twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

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package com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.utils
import scala.util.Random
object RandomUtil {
* Takes a seq of items which have weights. Returns an infinite stream that is
* sampled with replacement using the weights for each item. All weights need
* to be greater than or equal to zero. In addition, the sum of weights
* should be greater than zero.
* @param items items
* @param weighted provides weights for items
* @tparam T type of item
* @return Stream of Ts
def weightedRandomSamplingWithReplacement[T](
items: Seq[T],
random: Option[Random] = None
implicit weighted: Weighted[T]
): Stream[T] = {
if (items.isEmpty) {
} else {
val weights = { i => weighted(i) }
assert(weights.forall { _ >= 0 }, "Negative weight exists for sampling")
val cumulativeWeight = weights.scanLeft(0.0)(_ + _).tail
assert(cumulativeWeight.last > 0, "Sum of the sampling weights is not positive")
val cumulativeProbability = cumulativeWeight map (_ / cumulativeWeight.last)
def next(): Stream[T] = {
val rand = random.getOrElse(Random).nextDouble()
val idx = cumulativeProbability.indexWhere(_ >= rand)
items(if (idx == -1) items.length - 1 else idx) #:: next()
* Takes a seq of items and their weights. Returns a lazy weighted shuffle of
* the elements in the list. All weights should be greater than zero.
* @param items items
* @param weighted provides weights for items
* @tparam T type of item
* @return Stream of Ts
def weightedRandomShuffle[T](
items: Seq[T],
random: Option[Random] = None
implicit weighted: Weighted[T]
): Stream[T] = {
assert(items.forall { i => weighted(i) > 0 }, "Non-positive weight exists for shuffling")
def next(it: Seq[T]): Stream[T] = {
if (it.isEmpty)
else {
val cumulativeWeight = it.scanLeft(0.0)((acc: Double, curr: T) => acc + weighted(curr)).tail
val cutoff = random.getOrElse(Random).nextDouble() * cumulativeWeight.last
val idx = cumulativeWeight.indexWhere(_ >= cutoff)
val (left, right) = it.splitAt(idx)
it(if (idx == -1) it.size - 1 else idx) #:: next(left ++ right.drop(1))
* Takes a seq of items and a weight function, returns a lazy weighted shuffle of
* the elements in the list.The weight function is based on the rank of the element
* in the original lst.
* @param items
* @param rankToWeight
* @param random
* @tparam T
* @return
def weightedRandomShuffleByRank[T](
items: Seq[T],
rankToWeight: Int => Double,
random: Option[Random] = None
): Stream[T] = {
val candWeights = { case (item, rank) => (item, rankToWeight(rank)) }
RandomUtil.weightedRandomShuffle(candWeights, random).map(_._1)