twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

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package com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.transforms.weighted_sampling
import com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.base.GatedTransform
import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch
import com.twitter.timelines.configapi.HasParams
import com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.models.CandidateUser
import com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.models.HasDebugOptions
import com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.models.Score
import com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.models.Scores
import com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.rankers.common.RankerId
import com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.rankers.utils.Utils
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.marshalling.request.HasClientContext
import javax.inject.Inject
import javax.inject.Singleton
class SamplingTransform @Inject() ()
extends GatedTransform[HasClientContext with HasParams with HasDebugOptions, CandidateUser] {
val name: String = this.getClass.getSimpleName
Description: This function takes in a set of candidate users and ranks them for a who-to-follow
request by sampling from the Placket-Luce distribution
( with a three
variations. The first variation is that the scores of the candidates are multiplied by
multiplicativeFactor before sampling. The second variation is that the scores are
exponentiated before sampling. The third variation is that depending on how many who-to-follow
positions are being requested, the first k positions are reserved for the candidates with the
highest scores (and they are sorted in decreasing order of score) and the remaining positions
are sampled from a Placket-Luce. We use the efficient algorithm proposed in this blog
to sample from a Plackett-Luce. Because of numerical stability reasons, before sampling from this
distribution, (1) we subtract off the maximum score from all the scores and (2) if after
this subtraction and multiplication by the multiplicative factor the resulting score is <= -10,
we force the candidate's transformed score under the above algorithm to be 0 (so r^(1/w) = 0)
where r is a random number and w is the transformed score.
- target: HasClientContext (WTF request)
- candidates: sequence of CandidateUsers (users that need to be ranked from a who-to-follow
request) each of which has a score
inputs accessed through feature switches, i.e. through target.params (see the following file:
- topKFixed: the first k positions of the who-to-follow ranking correspond to the users with the k
highest scores and are not sampled from the Placket-Luce distribution
- multiplicativeFactor: multiplicativeFactor is used to transform the scores of each candidate by
multiplying that user's score by multiplicativeFactor
- Sequence of CandidateUser whose order represents the ranking of users in a who-to-follow request
This ranking is sampled from a Placket-Luce distribution.
override def transform(
target: HasClientContext with HasParams with HasDebugOptions,
candidates: Seq[CandidateUser]
): Stitch[Seq[CandidateUser]] = {
// the first k positions of the who-to-follow ranking correspond to the users with the k
// highest scores and are not sampled from the Placket-Luce distribution
val topKFixed = target.params(SamplingTransformParams.TopKFixed)
// multiplicativeFactor is used to transform the scores of each candidate by
// multiplying that user's score by multiplicativeFactor
val multiplicativeFactor = target.params(SamplingTransformParams.MultiplicativeFactor)
// sort candidates by their score
val candidatesSorted = candidates.sortBy(-1 * _.score.getOrElse(0.0))
// pick the top K candidates by score and the remaining candidates
val (topKFixedCandidates, candidatesOutsideOfTopK) =
candidatesSorted.zipWithIndex.partition { case (value, index) => index < topKFixed }
val randomNumGenerator =
new scala.util.Random(target.getRandomizationSeed.getOrElse(System.currentTimeMillis))
// we need to subtract the maximum score off the scores for numerical stability reasons
// subtracting the max score off does not effect the underlying distribution we are sampling
// the candidates from
// we need the if statement since you cannot take the max of an empty sequence
val maximum_score = if (candidatesOutsideOfTopK.nonEmpty) { => x._1.score.getOrElse(0.0)).max
} else {
// for candidates in candidatesOutsideOfTopK, we transform their score by subtracting off
// maximum_score and then multiply by multiplicativeFactor
val candidatesOutsideOfTopKTransformedScore = =>
(x._1, multiplicativeFactor * (x._1.score.getOrElse(0.0) - maximum_score)))
// for each candidate with score transformed and clip score w, sample a random number r,
// create a new score r^(1/w) and sort the candidates to get the final ranking.
// for numerical stability reasons if the score is <=-10, we force r^(1/w) = 0.
// this samples the candidates from the modified Plackett-Luce distribution. See
val candidatesOutsideOfTopKSampled = candidatesOutsideOfTopKTransformedScore
.map(x =>
if (x._2 <= -10.0)
1 / (scala.math
.exp(x._2))))).sortBy(-1 * _._2)
val topKCandidates: Seq[CandidateUser] =
val scribeRankingInfo: Boolean =
val transformedCandidates: Seq[CandidateUser] = if (scribeRankingInfo) {
val topKCandidatesWithRankingInfo: Seq[CandidateUser] =
Utils.addRankingInfo(topKCandidates, name)
val candidatesOutsideOfTopKSampledWithRankingInfo: Seq[CandidateUser] = {
case ((candidate, score), rank) =>
val newScore = Seq(Score(score, Some(RankerId.PlacketLuceSamplingTransformer)))
val newScores: Option[Scores] = candidate.scores
.map { scores =>
scores.copy(scores = scores.scores ++ newScore)
}.orElse(Some(Scores(newScore, Some(RankerId.PlacketLuceSamplingTransformer))))
val globalRank = rank + topKFixed + 1
candidate.addInfoPerRankingStage(name, newScores, globalRank)
topKCandidatesWithRankingInfo ++ candidatesOutsideOfTopKSampledWithRankingInfo
} else {
topKCandidates ++