twitter-team f1b5c32734 Open-sourcing User Signal Service
User Signal Service (USS) is a centralized online platform that supplies comprehensive data on user actions and behaviors on Twitter. This service stores information on both explicit signals, such as Favorites, Retweets, and replies, and implicit signals like Tweet clicks, profile visits, and more.
2023-04-14 16:45:37 -05:00

23 lines
692 B

namespace java com.twitter.usersignalservice.thriftjava
namespace py gen.twitter.usersignalservice.service
#@namespace scala com.twitter.usersignalservice.thriftscala
#@namespace strato com.twitter.usersignalservice.strato
# ClientIdentifier should be defined as ServiceId_Product
enum ClientIdentifier {
# reserve 1-10 for CrMixer
CrMixer_Home = 1
CrMixer_Notifications = 2
CrMixer_Email = 3
# reserve 11-20 for RSX
RepresentationScorer_Home = 11
RepresentationScorer_Notifications = 12
# reserve 21-30 for Explore
ExploreRanker = 21
# We will throw an exception after we make sure all clients are sending the
# ClientIdentifier in their request.
Unknown = 9999