twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
Please note we have force-pushed a new initial commit in order to remove some publicly-available Twitter user information. Note that this process may be required in the future.
2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

124 lines
4.0 KiB

namespace java com.twitter.cr_mixer.thriftjava
#@namespace scala com.twitter.cr_mixer.thriftscala
#@namespace strato com.twitter.cr_mixer
// Due to legacy reason, SourceType used to represent both SourceSignalType and SimilarityEngineType
// Hence, you can see several SourceType such as UserInterestedIn, HashSpace, etc.
// Moving forward, SourceType will be used for SourceSignalType ONLY. eg., TweetFavorite, UserFollow
// We will create a new SimilarityEngineType to separate them. eg., SimClustersANN
enum SourceType {
// Tweet based Source Signal
TweetFavorite = 0
Retweet = 1
TrafficAttribution = 2 // Traffic Attribution will be migrated over in Q3
OriginalTweet = 3
Reply = 4
TweetShare = 5
GoodTweetClick = 6 // total dwell time > N seconds after click on the tweet
VideoTweetQualityView = 7
VideoTweetPlayback50 = 8
// UserId based Source Signal (includes both Producer/Consumer)
UserFollow = 101
UserRepeatedProfileVisit = 102
CurrentUser_DEPRECATED = 103
RealGraphOon = 104
FollowRecommendation = 105
TwiceUserId = 106
UserTrafficAttributionProfileVisit = 107
GoodProfileClick = 108 // total dwell time > N seconds after click into the profile page
// (Notification) Tweet based Source Signal
NotificationClick = 201
// (Home) Tweet based Source Signal
HomeTweetClick = 301
HomeVideoView = 302
HomeSongbirdShowMore = 303
// Topic based Source Signal
TopicFollow = 401 // Deprecated
PopularTopic = 402 // Deprecated
// Old CR code
UserInterestedIn = 501 // Deprecated
TwiceInterestedIn = 502 // Deprecated
MBCG = 503 // Deprecated
HashSpace = 504 // Deprecated
// Old CR code
Cluster = 601 // Deprecated
// Search based Source Signal
SearchProfileClick = 701 // Deprecated
SearchTweetClick = 702 // Deprecated
// Graph based Source
StrongTiePrediction = 801 // STP
TwiceClustersMembers = 802
Lookalike = 803 // Deprecated
RealGraphIn = 804
// Current requester User Id. It is only used for scribing. Placeholder value
RequestUserId = 1001
// Current request Tweet Id used in RelatedTweet. Placeholder value
RequestTweetId = 1002
// Negative Signals
TweetReport = 1101
TweetDontLike = 1102
TweetSeeFewer = 1103
AccountBlock = 1104
AccountMute = 1105
// Aggregated Signals
TweetAggregation = 1201
ProducerAggregation = 1202
} (persisted='true', hasPersonalData='true')
enum SimilarityEngineType {
SimClustersANN = 1
TweetBasedUserTweetGraph = 2
TweetBasedTwHINANN = 3
Follow2VecANN = 4 // ConsumerEmbeddingBasedFollow2Vec
QIG = 5
OfflineSimClustersANN = 6
ProducerBasedUserTweetGraph = 8
ConsumerEmbeddingBasedTwHINANN = 11
TwhinCollabFilter = 12
ConsumerEmbeddingBasedTwoTowerANN = 14
TweetBasedBeTANN = 15
UTEG = 17
ROMR = 18
ConsumersBasedUserTweetGraph = 19
TweetBasedUserVideoGraph = 20
CertoTopicTweet = 24
ConsumersBasedUserAdGraph = 25
TweetBasedUserAdGraph = 26
SkitTfgTopicTweet = 27
ConsumerBasedWalsANN = 28
ProducerBasedUserAdGraph = 29
SkitHighPrecisionTopicTweet = 30
SkitInterestBrowserTopicTweet = 31
SkitProducerBasedTopicTweet = 32
ExploreTripOfflineSimClustersTweets = 33
DiffusionBasedTweet = 34
ConsumersBasedUserVideoGraph = 35
// In network
EarlybirdRecencyBasedSimilarityEngine = 21
EarlybirdModelBasedSimilarityEngine = 22
EarlybirdTensorflowBasedSimilarityEngine = 23
// Composite
TweetBasedUnifiedSimilarityEngine = 1001
ProducerBasedUnifiedSimilarityEngine = 1002
} (persisted='true')