twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
Please note we have force-pushed a new initial commit in order to remove some publicly-available Twitter user information. Note that this process may be required in the future.
2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

105 lines
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namespace java com.twitter.cr_mixer.thriftjava
#@namespace scala com.twitter.cr_mixer.thriftscala
#@namespace strato com.twitter.cr_mixer
include "ads.thrift"
include "candidate_generation_key.thrift"
include "product.thrift"
include "product_context.thrift"
include "validation.thrift"
include "metric_tags.thrift"
include "related_tweet.thrift"
include "uteg.thrift"
include "frs_based_tweet.thrift"
include "related_video_tweet.thrift"
include "topic_tweet.thrift"
include "com/twitter/product_mixer/core/client_context.thrift"
include "com/twitter/timelines/render/response.thrift"
include "finatra-thrift/finatra_thrift_exceptions.thrift"
include "com/twitter/strato/graphql/slice.thrift"
struct CrMixerTweetRequest {
1: required client_context.ClientContext clientContext
2: required product.Product product
# Product-specific parameters should be placed in the Product Context
3: optional product_context.ProductContext productContext
4: optional list<i64> excludedTweetIds (personalDataType = 'TweetId')
} (persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
struct TweetRecommendation {
1: required i64 tweetId (personalDataType = 'TweetId')
2: required double score
3: optional list<metric_tags.MetricTag> metricTags
# 4: the author of the tweet candidate. To be used by Content-Mixer to unblock the Hydra experiment.
4: optional i64 authorId (personalDataType = 'UserId')
# 5: extra info about candidate generation. To be used by Content-Mixer to unblock the Hydra experiment.
5: optional candidate_generation_key.CandidateGenerationKey candidateGenerationKey
# 1001: the latest timestamp of fav signals. If null, the candidate is not generated from fav signals
1001: optional i64 latestSourceSignalTimestampInMillis(personalDataType = 'PublicTimestamp')
} (persisted='true', hasPersonalData = 'true')
struct CrMixerTweetResponse {
1: required list<TweetRecommendation> tweets
} (persisted='true')
service CrMixer {
CrMixerTweetResponse getTweetRecommendations(1: CrMixerTweetRequest request) throws (
# Validation errors - the details of which will be reported to clients on failure
1: validation.ValidationExceptionList validationErrors;
# Server errors - the details of which will not be reported to clients
2: finatra_thrift_exceptions.ServerError serverError
# getRelatedTweetsForQueryTweet and getRelatedTweetsForQueryAuthor do very similar things
# We can merge these two endpoints into one unified endpoint
related_tweet.RelatedTweetResponse getRelatedTweetsForQueryTweet(1: related_tweet.RelatedTweetRequest request) throws (
# Validation errors - the details of which will be reported to clients on failure
1: validation.ValidationExceptionList validationErrors;
# Server errors - the details of which will not be reported to clients
2: finatra_thrift_exceptions.ServerError serverError
related_tweet.RelatedTweetResponse getRelatedTweetsForQueryAuthor(1: related_tweet.RelatedTweetRequest request) throws (
# Validation errors - the details of which will be reported to clients on failure
1: validation.ValidationExceptionList validationErrors;
# Server errors - the details of which will not be reported to clients
2: finatra_thrift_exceptions.ServerError serverError
uteg.UtegTweetResponse getUtegTweetRecommendations(1: uteg.UtegTweetRequest request) throws (
# Validation errors - the details of which will be reported to clients on failure
1: validation.ValidationExceptionList validationErrors;
# Server errors - the details of which will not be reported to clients
2: finatra_thrift_exceptions.ServerError serverError
frs_based_tweet.FrsTweetResponse getFrsBasedTweetRecommendations(1: frs_based_tweet.FrsTweetRequest request) throws (
# Validation errors - the details of which will be reported to clients on failure
1: validation.ValidationExceptionList validationErrors;
# Server errors - the details of which will not be reported to clients
2: finatra_thrift_exceptions.ServerError serverError
related_video_tweet.RelatedVideoTweetResponse getRelatedVideoTweetsForQueryTweet(1: related_video_tweet.RelatedVideoTweetRequest request) throws (
# Validation errors - the details of which will be reported to clients on failure
1: validation.ValidationExceptionList validationErrors;
# Server errors - the details of which will not be reported to clients
2: finatra_thrift_exceptions.ServerError serverError
ads.AdsResponse getAdsRecommendations(1: ads.AdsRequest request) throws (
# Validation errors - the details of which will be reported to clients on failure
1: validation.ValidationExceptionList validationErrors;
# Server errors - the details of which will not be reported to clients
2: finatra_thrift_exceptions.ServerError serverError
topic_tweet.TopicTweetResponse getTopicTweetRecommendations(1: topic_tweet.TopicTweetRequest request) throws (
# Validation errors - the details of which will be reported to clients on failure
1: validation.ValidationExceptionList validationErrors;
# Server errors - the details of which will not be reported to clients
2: finatra_thrift_exceptions.ServerError serverError