twitter-team b389c3d302 Open-sourcing pushservice
Pushservice is the main recommendation service we use to surface recommendations to our users via notifications. It fetches candidates from various sources, ranks them in order of relevance, and applies filters to determine the best one to send.
2023-05-19 16:27:07 -05:00

105 lines
3.7 KiB

package com.twitter.frigate.pushservice.model.candidate
import com.twitter.frigate.pushservice.model.PushTypes.PushCandidate
import com.twitter.frigate.pushservice.params.HighQualityScribingScores
import com.twitter.frigate.pushservice.params.PushFeatureSwitchParams
import com.twitter.frigate.pushservice.params.PushMLModel
import com.twitter.util.Future
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.collection.concurrent.{Map => CMap}
import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._
trait QualityScribing {
self: PushCandidate with MLScores =>
// Use to store other scores (to avoid duplicate queries to other services, e.g. HSS)
private val externalCachedScores: CMap[String, Future[Option[Double]]] =
new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Future[Option[Double]]]().asScala
* Retrieves the model version as specified by the corresponding FS param.
* This model version will be used for getting the cached score or triggering
* a prediction request.
* @param modelName The score we will like to scribe
private def getModelVersion(
modelName: HighQualityScribingScores.Name
): String = {
modelName match {
case HighQualityScribingScores.HeavyRankingScore =>
case HighQualityScribingScores.NonPersonalizedQualityScoreUsingCnn =>
case HighQualityScribingScores.BqmlNsfwScore =>
case HighQualityScribingScores.BqmlReportScore =>
* Retrieves the score for scribing either from a cached value or
* by generating a prediction request. This will increase model QPS
* @param pushMLModel This represents the prefix of the model name (i.e. [pushMLModel]_[version])
* @param scoreName The name to be use when scribing this score
def getScribingScore(
pushMLModel: PushMLModel.Value,
scoreName: HighQualityScribingScores.Name
): Future[(String, Option[Double])] = {
).map { scoreOpt =>
scoreName.toString -> scoreOpt
* Retrieves the score for scribing if it has been computed/cached before otherwise
* it will return Future.None
* @param pushMLModel This represents the prefix of the model name (i.e. [pushMLModel]_[version])
* @param scoreName The name to be use when scribing this score
def getScribingScoreWithoutUpdate(
pushMLModel: PushMLModel.Value,
scoreName: HighQualityScribingScores.Name
): Future[(String, Option[Double])] = {
).map { scoreOpt =>
scoreName.toString -> scoreOpt
* Caches the given score future
* @param scoreName The name to be use when scribing this score
* @param scoreFut Future mapping scoreName -> scoreOpt
def cacheExternalScore(scoreName: String, scoreFut: Future[Option[Double]]) = {
if (!externalCachedScores.contains(scoreName)) {
externalCachedScores += scoreName -> scoreFut
* Returns all external scores future cached as a sequence
def getExternalCachedScores: Seq[Future[(String, Option[Double])]] = { {
case (modelName, scoreFut) => { scoreOpt => modelName -> scoreOpt }
def getExternalCachedScoreByName(name: String): Future[Option[Double]] = {
externalCachedScores.getOrElse(name, Future.None)