twitter-team bb095608b7 [minor] Fix grammar + typo issues
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2023-04-04 16:13:24 -05:00

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namespace java com.twitter.simclusters_v2.thriftjava
namespace py gen.twitter.simclusters_v2
#@namespace scala com.twitter.simclusters_v2.thriftscala
#@namespace strato com.twitter.simclusters_v2
include "embedding.thrift"
include "simclusters_presto.thrift"
* Struct that associates a user with simcluster scores for different
* interaction types. This is meant to be used as a feature to predict abuse.
* This thrift struct is meant for exploration purposes. It does not have any
* assumptions about what type of interactions we use or what types of scores
* we are keeping track of.
struct AdhocSingleSideClusterScores {
1: required i64 userId(personalDataType = 'UserId')
// We can make the interaction types have arbitrary names. In the production
// version of this dataset. We should have a different field per interaction
// type so that API of what is included is more clear.
2: required map<string, embedding.SimClustersEmbedding> interactionScores
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'true')
* This is a prod version of the single side features. It is meant to be used as a value in a key
* value store. The pair of healthy and unhealthy scores will be different depending on the use case.
* We will use different stores for different user cases. For instance, the first instance that
* we implement will use search abuse reports and impressions. We can build stores for new values
* in the future.
* The consumer creates the interactions which the author receives. For instance, the consumer
* creates an abuse report for an author. The consumer scores are related to the interaction creation
* behavior of the consumer. The author scores are related to the whether the author receives these
* interactions.
struct SingleSideUserScores {
1: required i64 userId(personalDataType = 'UserId')
2: required double consumerUnhealthyScore(personalDataType = 'EngagementScore')
3: required double consumerHealthyScore(personalDataType = 'EngagementScore')
4: required double authorUnhealthyScore(personalDataType = 'EngagementScore')
5: required double authorHealthyScore(personalDataType = 'EngagementScore')
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'true')
* Struct that associates a cluster-cluster interaction scores for different
* interaction types.
struct AdhocCrossSimClusterInteractionScores {
1: required i64 clusterId
2: required list<simclusters_presto.ClustersScore> clusterScores