twitter-team 197bf2c563 Open-sourcing Timelines Aggregation Framework
Open sourcing Aggregation Framework, a config-driven Summingbird based framework for generating real-time and batch aggregate features to be consumed by ML models.
2023-04-28 14:17:02 -05:00

125 lines
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package com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.metrics.AggregationMetric
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.metrics.EasyMetric
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.metrics.MaxMetric
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.transforms.OneToSomeTransform
import com.twitter.util.Duration
import java.lang.{Boolean => JBoolean}
import java.lang.{Long => JLong}
import scala.language.existentials
* A wrapper for [[com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.TypedAggregateGroup]]
* (see TypedAggregateGroup.scala) with some convenient syntactic sugar that avoids
* the user having to specify different groups for different types of features.
* Gets translated into multiple strongly typed TypedAggregateGroup(s)
* by the buildTypedAggregateGroups() method defined below.
* @param inputSource Source to compute this aggregate over
* @param preTransforms Sequence of [[ITransform]] that is applied to
* data records pre-aggregation (e.g. discretization, renaming)
* @param samplingTransformOpt Optional [[OneToSomeTransform]] that samples data record
* @param aggregatePrefix Prefix to use for naming resultant aggregate features
* @param keys Features to group by when computing the aggregates
* (e.g. USER_ID, AUTHOR_ID). These must be either discrete, string or sparse binary.
* Grouping by a sparse binary feature is different than grouping by a discrete or string
* feature. For example, if you have a sparse binary feature WORDS_IN_TWEET which is
* a set of all words in a tweet, then grouping by this feature generates a
* separate aggregate mean/count/etc for each value of the feature (each word), and
* not just a single aggregate count for different "sets of words"
* @param features Features to aggregate (e.g. blender_score or is_photo).
* @param labels Labels to cross the features with to make pair features, if any.
* @param metrics Aggregation metrics to compute (e.g. count, mean)
* @param halfLives Half lives to use for the aggregations, to be crossed with the above.
* use Duration.Top for "forever" aggregations over an infinite time window (no decay).
* @param outputStore Store to output this aggregate to
* @param includeAnyFeature Aggregate label counts for any feature value
* @param includeAnyLabel Aggregate feature counts for any label value (e.g. all impressions)
* @param includeTimestampFeature compute max aggregate on timestamp feature
* @param aggExclusionRegex Sequence of Regexes, which define features to
case class AggregateGroup(
inputSource: AggregateSource,
aggregatePrefix: String,
keys: Set[Feature[_]],
features: Set[Feature[_]],
labels: Set[_ <: Feature[JBoolean]],
metrics: Set[EasyMetric],
halfLives: Set[Duration],
outputStore: AggregateStore,
preTransforms: Seq[OneToSomeTransform] = Seq.empty,
includeAnyFeature: Boolean = true,
includeAnyLabel: Boolean = true,
includeTimestampFeature: Boolean = false,
aggExclusionRegex: Seq[String] = Seq.empty) {
private def toStrongType[T](
metrics: Set[EasyMetric],
features: Set[Feature[_]],
featureType: FeatureType
): TypedAggregateGroup[_] = {
val underlyingMetrics: Set[AggregationMetric[T, _]] =
val underlyingFeatures: Set[Feature[T]] = features
inputSource = inputSource,
aggregatePrefix = aggregatePrefix,
keysToAggregate = keys,
featuresToAggregate = underlyingFeatures,
labels = labels,
metrics = underlyingMetrics,
halfLives = halfLives,
outputStore = outputStore,
preTransforms = preTransforms,
private def timestampTypedAggregateGroup: TypedAggregateGroup[_] = {
val metrics: Set[AggregationMetric[JLong, _]] =
inputSource = inputSource,
aggregatePrefix = aggregatePrefix,
keysToAggregate = keys,
featuresToAggregate = Set(TypedAggregateGroup.timestampFeature),
labels = Set.empty,
metrics = metrics,
halfLives = Set(Duration.Top),
outputStore = outputStore,
preTransforms = preTransforms,
includeAnyFeature = false,
includeAnyLabel = true,
aggExclusionRegex = Seq.empty
def buildTypedAggregateGroups(): List[TypedAggregateGroup[_]] = {
val typedAggregateGroupsList = {
if (features.isEmpty) {
List(toStrongType(metrics, features, FeatureType.BINARY))
} else {
.map {
case (featureType, features) =>
toStrongType(metrics, features, featureType)
val optionalTimestampTypedAggregateGroup =
if (includeTimestampFeature) List(timestampTypedAggregateGroup) else List()
typedAggregateGroupsList ++ optionalTimestampTypedAggregateGroup