twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

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package com.twitter.product_mixer.component_library.candidate_source.timeline_scorer
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.feature.Feature
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.feature.featuremap.FeatureMapBuilder
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.candidate_source.CandidateSourceWithExtractedFeatures
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.candidate_source.CandidatesWithSourceFeatures
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.common.identifier.CandidateSourceIdentifier
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.pipeline.PipelineQuery
import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch
import com.twitter.timelinescorer.common.scoredtweetcandidate.thriftscala.v1
import com.twitter.timelinescorer.common.scoredtweetcandidate.thriftscala.v1.Ancestor
import com.twitter.timelinescorer.common.scoredtweetcandidate.{thriftscala => ct}
import com.twitter.timelinescorer.{thriftscala => t}
import com.twitter.timelineservice.suggests.logging.candidate_tweet_source_id.thriftscala.CandidateTweetSourceId
import javax.inject.Inject
import javax.inject.Singleton
case class ScoredTweetCandidateWithFocalTweet(
candidate: v1.ScoredTweetCandidate,
focalTweetIdOpt: Option[Long])
case object TimelineScorerCandidateSourceSucceededFeature extends Feature[PipelineQuery, Boolean]
class TimelineScorerCandidateSource @Inject() (
timelineScorerClient: t.TimelineScorer.MethodPerEndpoint)
extends CandidateSourceWithExtractedFeatures[
] {
override val identifier: CandidateSourceIdentifier =
private val MaxConversationAncestors = 2
override def apply(
request: t.ScoredTweetsRequest
): Stitch[CandidatesWithSourceFeatures[ScoredTweetCandidateWithFocalTweet]] = {
.map { response =>
val scoredTweetsOpt = response match {
case t.ScoredTweetsResponse.V1(v1) => v1.scoredTweets
case t.ScoredTweetsResponse.UnknownUnionField(field) =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unknown response type: ${}")
val scoredTweets = scoredTweetsOpt.getOrElse(Seq.empty)
val allAncestors = scoredTweets.flatMap {
case ct.ScoredTweetCandidate.V1(v1) if isEligibleReply(v1) =>
case _ => Seq.empty
// Remove tweets within ancestor list of other tweets to avoid serving duplicates
val keptTweets = scoredTweets.collect {
case ct.ScoredTweetCandidate.V1(v1) if !allAncestors.contains(originalTweetId(v1)) => v1
// Add parent and root tweet for eligible reply focal tweets
val candidates = keptTweets
.flatMap {
case v1 if isEligibleReply(v1) =>
val ancestors = v1.ancestors.get
val focalTweetId = v1.tweetId
// Include root tweet if the conversation has atleast 2 ancestors
val optionallyIncludedRootTweet = if (ancestors.size >= MaxConversationAncestors) {
val rootTweet = toScoredTweetCandidateFromAncestor(
ancestor = ancestors.last,
inReplyToTweetId = None,
conversationId = v1.conversationId,
ancestors = None,
candidateTweetSourceId = v1.candidateTweetSourceId
Seq((rootTweet, Some(v1)))
} else Seq.empty
* Setting the in-reply-to tweet id on the immediate parent, if one exists,
* helps ensure tweet type metrics correctly distinguish roots from non-roots.
val inReplyToTweetId =
val parentAncestor = toScoredTweetCandidateFromAncestor(
ancestor = ancestors.head,
inReplyToTweetId = inReplyToTweetId,
conversationId = v1.conversationId,
ancestors = Some(ancestors.tail),
candidateTweetSourceId = v1.candidateTweetSourceId
optionallyIncludedRootTweet ++
Seq((parentAncestor, Some(v1)), (v1, Some(v1)))
case any => Seq((any, None)) // Set focalTweetId to None if not eligible for convo
* Dedup each tweet keeping the one with highest scored Focal Tweet
* Focal Tweet ID != the Conversation ID, which is set to the root of the conversation
* Focal Tweet ID will be defined for tweets with ancestors that should be
* in conversation modules and None for standalone tweets.
val sortedDedupedCandidates = candidates
.groupBy { case (v1, _) => v1.tweetId }
.mapValues { group =>
val (candidate, focalTweetOpt) = group.maxBy {
case (_, Some(focal)) => focal.score
case (_, None) => 0
ScoredTweetCandidateWithFocalTweet(candidate, => focal.tweetId))
candidates = sortedDedupedCandidates,
features = FeatureMapBuilder()
.add(TimelineScorerCandidateSourceSucceededFeature, true)
private def isEligibleReply(candidate: ct.ScoredTweetCandidateAliases.V1Alias): Boolean = {
candidate.inReplyToTweetId.nonEmpty &&
!candidate.isRetweet.getOrElse(false) &&
* If we have a retweet, get the source tweet id.
* If it is not a retweet, get the regular tweet id.
private def originalTweetId(candidate: ct.ScoredTweetCandidateAliases.V1Alias): Long = {
private def toScoredTweetCandidateFromAncestor(
ancestor: Ancestor,
inReplyToTweetId: Option[Long],
conversationId: Option[Long],
ancestors: Option[Seq[Ancestor]],
candidateTweetSourceId: Option[CandidateTweetSourceId]
): ct.ScoredTweetCandidateAliases.V1Alias = {
tweetId = ancestor.tweetId,
authorId = ancestor.userId.getOrElse(0L),
score = 0.0,
isAncestorCandidate = Some(true),
inReplyToTweetId = inReplyToTweetId,
conversationId = conversationId,
ancestors = ancestors,
candidateTweetSourceId = candidateTweetSourceId