twitter-team bb095608b7 [minor] Fix grammar + typo issues
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2023-04-04 16:13:24 -05:00

582 lines
19 KiB

package com.twitter.simclusters_v2.common
import com.twitter.simclusters_v2.thriftscala.SimClusterWithScore
import com.twitter.simclusters_v2.thriftscala.{SimClustersEmbedding => ThriftSimClustersEmbedding}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3.arrayHash
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3.productHash
import scala.math._
* A representation of a SimClusters Embedding, designed for low memory footprint and performance.
* For services that cache millions of embeddings, we found this to significantly reduce allocations,
* memory footprint and overall performance.
* Embedding data is stored in pre-sorted arrays rather than structures which use a lot of pointers
* (e.g. Map). A minimal set of lazily-constructed intermediate data is kept.
* Be wary of adding further `val` or `lazy val`s to this class; materializing and storing more data
* on these objects could significantly affect in-memory cache performance.
* Also, if you are using this code in a place where you care about memory footprint, be careful
* not to materialize any of the lazy vals unless you need them.
sealed trait SimClustersEmbedding extends Equals {
import SimClustersEmbedding._
* Any compliant implementation of the SimClustersEmbedding trait must ensure that:
* - the cluster and score arrays are ordered as described below
* - the cluster and score arrays are treated as immutable (.hashCode is memoized)
* - the size of all cluster and score arrays is the same
* - all cluster scores are > 0
* - cluster ids are unique
// In descending score order - this is useful for truncation, where we care most about the highest scoring elements
private[simclusters_v2] val clusterIds: Array[ClusterId]
private[simclusters_v2] val scores: Array[Double]
// In ascending cluster order. This is useful for operations where we try to find the same cluster in another embedding, e.g. dot product
private[simclusters_v2] val sortedClusterIds: Array[ClusterId]
private[simclusters_v2] val sortedScores: Array[Double]
* Build and return a Set of all clusters in this embedding
lazy val clusterIdSet: Set[ClusterId] = sortedClusterIds.toSet
* Build and return Seq representation of this embedding
lazy val embedding: Seq[(ClusterId, Double)] =
* Build and return a Map representation of this embedding
lazy val map: Map[ClusterId, Double] =
lazy val l1norm: Double = CosineSimilarityUtil.l1NormArray(sortedScores)
lazy val l2norm: Double = CosineSimilarityUtil.normArray(sortedScores)
lazy val logNorm: Double = CosineSimilarityUtil.logNormArray(sortedScores)
lazy val expScaledNorm: Double =
CosineSimilarityUtil.expScaledNormArray(sortedScores, DefaultExponent)
* The L2 Normalized Embedding. Optimize for Cosine Similarity Calculation.
lazy val normalizedSortedScores: Array[Double] =
CosineSimilarityUtil.applyNormArray(sortedScores, l2norm)
lazy val logNormalizedSortedScores: Array[Double] =
CosineSimilarityUtil.applyNormArray(sortedScores, logNorm)
lazy val expScaledNormalizedSortedScores: Array[Double] =
CosineSimilarityUtil.applyNormArray(sortedScores, expScaledNorm)
* The Standard Deviation of an Embedding.
lazy val std: Double = {
if (scores.isEmpty) {
} else {
val sum = scores.sum
val mean = sum / scores.length
var variance: Double = 0.0
for (i <- scores.indices) {
val v = scores(i) - mean
variance += (v * v)
math.sqrt(variance / scores.length)
* Return the score of a given clusterId.
def get(clusterId: ClusterId): Option[Double] = {
var i = 0
while (i < sortedClusterIds.length) {
val thisId = sortedClusterIds(i)
if (clusterId == thisId) return Some(sortedScores(i))
if (thisId > clusterId) return None
i += 1
* Return the score of a given clusterId. If not exist, return default.
