twitter-team bb095608b7 [minor] Fix grammar + typo issues
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2023-04-04 16:13:24 -05:00

367 lines
17 KiB

namespace java
#@namespace scala
#@namespace strato
namespace py
struct ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams {
// values below this will set the score to the minimal one
1: optional double min = -1e+100
// values above this will set the score to the minimal one
2: optional double max = 1e+100
3: optional double weight = 0
struct ThriftAgeDecayRankingParams {
// the rate in which the score of older tweets decreases
1: optional double slope = 0.003
// the age, in minutes, where the age score of a tweet is half of the latest tweet
2: optional double halflife = 360.0
// the minimal age decay score a tweet will have
3: optional double base = 0.6
enum ThriftScoringFunctionType {
// deprecated
// The struct to define a class that is to be dynamically loaded in earlybird for
// experimentation.
struct ThriftExperimentClass {
// the fully qualified class name.
1: required string name
// data source location (class/jar file) for this dynamic class on HDFS
2: optional string location
// parameters in key-value pairs for this experimental class
3: optional map<string, double> params
// Deprecated!!
struct ThriftQueryEngagementParams {
// Rate Boosts: given a rate (usually a small fraction), the score will be multiplied by
// (1 + rate) ^ boost
// 0 mean no boost, negative numbers are dampens
1: optional double retweetRateBoost = 0
2: optional double replyRateBoost = 0
3: optional double faveRateBoost = 0
struct ThriftHostQualityParams {
// Multiplier applied to host score, for tweets that have links.
// A multiplier of 0 means that this boost is not applied
1: optional double multiplier = 0.0
// Do not apply the multiplier to hosts with score above this level.
// If 0, the multiplier will be applied to any host.
2: optional double maxScoreToModify = 0.0
// Do not apply the multiplier to hosts with score below this level.
// If 0, the multiplier will be applied to any host.
3: optional double minScoreToModify = 0.0
// If true, score modification will be applied to hosts that have unknown scores.
// The host-score used will be lower than the score of any known host.
4: optional bool applyToUnknownHosts = 0
struct ThriftCardRankingParams {
1: optional double hasCardBoost = 1.0
2: optional double domainMatchBoost = 1.0
3: optional double authorMatchBoost = 1.0
4: optional double titleMatchBoost = 1.0
5: optional double descriptionMatchBoost = 1.0
# The ids are assigned in 'blocks'. For adding a new field, find an unused id in the appropriate
# block. Be sure to mention explicitly which ids have been removed so that they are not used again.
struct ThriftRankingParams {
1: optional ThriftScoringFunctionType type
// Dynamically loaded scorer and collector for quick experimentation.
40: optional ThriftExperimentClass expScorer
41: optional ThriftExperimentClass expCollector
// we must set it to a value that fits into a float: otherwise
// some earlybird classes that convert it to float will interpret
// it as Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, and some comparisons will fail
2: optional double minScore = -1e+30
10: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams parusScoreParams
11: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams retweetCountParams
12: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams replyCountParams
15: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams reputationParams
16: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams luceneScoreParams
18: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams textScoreParams
19: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams urlParams
20: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams isReplyParams
21: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams directFollowRetweetCountParams
22: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams trustedCircleRetweetCountParams
23: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams favCountParams
24: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams multipleReplyCountParams
27: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams embedsImpressionCountParams
28: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams embedsUrlCountParams
29: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams videoViewCountParams
66: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams quotedCountParams
// A map from MutableFeatureType to linear ranking params
25: optional map<byte, ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams> offlineExperimentalFeatureRankingParams
// if min/max for score or ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams should always be
// applied or only to non-follows, non-self, non-verified
26: optional bool applyFiltersAlways = 0
// Whether to apply promotion/demotion at all for FeatureBasedScoringFunction
70: optional bool applyBoosts = 1
// UI language is english, tweet language is not
30: optional double langEnglishUIBoost = 0.3
// tweet language is english, UI language is not
31: optional double langEnglishTweetBoost = 0.7
// user language differs from tweet language, and neither is english
32: optional double langDefaultBoost = 0.1
// user that produced tweet is marked as spammer by metastore
33: optional double spamUserBoost = 1.0
// user that produced tweet is marked as nsfw by metastore
34: optional double nsfwUserBoost = 1.0
// user that produced tweet is marked as bot (self similarity) by metastore
35: optional double botUserBoost = 1.0
// An alternative way of using lucene score in the ranking function.
38: optional bool useLuceneScoreAsBoost = 0
39: optional double maxLuceneScoreBoost = 1.2
// Use user's consumed and produced languages for scoring
42: optional bool useUserLanguageInfo = 0
// Boost (demotion) if the tweet language is not one of user's understandable languages,
// nor interface language.
