
// Common configuration for loading a model being served.
message ModelConfig {
// Name of the model.
string name = 1;
// Base path to the model, excluding the version directory.
// E.g> for a model at /foo/bar/my_model/123, where 123 is the version, the
// base path is /foo/bar/my_model.
// (This can be changed once a model is in serving, *if* the underlying data
// remains the same. Otherwise there are no guarantees about whether the old
// or new data will be used for model versions currently loaded.)
string base_path = 2;
// Type of model.
// TODO(b/31336131): DEPRECATED. Please use 'model_platform' instead.
ModelType model_type = 3 [deprecated = true];
// Type of model (e.g. "tensorflow").
// (This cannot be changed once a model is in serving.)
string model_platform = 4;
reserved 5, 9;
// Version policy for the model indicating which version(s) of the model to
// load and make available for serving simultaneously.
// The default option is to serve only the latest version of the model.
// (This can be changed once a model is in serving.)
FileSystemStoragePathSourceConfig.ServableVersionPolicy model_version_policy =
// String labels to associate with versions of the model, allowing inference
// queries to refer to versions by label instead of number. Multiple labels
// can map to the same version, but not vice-versa.
// An envisioned use-case for these labels is canarying tentative versions.
// For example, one can assign labels "stable" and "canary" to two specific
// versions. Perhaps initially "stable" is assigned to version 0 and "canary"
// to version 1. Once version 1 passes canary, one can shift the "stable"
// label to refer to version 1 (at that point both labels map to the same
// version -- version 1 -- which is fine). Later once version 2 is ready to
// canary one can move the "canary" label to version 2. And so on.
map<string, int64> version_labels = 8;
// Configures logging requests and responses, to the model.
// (This can be changed once a model is in serving.)
LoggingConfig logging_config = 6;
// Static list of models to be loaded for serving.
message ModelConfigList {
repeated ModelConfig config = 1;
// ModelServer config.
message ModelServerConfig {
// ModelServer takes either a static file-based model config list or an Any
// proto representing custom model config that is fetched dynamically at
// runtime (through network RPC, custom service, etc.).
oneof config {
ModelConfigList model_config_list = 1;
google.protobuf.Any custom_model_config = 2;