twitter-team 197bf2c563 Open-sourcing Timelines Aggregation Framework
Open sourcing Aggregation Framework, a config-driven Summingbird based framework for generating real-time and batch aggregate features to be consumed by ML models.
2023-04-28 14:17:02 -05:00

164 lines
6.4 KiB

package com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.job
import com.twitter.algebird.Semigroup
import com.twitter.summingbird.Platform
import com.twitter.summingbird.Producer
import com.twitter.summingbird.TailProducer
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.AggregateSource
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.AggregateStore
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.AggregationKey
import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.TypedAggregateGroup
object AggregatesV2Job {
private lazy val merger = new DataRecordMerger
* Merges all "incremental" records with the same aggregation key
* into a single record.
* @param recordsPerKey A set of (AggregationKey, DataRecord) tuples
* known to share the same AggregationKey
* @return A single merged datarecord
def mergeRecords(recordsPerKey: Set[(AggregationKey, DataRecord)]): DataRecord =
recordsPerKey.foldLeft(new DataRecord) {
case (merged: DataRecord, (key: AggregationKey, elem: DataRecord)) => {
merger.merge(merged, elem)
* Given a set of aggregates to compute and a datarecord, extract key-value
* pairs to output to the summingbird store.
* @param dataRecord input data record
* @param aggregates set of aggregates to compute
* @param featureCounters counters to apply to each input data record
* @return computed aggregates
def computeAggregates(
dataRecord: DataRecord,
aggregates: Set[TypedAggregateGroup[_]],
featureCounters: Seq[DataRecordFeatureCounter]
): Map[AggregationKey, DataRecord] = {
val computedAggregates = aggregates
.groupBy { case (aggregationKey: AggregationKey, _) => aggregationKey }
featureCounters.foreach(counter => => DataRecordFeatureCounter(counter, agg._2)))
* Util method to apply a filter on containment in an optional set.
* @param setOptional Optional set of items to check containment in.
* @param toCheck Item to check if contained in set.
* @return If the optional set is None, returns true.
def setFilter[T](setOptional: Option[Set[T]], toCheck: T): Boolean =
* Util for filtering a collection of `TypedAggregateGroup`
* @param aggregates a set of aggregates
* @param sourceNames Optional filter on which AggregateGroups to process
* based on the name of the input source.
* @param storeNames Optional filter on which AggregateGroups to process
* based on the name of the output store.
* @return filtered aggregates
def filterAggregates(
aggregates: Set[TypedAggregateGroup[_]],
sourceNames: Option[Set[String]],
storeNames: Option[Set[String]]
): Set[TypedAggregateGroup[_]] =
.filter { aggregateGroup =>
val sourceName =
val storeName =
val containsSource = setFilter(sourceNames, sourceName)
val containsStore = setFilter(storeNames, storeName)
containsSource && containsStore
* The core summingbird job code.
* For each aggregate in the set passed in, the job
* processes all datarecords in the input producer
* stream to generate "incremental" contributions to
* these aggregates, and emits them grouped by
* aggregation key so that summingbird can aggregate them.
* It is important that after applying the sourceNameFilter and storeNameFilter,
* all the result AggregateGroups share the same startDate, otherwise the job
* will fail or give invalid results.
* @param aggregateSet A set of aggregates to compute. All aggregates
* in this set that pass the sourceNameFilter and storeNameFilter
* defined below, if any, will be computed.
* @param aggregateSourceToSummingbird Function that maps from our logical
* AggregateSource abstraction to the underlying physical summingbird
* producer of data records to aggregate (e.g. scalding/eventbus source)
* @param aggregateStoreToSummingbird Function that maps from our logical
* AggregateStore abstraction to the underlying physical summingbird
* store to write output aggregate records to (e.g. mahattan for scalding,
* or memcache for heron)
* @param featureCounters counters to use with each input DataRecord
* @return summingbird tail producer
def generateJobGraph[P <: Platform[P]](
aggregateSet: Set[TypedAggregateGroup[_]],
aggregateSourceToSummingbird: AggregateSource => Option[Producer[P, DataRecord]],
aggregateStoreToSummingbird: AggregateStore => Option[P#Store[AggregationKey, DataRecord]],
featureCounters: Seq[DataRecordFeatureCounter] = Seq.empty
implicit semigroup: Semigroup[DataRecord]
): TailProducer[P, Any] = {
val tailProducerList: List[TailProducer[P, Any]] = aggregateSet
.groupBy { aggregate => (aggregate.inputSource, aggregate.outputStore) }
.flatMap {
case (
(inputSource: AggregateSource, outputStore: AggregateStore),
) => {
val producerOpt = aggregateSourceToSummingbird(inputSource)
val storeOpt = aggregateStoreToSummingbird(outputStore)
(producerOpt, storeOpt) match {
case (Some(producer), Some(store)) =>
.flatMap(computeAggregates(_, aggregatesInThisStore, featureCounters))
case _ => None
tailProducerList.reduceLeft { (left, right) => left.also(right) }
def aggregateNames(aggregateSet: Set[TypedAggregateGroup[_]]) = {
.map(typedGroup =>