def getOrElse(clusterId: ClusterId, default: Double = 0.0): Double = {
require(default >= 0.0)
var i = 0
while (i < sortedClusterIds.length) {
val thisId = sortedClusterIds(i)
if (clusterId == thisId) return sortedScores(i)
if (thisId > clusterId) return default
i += 1
* Return the cluster ids
def getClusterIds(): Array[ClusterId] = clusterIds
* Return the cluster ids with the highest scores
def topClusterIds(size: Int): Seq[ClusterId] = clusterIds.take(size)
* Return true if this embedding contains a given clusterId
def contains(clusterId: ClusterId): Boolean = clusterIdSet.contains(clusterId)
def sum(another: SimClustersEmbedding): SimClustersEmbedding = {
if (another.isEmpty) this
else if (this.isEmpty) another
else {
var i1 = 0
var i2 = 0
val l = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(Int, Double)]
while (i1 < sortedClusterIds.length && i2 < another.sortedClusterIds.length) {
if (sortedClusterIds(i1) == another.sortedClusterIds(i2)) {
l += Tuple2(sortedClusterIds(i1), sortedScores(i1) + another.sortedScores(i2))
i1 += 1
i2 += 1
} else if (sortedClusterIds(i1) > another.sortedClusterIds(i2)) {
l += Tuple2(another.sortedClusterIds(i2), another.sortedScores(i2))
// another cluster is lower. Increment it to see if the next one matches this's
i2 += 1
} else {
l += Tuple2(sortedClusterIds(i1), sortedScores(i1))
// this cluster is lower. Increment it to see if the next one matches anothers's
i1 += 1
if (i1 == sortedClusterIds.length && i2 != another.sortedClusterIds.length)
// this was shorter. Prepend remaining elements from another
l ++= another.sortedClusterIds.drop(i2).zip(another.sortedScores.drop(i2))
else if (i1 != sortedClusterIds.length && i2 == another.sortedClusterIds.length)
// another was shorter. Prepend remaining elements from this
l ++= sortedClusterIds.drop(i1).zip(sortedScores.drop(i1))
def scalarMultiply(multiplier: Double): SimClustersEmbedding = {
require(multiplier > 0.0, "SimClustersEmbedding.scalarMultiply requires multiplier > 0.0")
clusterIds, * multiplier),
sortedClusterIds, * multiplier)
def scalarDivide(divisor: Double): SimClustersEmbedding = {
require(divisor > 0.0, "SimClustersEmbedding.scalarDivide requires divisor > 0.0")
clusterIds, / divisor),
sortedClusterIds, / divisor)
def dotProduct(another: SimClustersEmbedding): Double = {
def cosineSimilarity(another: SimClustersEmbedding): Double = {
def logNormCosineSimilarity(another: SimClustersEmbedding): Double = {
def expScaledCosineSimilarity(another: SimClustersEmbedding): Double = {
* Return true if this is an empty embedding
def isEmpty: Boolean = sortedClusterIds.isEmpty
* Return the Jaccard Similarity Score between two embeddings.
* Note: this implementation should be optimized if we start to use it in production
def jaccardSimilarity(another: SimClustersEmbedding): Double = {
if (this.isEmpty || another.isEmpty) {
} else {
val intersect = clusterIdSet.intersect(another.clusterIdSet).size
val union = clusterIdSet.union(another.clusterIdSet).size
intersect.toDouble / union
* Return the Fuzzy Jaccard Similarity Score between two embeddings.
* Treat each Simclusters embedding as fuzzy set, calculate the fuzzy set similarity
* metrics of two embeddings
* Paper 2.2.1:
def fuzzyJaccardSimilarity(another: SimClustersEmbedding): Double = {
if (this.isEmpty || another.isEmpty) {
} else {
val v1C = sortedClusterIds
val v1S = sortedScores
val v2C = another.sortedClusterIds
val v2S = another.sortedScores
require(v1C.length == v1S.length)
require(v2C.length == v2S.length)
var i1 = 0
var i2 = 0
var numerator = 0.0
var denominator = 0.0
while (i1 < v1C.length && i2 < v2C.length) {
if (v1C(i1) == v2C(i2)) {
numerator += min(v1S(i1), v2S(i2))
denominator += max(v1S(i1), v2S(i2))
i1 += 1
i2 += 1
} else if (v1C(i1) > v2C(i2)) {
denominator += v2S(i2)
i2 += 1
} else {
denominator += v1S(i1)
i1 += 1
while (i1 < v1C.length) {
denominator += v1S(i1)
i1 += 1
while (i2 < v2C.length) {
denominator += v2S(i2)
i2 += 1
numerator / denominator
* Return the Euclidean Distance Score between two embeddings.