43: optional double unknownLanguageBoost = 0.01
// Use topic ids for scoring.
// Deprecated in SEARCH-8616.
44: optional bool deprecated_useTopicIDsBoost = 0
// Parameters for topic id scoring. See TopicIDsBoostScorer (and its test) for details.
46: optional double deprecated_maxTopicIDsBoost = 3.0
47: optional double deprecated_topicIDsBoostExponent = 2.0;
48: optional double deprecated_topicIDsBoostSlope = 2.0;
// Hit Attribute Demotion
60: optional bool enableHitDemotion = 0
61: optional double noTextHitDemotion = 1.0
62: optional double urlOnlyHitDemotion = 1.0
63: optional double nameOnlyHitDemotion = 1.0
64: optional double separateTextAndNameHitDemotion = 1.0
65: optional double separateTextAndUrlHitDemotion = 1.0
// multiplicative score boost for results deemed offensive
100: optional double offensiveBoost = 1
// multiplicative score boost for results in the searcher's social circle
101: optional double inTrustedCircleBoost = 1
// multiplicative score dampen for results with more than one hash tag
102: optional double multipleHashtagsOrTrendsBoost = 1
// multiplicative score boost for results in the searcher's direct follows
103: optional double inDirectFollowBoost = 1
// multiplicative score boost for results that has trends
104: optional double tweetHasTrendBoost = 1
// is tweet from verified account?
106: optional double tweetFromVerifiedAccountBoost = 1
// is tweet authored by the searcher? (boost is in addition to social boost)
107: optional double selfTweetBoost = 1
// multiplicative score boost for a tweet that has image url.
108: optional double tweetHasImageUrlBoost = 1
// multiplicative score boost for a tweet that has video url.
109: optional double tweetHasVideoUrlBoost = 1
// multiplicative score boost for a tweet that has news url.
110: optional double tweetHasNewsUrlBoost = 1
// is tweet from a blue-verified account?
111: optional double tweetFromBlueVerifiedAccountBoost = 1 (personalDataType = 'UserVerifiedFlag')
// subtractive penalty applied after boosts for out-of-network replies.
120: optional double outOfNetworkReplyPenalty = 10.0
150: optional ThriftQueryEngagementParams deprecatedQueryEngagementParams
160: optional ThriftHostQualityParams deprecatedHostQualityParams
// age decay params for regular tweets
203: optional ThriftAgeDecayRankingParams ageDecayParams
// for card ranking: map between card name ordinal (defined in
// to ranking params
400: optional map<byte, ThriftCardRankingParams> cardRankingParams
// A map from tweet IDs to the score adjustment for that tweet. These are score
// adjustments that include one or more features that can depend on the query
// string. These features aren't indexed by Earlybird, and so their total contribution
// to the scoring function is passed in directly as part of the request. If present,
// the score adjustment for a tweet is directly added to the linear component of the
// scoring function. Since this signal can be made up of multiple features, any
// reweighting or combination of these features is assumed to be done by the caller
// (hence there is no need for a weight parameter -- the weights of the features
// included in this signal have already been incorporated by the caller).
151: optional map<i64, double> querySpecificScoreAdjustments
// A map from user ID to the score adjustment for tweets from that author.
// This field provides a way for adjusting the tweets of a specific set of users with a score
// that is not present in the Earlybird features but has to be passed from the clients, such as
// real graph weights or a combination of multiple features.
// This field should be used mainly for experimentation since it increases the size of the thrift
// requests.
154: optional map<i64, double> authorSpecificScoreAdjustments
// -------- Parameters for ThriftScoringFunctionType.MODEL_BASED --------
// Selected models along with their weights for the linear combination
152: optional map<string, double> selectedModels
153: optional bool useLogitScore = false
// -------- Parameters for ThriftScoringFunctionType.TENSORFLOW_BASED --------
// Selected tensorflow model
303: optional string selectedTensorflowModel
// -------- Deprecated Fields --------
// ID 303 has been used in the past. Resume additional deprecated fields from 304
105: optional double deprecatedTweetHasTrendInTrendingQueryBoost = 1
200: optional double deprecatedAgeDecaySlope = 0.003
201: optional double deprecatedAgeDecayHalflife = 360.0
202: optional double deprecatedAgeDecayBase = 0.6
204: optional ThriftAgeDecayRankingParams deprecatedAgeDecayForTrendsParams
301: optional double deprecatedNameQueryConfidence = 0.0
302: optional double deprecatedHashtagQueryConfidence = 0.0
// Whether to use old-style engagement features (normalized by LogNormalizer)
// or new ones (normalized by SingleBytePositiveFloatNormalizer)
50: optional bool useGranularEngagementFeatures = 0 // DEPRECATED!
