twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

55 lines
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package com.twitter.tweetypie
package hydrator
import com.twitter.tweetypie.core._
import com.twitter.tweetypie.repository._
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.FieldByPath
* Hydrates the `conversationMuted` field of Tweet. `conversationMuted`
* will be true if the conversation that this tweet is part of has been
* muted by the user. This field is perspectival, so the result of this
* hydrator should never be cached.
object ConversationMutedHydrator {
type Type = ValueHydrator[Option[Boolean], Ctx]
case class Ctx(conversationId: Option[TweetId], underlyingTweetCtx: TweetCtx)
extends TweetCtx.Proxy
val hydratedField: FieldByPath = fieldByPath(Tweet.ConversationMutedField)
private[this] val partialResult = ValueState.partial(None, hydratedField)
private[this] val modifiedTrue = ValueState.modified(Some(true))
private[this] val modifiedFalse = ValueState.modified(Some(false))
def apply(repo: ConversationMutedRepository.Type): Type = {
ValueHydrator[Option[Boolean], Ctx] { (_, ctx) =>
(ctx.opts.forUserId, ctx.conversationId) match {
case (Some(userId), Some(convoId)) =>
repo(userId, convoId).liftToTry
.map {
case Return(true) => modifiedTrue
case Return(false) => modifiedFalse
case Throw(_) => partialResult
case _ =>
}.onlyIf { (curr, ctx) =>
// It is unlikely that this field will already be set, but if, for
// some reason, this hydrator is run on a tweet that already has
// this value set, we will skip the work to check again.
curr.isEmpty &&
// We only hydrate this field if it is explicitly requested. At
// the time of this writing, this field is only used for
// displaying UI for toggling the muted state of the relevant
// conversation.
ctx.tweetFieldRequested(Tweet.ConversationMutedField) &&
// Retweets are not part of a conversation, so should not be muted.