* Note: this implementation should be optimized if we start to use it in production
def euclideanDistance(another: SimClustersEmbedding): Double = {
val unionClusters = clusterIdSet.union(another.clusterIdSet)
val variance = unionClusters.foldLeft(0.0) {
case (sum, clusterId) =>
val distance = math.abs(this.getOrElse(clusterId) - another.getOrElse(clusterId))
sum + distance * distance
* Return the Manhattan Distance Score between two embeddings.
* Note: this implementation should be optimized if we start to use it in production
def manhattanDistance(another: SimClustersEmbedding): Double = {
val unionClusters = clusterIdSet.union(another.clusterIdSet)
unionClusters.foldLeft(0.0) {
case (sum, clusterId) =>
sum + math.abs(this.getOrElse(clusterId) - another.getOrElse(clusterId))
* Return the number of overlapping clusters between two embeddings.
def overlappingClusters(another: SimClustersEmbedding): Int = {
var i1 = 0
var i2 = 0
var count = 0
while (i1 < sortedClusterIds.length && i2 < another.sortedClusterIds.length) {
if (sortedClusterIds(i1) == another.sortedClusterIds(i2)) {
count += 1
i1 += 1
i2 += 1
} else if (sortedClusterIds(i1) > another.sortedClusterIds(i2)) {
// v2 cluster is lower. Increment it to see if the next one matches v1's
i2 += 1
} else {
// v1 cluster is lower. Increment it to see if the next one matches v2's
i1 += 1
* Return the largest product cluster scores
def maxElementwiseProduct(another: SimClustersEmbedding): Double = {
var i1 = 0
var i2 = 0
var maxProduct: Double = 0.0
while (i1 < sortedClusterIds.length && i2 < another.sortedClusterIds.length) {
if (sortedClusterIds(i1) == another.sortedClusterIds(i2)) {
val product = sortedScores(i1) * another.sortedScores(i2)
if (product > maxProduct) maxProduct = product
i1 += 1
i2 += 1
} else if (sortedClusterIds(i1) > another.sortedClusterIds(i2)) {
// v2 cluster is lower. Increment it to see if the next one matches v1's
i2 += 1
} else {
// v1 cluster is lower. Increment it to see if the next one matches v2's
i1 += 1
* Return a new SimClustersEmbedding with Max Embedding Size.
* Prefer to truncate on embedding construction where possible. Doing so is cheaper.
def truncate(size: Int): SimClustersEmbedding = {
if (clusterIds.length <= size) {
} else {
val truncatedClusterIds = clusterIds.take(size)
val truncatedScores = scores.take(size)
val (sortedClusterIds, sortedScores) =
def toNormalized: SimClustersEmbedding = {
// Additional safety check. Only EmptyEmbedding's l2norm is 0.0.
if (l2norm == 0.0) {
} else {
implicit def toThrift: ThriftSimClustersEmbedding = {
ThriftSimClustersEmbedding( {
case (clusterId, score) =>
SimClusterWithScore(clusterId, score)
def canEqual(a: Any): Boolean = a.isInstanceOf[SimClustersEmbedding]
/* We define equality as having the same clusters and scores.
* This implementation is arguably incorrect in this case:
* (1 -> 1.0, 2 -> 0.0) == (1 -> 1.0) // equals returns false
* However, compliant implementations of SimClustersEmbedding should not include zero-weight
* clusters, so this implementation should work correctly.
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that match {
case that: SimClustersEmbedding =>
that.canEqual(this) &&
this.sortedClusterIds.sameElements(that.sortedClusterIds) &&
case _ => false
* hashcode implementation based on the contents of the embedding. As a lazy val, this relies on
* the embedding contents being immutable.
override lazy val hashCode: Int = {
/* Arrays uses object id as hashCode, so different arrays with the same contents hash
* differently. To provide a stable hash code, we take the same approach as how a
* `case class(clusters: Seq[Int], scores: Seq[Double])` would be hashed. See
* ScalaRunTime._hashCode and MurmurHash3.productHash
* Note that the hashcode is arguably incorrect in this case:
* (1 -> 1.0, 2 -> 0.0).hashcode == (1 -> 1.0).hashcode // returns false
* However, compliant implementations of SimClustersEmbedding should not include zero-weight
* clusters, so this implementation should work correctly.
