twitter-team f1b5c32734 Open-sourcing User Signal Service
User Signal Service (USS) is a centralized online platform that supplies comprehensive data on user actions and behaviors on Twitter. This service stores information on both explicit signals, such as Favorites, Retweets, and replies, and implicit signals like Tweet clicks, profile visits, and more.
2023-04-14 16:45:37 -05:00

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namespace java com.twitter.usersignalservice.thriftjava
namespace py gen.twitter.usersignalservice.signal
#@namespace scala com.twitter.usersignalservice.thriftscala
#@namespace strato com.twitter.usersignalservice.strato
include "com/twitter/simclusters_v2/identifier.thrift"
enum SignalType {
Please maintain the key space rule to avoid compatibility issue for the downstream production job
* Prod Key space: 0-1000
* Devel Key space: 1000+
/* tweet based signals */
TweetFavorite = 0, // 540 Days Looback window
Retweet = 1, // 540 Days Lookback window
TrafficAttribution = 2,
OriginalTweet = 3, // 540 Days Looback window
Reply = 4, // 540 Days Looback window
/* Tweets that the user shared (sharer side)
* V1: successful shares (click share icon -> click in-app, or off-platform share option
* or copying link)
* */
TweetShare_V1 = 5, // 14 Days Lookback window
TweetFavorite_90D_V2 = 6, // 90 Days Lookback window : tweet fav from user with recent engagement in the past 90 days
Retweet_90D_V2 = 7, // 90 Days Lookback window : retweet from user with recent engagement in the past 90 days
OriginalTweet_90D_V2 = 8, // 90 Days Lookback window : original tweet from user with recent engagement in the past 90 days
Reply_90D_V2 = 9,// 90 Days Lookback window : reply from user with recent engagement in the past 90 days
GoodTweetClick = 10,// GoodTweetCilick Signal : Dwell Time Threshold >=2s
// video tweets that were watched (10s OR 95%) in the past 90 days, are not ads, and have >=10s video
VideoView_90D_Quality_V1 = 11 // 90 Days Lookback window
// video tweets that were watched 50% in the past 90 days, are not ads, and have >=10s video
VideoView_90D_Playback50_V1 = 12 // 90 Days Lookback window
/* user based signals */
AccountFollow = 100, // infinite lookback window
RepeatedProfileVisit_14D_MinVisit2_V1 = 101,
RepeatedProfileVisit_90D_MinVisit6_V1 = 102,
RepeatedProfileVisit_180D_MinVisit6_V1 = 109,
RepeatedProfileVisit_14D_MinVisit2_V1_No_Negative = 110,
RepeatedProfileVisit_90D_MinVisit6_V1_No_Negative = 111,
RepeatedProfileVisit_180D_MinVisit6_V1_No_Negative = 112,
RealGraphOon = 104,
TrafficAttributionProfile_30D_LastVisit = 105,
TrafficAttributionProfile_30D_DecayedVisit = 106,
TrafficAttributionProfile_30D_WeightedEventDecayedVisit = 107,
TrafficAttributionProfile_30D_DecayedVisit_WithoutAgathaFilter = 108,
GoodProfileClick = 120, // GoodTweetCilick Signal : Dwell Time Threshold >=10s
AdFavorite = 121, // Favorites filtered to ads TweetFavorite has both organic and ads Favs
// AccountFollowWithDelay should only be used by high-traffic clients and has 1 min delay
AccountFollowWithDelay = 122,
/* notifications based signals */
/* V1: notification clicks from past 90 days with negative events (reports, dislikes) being filtered */
NotificationOpenAndClick_V1 = 200,
negative signals for filter
NegativeEngagedTweetId = 901 // tweetId for all negative engagements
NegativeEngagedUserId = 902 // userId for all negative engagements
AccountBlock = 903,
AccountMute = 904,
// skip 905 - 906 for Account report abuse / report spam
// User clicked dont like from past 90 Days
TweetDontLike = 907
// User clicked see fewer on the recommended tweet from past 90 Days
TweetSeeFewer = 908
// User clicked on the "report tweet" option in the tweet caret dropdown menu from past 90 days
TweetReport = 909
devel signals
use the num > 1000 to test out signals under development/ddg
put it back to the correct corresponding Key space (0-1000) before ship
GoodTweetClick_5s = 1001,// GoodTweetCilick Signal : Dwell Time Threshold >=5s
GoodTweetClick_10s = 1002,// GoodTweetCilick Signal : Dwell Time Threshold >=10s
GoodTweetClick_30s = 1003,// GoodTweetCilick Signal : Dwell Time Threshold >=30s
GoodProfileClick_20s = 1004,// GoodProfileClick Signal : Dwell Time Threshold >=20s
GoodProfileClick_30s = 1005,// GoodProfileClick Signal : Dwell Time Threshold >=30s
GoodProfileClick_Filtered = 1006, // GoodProfileClick Signal filtered by blocks and mutes.
GoodProfileClick_20s_Filtered = 1007// GoodProfileClick Signal : Dwell Time Threshold >=20s, filtered byblocks and mutes.
GoodProfileClick_30s_Filtered = 1008,// GoodProfileClick Signal : Dwell Time Threshold >=30s, filtered by blocks and mutes.
Unified Signals
These signals are aimed to unify multiple signal fetches into a single response.
This might be a healthier way for our retrievals layer to run inference on.
TweetBasedUnifiedUniformSignal = 1300
TweetBasedUnifiedEngagementWeightedSignal = 1301
TweetBasedUnifiedQualityWeightedSignal = 1302
ProducerBasedUnifiedUniformSignal = 1303
ProducerBasedUnifiedEngagementWeightedSignal = 1304
ProducerBasedUnifiedQualityWeightedSignal = 1305
struct Signal {
1: required SignalType signalType
2: required i64 timestamp
3: optional identifier.InternalId targetInternalId