// This sorting mode is used by earlybird to retrieve the top-n facets that
// are returned to blender
enum ThriftFacetEarlybirdSortingMode {
// This is the final sort order used by blender after all results from
// the earlybirds are merged
enum ThriftFacetFinalSortOrder {
// using the created_at date of the first tweet that contained the facet
SCORE = 0,
struct ThriftFacetRankingOptions {
// next available field ID = 38
// ======================================================================
// These parameters primarily affect how earlybird creates the top-k
// candidate list to be re-ranked by blender
// ======================================================================
// Dynamically loaded scorer and collector for quick experimentation.
26: optional ThriftExperimentClass expScorer
27: optional ThriftExperimentClass expCollector
// It should be less than or equal to reputationParams.min, and all
// tweepcreds between the two get a score of 1.0.
21: optional i32 minTweepcredFilterThreshold
// the maximum score a single tweet can contribute to the weightedCount
22: optional i32 maxScorePerTweet
15: optional ThriftFacetEarlybirdSortingMode sortingMode
// The number of top candidates earlybird returns to blender
16: optional i32 numCandidatesFromEarlybird = 100
// when to early terminate for facet search, overrides the setting in ThriftSearchQuery
34: optional i32 maxHitsToProcess = 1000
// for anti-gaming we want to limit the maximum amount of hits the same user can
// contribute. Set to -1 to disable the anti-gaming filter. Overrides the setting in
// ThriftSearchQuery
35: optional i32 maxHitsPerUser = 3
// if the tweepcred of the user is bigger than this value it will not be excluded
// by the anti-gaming filter. Overrides the setting in ThriftSearchQuery
36: optional i32 maxTweepcredForAntiGaming = 65
// these settings affect how earlybird computes the weightedCount
2: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams parusScoreParams
3: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams reputationParams
17: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams favoritesParams
33: optional ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams repliesParams
37: optional map<byte, ThriftLinearFeatureRankingParams> rankingExpScoreParams
// penalty counter settings
6: optional i32 offensiveTweetPenalty // set to -1 to disable the offensive filter
7: optional i32 antigamingPenalty // set to -1 to disable antigaming filtering
// weight of penalty counts from all tweets containing a facet, not just the tweets
// matching the query
9: optional double queryIndependentPenaltyWeight // set to 0 to not use query independent penalty weights
// penalty for keyword stuffing
60: optional i32 multipleHashtagsOrTrendsPenalty
// Language related boosts, similar to those in relevance ranking options. By default they are
// all 1.0 (no-boost).
// When the user language is english, facet language is not
11: optional double langEnglishUIBoost = 1.0
// When the facet language is english, user language is not
12: optional double langEnglishFacetBoost = 1.0
// When the user language differs from facet/tweet language, and neither is english
13: optional double langDefaultBoost = 1.0
// ======================================================================
// Settings for the facet relevance scoring happening in blender
// ======================================================================
// This block of parameters are only used in the FacetsFutureManager.
// limits to discard facets
// if a facet has a higher penalty count, it will not be returned
5: optional i32 maxPenaltyCount
// if a facet has a lower simple count, it will not be returned
28: optional i32 minSimpleCount
// if a facet has a lower weighted count, it will not be returned
8: optional i32 minCount
// the maximum allowed value for offensiveCount/facetCount a facet can have in order to be returned
10: optional double maxPenaltyCountRatio
// if set to true, then facets with offensive display tweets are excluded from the resultset
29: optional bool excludePossiblySensitiveFacets
// if set to true, then only facets that have a display tweet in their ThriftFacetCountMetadata object
// will be returned to the caller
30: optional bool onlyReturnFacetsWithDisplayTweet
// parameters for scoring force-inserted media items
// Please check computeScoreForInserted() for their usage.
38: optional double forceInsertedBackgroundExp = 0.3
39: optional double forceInsertedMinBackgroundCount = 2
40: optional double forceInsertedMultiplier = 0.01
// -----------------------------------------------------
// weights for the facet ranking formula
18: optional double simpleCountWeight_DEPRECATED
19: optional double weightedCountWeight_DEPRECATED
20: optional double backgroundModelBoost_DEPRECATED
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Following parameters are used in the FacetsReRanker
// age decay params
14: optional ThriftAgeDecayRankingParams ageDecayParams
// used in the facets reranker
23: optional double maxNormBoost = 5.0
24: optional double globalCountExponent = 3.0
25: optional double simpleCountExponent = 3.0
31: optional ThriftFacetFinalSortOrder finalSortOrder
// Run facets search as if they happen at this specific time (ms since epoch).
32: optional i64 fakeCurrentTimeMs // not really used anywhere, remove?