productHash((arrayHash(sortedClusterIds), arrayHash(sortedScores)))
object SimClustersEmbedding {
val EmptyEmbedding: SimClustersEmbedding =
DefaultSimClustersEmbedding(Array.empty, Array.empty, Array.empty, Array.empty)
val DefaultExponent: Double = 0.3
// Descending by score then ascending by ClusterId
implicit val order: Ordering[(ClusterId, Double)] =
(a: (ClusterId, Double), b: (ClusterId, Double)) => {
b._2 compare a._2 match {
case 0 => a._1 compare b._1
case c => c
* Constructors
* These constructors:
* - do not make assumptions about the ordering of the cluster/scores.
* - do assume that cluster ids are unique
* - ignore (drop) any cluster whose score is <= 0
def apply(embedding: (ClusterId, Double)*): SimClustersEmbedding =
def apply(embedding: Iterable[(ClusterId, Double)]): SimClustersEmbedding =
def apply(embedding: Iterable[(ClusterId, Double)], size: Int): SimClustersEmbedding =
buildDefaultSimClustersEmbedding(embedding, truncate = Some(size))
implicit def apply(thriftEmbedding: ThriftSimClustersEmbedding): SimClustersEmbedding =
def apply(thriftEmbedding: ThriftSimClustersEmbedding, truncate: Int): SimClustersEmbedding =
truncate = Some(truncate))
private def buildDefaultSimClustersEmbedding(
embedding: Iterable[(ClusterId, Double)],
truncate: Option[Int] = None
): SimClustersEmbedding = {
val truncatedIdAndScores = {
val idsAndScores = embedding.filter(_._2 > 0.0).toArray.sorted(order)
truncate match {
case Some(t) => idsAndScores.take(t)
case _ => idsAndScores
if (truncatedIdAndScores.isEmpty) {
} else {
val (clusterIds, scores) = truncatedIdAndScores.unzip
val (sortedClusterIds, sortedScores) = truncatedIdAndScores.sortBy(_._1).unzip
DefaultSimClustersEmbedding(clusterIds, scores, sortedClusterIds, sortedScores)
/** ***** Aggregation Methods ******/
* A high performance version of Sum a list of SimClustersEmbeddings.
* Suggest using in Online Services to avoid the unnecessary GC.
* For offline or streaming. Please check [[SimClustersEmbeddingMonoid]]
def sum(simClustersEmbeddings: Iterable[SimClustersEmbedding]): SimClustersEmbedding = {
if (simClustersEmbeddings.isEmpty) {
} else {
val sum = simClustersEmbeddings.foldLeft(mutable.Map[ClusterId, Double]()) {
(sum, embedding) =>
for (i <- embedding.sortedClusterIds.indices) {
val clusterId = embedding.sortedClusterIds(i)
sum.put(clusterId, embedding.sortedScores(i) + sum.getOrElse(clusterId, 0.0))
* Support a fixed size SimClustersEmbedding Sum
def sum(
simClustersEmbeddings: Iterable[SimClustersEmbedding],
maxSize: Int
): SimClustersEmbedding = {
* A high performance version of Mean a list of SimClustersEmbeddings.
* Suggest using in Online Services to avoid the unnecessary GC.
def mean(simClustersEmbeddings: Iterable[SimClustersEmbedding]): SimClustersEmbedding = {
if (simClustersEmbeddings.isEmpty) {
} else {
* Support a fixed size SimClustersEmbedding Mean
def mean(
simClustersEmbeddings: Iterable[SimClustersEmbedding],
maxSize: Int
): SimClustersEmbedding = {
case class DefaultSimClustersEmbedding(
override val clusterIds: Array[ClusterId],
override val scores: Array[Double],
override val sortedClusterIds: Array[ClusterId],
override val sortedScores: Array[Double])
extends SimClustersEmbedding {
override def toString: String =
object DefaultSimClustersEmbedding {
// To support existing code which builds embeddings from a Seq
def apply(embedding: Seq[(ClusterId, Double)]): SimClustersEmbedding = SimClustersEmbedding(