twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

59 lines
1.4 KiB

* Encodes multiple values (bytes or bits) into an integer.
public class EncodedFeatures {
private int value;
public final void setSerializedValue(int val) {
this.value = val;
public final int getSerializedValue() {
return value;
// setByte is agnostic to signed / unsigned bytes.
protected final EncodedFeatures setByte(byte count, int bitshift, long inverseMask) {
value = (int) ((value & inverseMask) | ((count & 0xffL) << bitshift));
return this;
* Sets the value but only if greater. setByteIfGreater assumes unsigned bytes.
public final EncodedFeatures setByteIfGreater(byte newCount, int bitshift, long inversemask) {
if ((getByte(bitshift) & 0xff) < (newCount & 0xff)) {
setByte(newCount, bitshift, inversemask);
return this;
protected final int getByte(int bitshift) {
return (int) (((value & 0xffffffffL) >>> bitshift) & 0xffL);
protected final int getByteMasked(int bitshift, long mask) {
return (int) (((value & mask) >>> bitshift) & 0xffL);
protected final EncodedFeatures setBit(int bit, boolean flag) {
if (flag) {
value |= bit;
} else {
value &= ~bit;
return this;
protected final boolean getBit(int bit) {
return (value & bit) != 0;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%x", value);