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package com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.base
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.functional_component.candidate_source.CandidateSource
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.common.UniversalNoun
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.common.identifier.RecommendationPipelineIdentifier
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.pipeline.recommendation.RecommendationPipelineResult
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.quality_factor.QualityFactorObserver
import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch
* configs for results generated from the recommendation flow
* @param desiredCandidateCount num of desired candidates to return
* @param batchForCandidatesCheck batch size for candidates check
case class RecommendationResultsConfig(desiredCandidateCount: Int, batchForCandidatesCheck: Int)
trait BaseRecommendationFlow[Target, Candidate <: UniversalNoun[Long]] {
val identifier = RecommendationPipelineIdentifier("RecommendationFlow")
def process(
pipelineRequest: Target
): Stitch[RecommendationPipelineResult[Candidate, Seq[Candidate]]]
def mapKey[Target2](fn: Target2 => Target): BaseRecommendationFlow[Target2, Candidate] = {
val original = this
new BaseRecommendationFlow[Target2, Candidate] {
override def process(
pipelineRequest: Target2
): Stitch[RecommendationPipelineResult[Candidate, Seq[Candidate]]] =
* Defines a typical recommendation flow to fetch, filter, rank and transform candidates.
* 1. targetEligibility: determine the eligibility of target request
* 2. candidateSources: fetch candidates from candidate sources based on target type
* 3. preRankerCandidateFilter: light filtering of candidates
* 4. ranker: ranking of candidates (could be composed of multiple stages, light ranking, heavy ranking and etc)
* 5. postRankerTransform: deduping, grouping, rule based promotion / demotions and etc
* 6. validateCandidates: heavy filters to determine the eligibility of the candidates.
* will only be applied to candidates that we expect to return.
* 7. transformResults: transform the individual candidates into desired format (e.g. hydrate social proof)
* Note that the actual implementations may not need to implement all the steps if not needed
* (could just leave to IdentityRanker if ranking is not needed).
* Theoretically, the actual implementation could override the above flow to add
* more steps (e.g. add a transform step before ranking).
* But it is recommended to add the additional steps into this base flow if the step proves
* to have significant justification, or merge it into an existing step if it is a minor change.
* @tparam Target type of target request
* @tparam Candidate type of candidate to return
trait RecommendationFlow[Target, Candidate <: UniversalNoun[Long]]
extends BaseRecommendationFlow[Target, Candidate]
with SideEffectsUtil[Target, Candidate] {
* optionally update or enrich the request before executing the flows
protected def updateTarget(target: Target): Stitch[Target] = Stitch.value(target)
* check if the target is eligible for the flow
protected def targetEligibility: Predicate[Target]
* define the candidate sources that should be used for the given target
protected def candidateSources(target: Target): Seq[CandidateSource[Target, Candidate]]
* filter invalid candidates before the ranking phase.
protected def preRankerCandidateFilter: Predicate[(Target, Candidate)]
* rank the candidates
protected def selectRanker(target: Target): Ranker[Target, Candidate]
* transform the candidates after ranking (e.g. deduping, grouping and etc)
protected def postRankerTransform: Transform[Target, Candidate]
* filter invalid candidates before returning the results.
* Some heavy filters e.g. SGS filter could be applied in this step
protected def validateCandidates: Predicate[(Target, Candidate)]
* transform the candidates into results and return
protected def transformResults: Transform[Target, Candidate]
* configuration for recommendation results
protected def resultsConfig(target: Target): RecommendationResultsConfig
* track the quality factor the recommendation pipeline
protected def qualityFactorObserver: Option[QualityFactorObserver] = None
def statsReceiver: StatsReceiver
* high level monitoring for the whole flow
* (make sure to add monitoring for each individual component by yourself)
* additional candidates: count, stats, non_empty_count
* target eligibility: latency, success, failures, request, count, valid_count, invalid_count, invalid_reasons
* candidate generation: latency, success, failures, request, count, non_empty_count, results_stat
* pre ranker filter: latency, success, failures, request, count, non_empty_count, results_stat
* ranker: latency, success, failures, request, count, non_empty_count, results_stat
* post ranker: latency, success, failures, request, count, non_empty_count, results_stat
* filter and take: latency, success, failures, request, count, non_empty_count, results_stat, batch count
* transform results: latency, success, failures, request, count, non_empty_count, results_stat
import RecommendationFlow._
lazy val additionalCandidatesStats = statsReceiver.scope(AdditionalCandidatesStats)
lazy val targetEligibilityStats = statsReceiver.scope(TargetEligibilityStats)
lazy val candidateGenerationStats = statsReceiver.scope(CandidateGenerationStats)
lazy val preRankerFilterStats = statsReceiver.scope(PreRankerFilterStats)
lazy val rankerStats = statsReceiver.scope(RankerStats)
lazy val postRankerTransformStats = statsReceiver.scope(PostRankerTransformStats)
lazy val filterAndTakeStats = statsReceiver.scope(FilterAndTakeStats)
lazy val transformResultsStats = statsReceiver.scope(TransformResultsStats)
lazy val overallStats = statsReceiver.scope(OverallStats)
import StatsUtil._
override def process(
pipelineRequest: Target
): Stitch[RecommendationPipelineResult[Candidate, Seq[Candidate]]] = {
updateTarget(pipelineRequest).flatMap { target =>
profilePredicateResult(targetEligibility(target), targetEligibilityStats).flatMap {
case PredicateResult.Valid => processValidTarget(target, Seq.empty)
case PredicateResult.Invalid(_) => Stitch.Nil
).map { candidates =>
protected def processValidTarget(
target: Target,
additionalCandidates: Seq[Candidate]
): Stitch[Seq[Candidate]] = {
* A basic recommendation flow looks like this:
* 1. fetch candidates from candidate sources
* 2. blend candidates with existing candidates
* 3. filter the candidates (light filters) before ranking
* 4. ranking
* 5. filter and truncate the candidates using postRankerCandidateFilter
* 6. transform the candidates based on product requirement
val candidateSourcesToFetch = candidateSources(target)
for {
candidates <- profileStitchSeqResults(
mergedCandidates =
profileSeqResults(additionalCandidates, additionalCandidatesStats) ++
filteredCandidates <- profileStitchSeqResults(
Predicate.filter(target, mergedCandidates, preRankerCandidateFilter),
rankedCandidates <- profileStitchSeqResults(
selectRanker(target).rank(target, filteredCandidates),
transformed <- profileStitchSeqResults(
postRankerTransform.transform(target, rankedCandidates),
truncated <- profileStitchSeqResults(
take(target, transformed, resultsConfig(target)),
results <- profileStitchSeqResults(
transformResults.transform(target, truncated),
_ <- applySideEffects(
} yield results
private[this] def take(
target: Target,
candidates: Seq[Candidate],
config: RecommendationResultsConfig
): Stitch[Seq[Candidate]] = {
.batchFilterTake( => (target, c)),
object RecommendationFlow {
val AdditionalCandidatesStats = "additional_candidates"
val TargetEligibilityStats = "target_eligibility"
val CandidateGenerationStats = "candidate_generation"
val PreRankerFilterStats = "pre_ranker_filter"
val RankerStats = "ranker"
val PostRankerTransformStats = "post_ranker_transform"
val FilterAndTakeStats = "filter_and_take"
val TransformResultsStats = "transform_results"
val OverallStats = "overall"