twitter-team b389c3d302 Open-sourcing pushservice
Pushservice is the main recommendation service we use to surface recommendations to our users via notifications. It fetches candidates from various sources, ranks them in order of relevance, and applies filters to determine the best one to send.
2023-05-19 16:27:07 -05:00

166 lines
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package com.twitter.frigate.pushservice.predicate.quality_model_predicate
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.frigate.pushservice.model.PushTypes
import com.twitter.frigate.pushservice.model.PushTypes.PushCandidate
import com.twitter.frigate.pushservice.model.PushTypes.Target
import com.twitter.hermit.predicate.NamedPredicate
import com.twitter.hermit.predicate.Predicate
import com.twitter.util.Future
object PDauCohort extends Enumeration {
type PDauCohort = Value
val cohort1 = Value
val cohort2 = Value
val cohort3 = Value
val cohort4 = Value
val cohort5 = Value
val cohort6 = Value
object PDauCohortUtil {
case class DauThreshold(
threshold1: Double,
threshold2: Double,
threshold3: Double,
threshold4: Double,
threshold5: Double)
val defaultDAUProb = 0.0
val dauProbThresholds = DauThreshold(
threshold1 = 0.05,
threshold2 = 0.14,
threshold3 = 0.33,
threshold4 = 0.7,
threshold5 = 0.959
val finerThresholdMap =
PDauCohort.cohort2 -> List(0.05, 0.0539, 0.0563, 0.0600, 0.0681, 0.0733, 0.0800, 0.0849,
0.0912, 0.0975, 0.1032, 0.1092, 0.1134, 0.1191, 0.1252, 0.1324, 0.14),
PDauCohort.cohort3 -> List(0.14, 0.1489, 0.1544, 0.1625, 0.1704, 0.1797, 0.1905, 0.2001,
0.2120, 0.2248, 0.2363, 0.2500, 0.2650, 0.2801, 0.2958, 0.3119, 0.33),
PDauCohort.cohort4 -> List(0.33, 0.3484, 0.3686, 0.3893, 0.4126, 0.4350, 0.4603, 0.4856,
0.5092, 0.5348, 0.5602, 0.5850, 0.6087, 0.6319, 0.6548, 0.6779, 0.7),
PDauCohort.cohort5 -> List(0.7, 0.7295, 0.7581, 0.7831, 0.8049, 0.8251, 0.8444, 0.8612,
0.8786, 0.8936, 0.9043, 0.9175, 0.9290, 0.9383, 0.9498, 0.9587, 0.959)
def getBucket(targetUser: PushTypes.Target, doImpression: Boolean) = {
implicit val stats = targetUser.stats.scope("PDauCohortUtil")
if (doImpression) targetUser.getBucket _ else targetUser.getBucketWithoutImpression _
def threshold1(targetUser: PushTypes.Target): Double = dauProbThresholds.threshold1
def threshold2(targetUser: PushTypes.Target): Double = dauProbThresholds.threshold2
def threshold3(targetUser: PushTypes.Target): Double = dauProbThresholds.threshold3
def threshold4(targetUser: PushTypes.Target): Double = dauProbThresholds.threshold4
def threshold5(targetUser: PushTypes.Target): Double = dauProbThresholds.threshold5
def thresholdForCohort(targetUser: PushTypes.Target, dauCohort: Int): Double = {
if (dauCohort == 0) 0.0
else if (dauCohort == 1) threshold1(targetUser)
else if (dauCohort == 2) threshold2(targetUser)
else if (dauCohort == 3) threshold3(targetUser)
else if (dauCohort == 4) threshold4(targetUser)
else if (dauCohort == 5) threshold5(targetUser)
else 1.0
def getPDauCohort(dauProbability: Double, thresholds: DauThreshold): PDauCohort.Value = {
dauProbability match {
case dauProb if dauProb >= 0.0 && dauProb < thresholds.threshold1 => PDauCohort.cohort1
case dauProb if dauProb >= thresholds.threshold1 && dauProb < thresholds.threshold2 =>
case dauProb if dauProb >= thresholds.threshold2 && dauProb < thresholds.threshold3 =>
case dauProb if dauProb >= thresholds.threshold3 && dauProb < thresholds.threshold4 =>
case dauProb if dauProb >= thresholds.threshold4 && dauProb < thresholds.threshold5 =>
case dauProb if dauProb >= thresholds.threshold5 && dauProb <= 1.0 => PDauCohort.cohort6
def getDauProb(target: TargetScoringDetails): Future[Double] = { { dauProb =>
def getPDauCohort(target: TargetScoringDetails): Future[PDauCohort.Value] = {
getDauProb(target).map { getPDauCohort(_, dauProbThresholds) }
def getPDauCohortWithPDau(target: TargetScoringDetails): Future[(PDauCohort.Value, Double)] = {
getDauProb(target).map { prob =>
(getPDauCohort(prob, dauProbThresholds), prob)
def updateStats(
target: PushTypes.Target,
modelName: String,
predicateResult: Boolean
implicit statsReceiver: StatsReceiver
): Unit = {
val dauCohortOp = getPDauCohort(target) { dauCohort =>
val cohortStats = statsReceiver.scope(modelName).scope(dauCohort.toString)
if (target.isNewSignup) {
val newUserModelStats = statsReceiver.scope(modelName)
trait QualityPredicateBase {
def name: String
def thresholdExtractor: Target => Future[Double]
def scoreExtractor: PushCandidate => Future[Option[Double]]
def isPredicateEnabled: PushCandidate => Future[Boolean] = _ => Future.True
def comparator: (Double, Double) => Boolean =
(score: Double, threshold: Double) => score >= threshold
def updateCustomStats(
candidate: PushCandidate,
score: Double,
threshold: Double,
result: Boolean
implicit statsReceiver: StatsReceiver
): Unit = {}
def apply()(implicit statsReceiver: StatsReceiver): NamedPredicate[PushCandidate] = {
.fromAsync { candidate: PushCandidate =>
isPredicateEnabled(candidate).flatMap {
case true =>
scoreExtractor(candidate).flatMap { scoreOpt =>
thresholdExtractor( { threshold =>
val score = scoreOpt.getOrElse(0.0)
val result = comparator(score, threshold)
PDauCohortUtil.updateStats(, name, result)
updateCustomStats(candidate, score, threshold, result)
case _ => Future.True