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#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/shape_inference.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/util/work_sharder.h"
#include <twml.h>
#include "tensorflow_utils.h"
using namespace tensorflow;
void CombinedComputeDiscretizers(
const twml::Map<int64_t, int64_t>&,
.Attr("T: {float, double}")
.Input("input_ids: int64")
.Input("input_vals: T")
.Input("bin_ids: int64")
.Input("bin_vals: T")
.Input("feature_offsets: int64")
.Input("start_compute: int64")
.Input("end_compute: int64")
.Attr("output_bits: int")
.Attr("feature_ids: tensor = { dtype: DT_INT64 }")
.Attr("feature_indices: tensor = { dtype: DT_INT64 }")
.Attr("cost_per_unit: int")
.Output("new_keys: int64")
.Output("new_vals: T")
.SetShapeFn([](::tensorflow::shape_inference::InferenceContext* c) {
// TODO: check sizes
c->set_output(0, c->input(0));
c->set_output(1, c->input(0));
return Status::OK();
This operation discretizes a tensor containing continuous features (if calibrated).
- note - choice of float or double should be consistent among inputs/output
input_ids(int64): A tensor containing input feature ids (direct from data record).
input_vals: A tensor containing input values at corresponding feature ids.
- i.e. input_ids[i] <-> input_vals[i] for each i
- float or double
bin_ids(int64): A tensor containing the discretized feature id for each bin.
bin_vals: A tensor containing the bin boundaries for values of a given feature.
- float or double
feature_offsets(int64): Specifies the starting location of bins for a given feature id.
start_compute(int64 scalar tensor): which index to start the computation at
end_compute(int64 scalar tensor): which index to end the computation right before
-> for example, (start_compute,end_compute)=(0,10) would compute on 0 thru 9
output_bits(int): The maximum number of bits to use for the output IDs.
-> 2**out_bits must be greater than bin_ids.size
feature_ids(int64): 1D TensorProto of feature IDs seen during calibration
feature_indices(int64): 1D TensorProto of feature indices corresponding with feature_IDs
-> hint: look up make_tensor_proto:
proto_init = np.array(values, dtype=np.int64)
tensor_attr = tf.make_tensor_proto(my_proto_init)
cost_per_unit(int): An estimate of the number of CPU cycles (or nanoseconds
if not CPU-bound) to complete a unit of work. Overestimating creates too
many shards and CPU time will be dominated by per-shard overhead, such as
Context creation. Underestimating may not fully make use of the specified
new_keys(int64): The discretized feature ids with same shape and size as keys.
new_vals(float or double): The discretized values with the same shape and size as vals.
Note that the discretization operation maps observation vectors to higher dimensional
observation vectors. Here, we describe this mapping.
Let a calibrated feature observation be given by (F,x), where F is the ID of the
feature, and x is some real value (i.e., continuous feature). This kind of
representation is useful for the representation of sparse vectors, where there
are many zeros.
For example, for a dense feature vector [1.2, 2.4, 3.6], we might have
(0, 1.2) (1, 2.4) and (2, 3.6), with feature IDs indicating the 0th, 1st, and 2nd
elements of the vector
The disretizer performs the following operation:
(F,x) -> (map(x|F),1).
Hence, we have that map(x|F) is a new feature ID, and the value observed for that
feature is 1. We might read map(x|F) as 'the map of x for feature F'.
For each feature F, we associate a (discrete, finite) set of new feature IDs, newIDs(F).
We will then have that F~(x) is in the set newIDs(F) for any value of x. Each set member
of newIDs(F) is associated with a 'bin', as defined by the bin boundaries given in
the bin_vals input array. For any two different feature IDs F and G, we have that
INTERSECT(newIDs(F),newIDs(G)) is the empty set
Example - consider input vector with a single element, i.e. [x].
Let's Discretize to one of 2 values, as follows:
Let F=0 for the ID of the single feature in the vector.
Let the bin boundary of feature F=0 be BNDRY(F) = BNDRY(0) since F=0
Let newIDs(F) = newIDs(0) = {0,1}
Let map(x|F) = map(x|0) = 0 if x<=BNDRY else 1
If we had another element y in the vector, i.e. [x, y], then we might additionally
Let F=1 for element y.
Let the bin boundary be BNDRY(F) = BNDRY(1) since F=1
Let newIDs(F) = newIDs(1) = {2,3} (so as to have empty intersect with newIDs(0))
Let map(x|F) = map(x|1) = 2 if x<=BNDRY else 3
Consider vector observation [-0.1, 0.2]. We then represent this as [(0, -0.1), (1, 0.2)]
Let BNDRY(0) = BNDRY(1) = 0. When we discretize the vector, we get:
(0, -0.1) -> (map(-0.1|0), 1) = (0, 1)
(1, 0.2) -> (map( 0.2|1), 1) = (3, 1)
Our output vector is then represented sparsely as [(0, 1), (3, 1)], and the dense
representation of this could be [1, 0, 0, 1]
template<typename T>
class PercentileDiscretizerV2 : public OpKernel {
explicit PercentileDiscretizerV2(OpKernelConstruction* context) : OpKernel(context) {
// get the number of output bits
// for use with features that have not been calibrated
context->GetAttr("output_bits", &output_bits_));
context->GetAttr("cost_per_unit", &cost_per_unit_));
OP_REQUIRES(context, cost_per_unit_ >= 0,
errors::InvalidArgument("Must have cost_per_unit >= 0."));
// construct the ID_to_index hash map
Tensor feature_IDs;
Tensor feature_indices;
// extract the tensors
context->GetAttr("feature_ids", &feature_IDs));
context->GetAttr("feature_indices", &feature_indices));
// for access to the data
// int64_t data type is set in to_layer function of the calibrator objects in Python
auto feature_IDs_flat = feature_IDs.flat<int64>();
auto feature_indices_flat = feature_indices.flat<int64>();
// verify proper dimension constraints
OP_REQUIRES(context, feature_IDs.shape() == feature_indices.shape(),
errors::InvalidArgument("feature_ids and feature_indices must be identical shape."));
OP_REQUIRES(context, feature_IDs.shape().dims() == 1,
errors::InvalidArgument("feature_ids and feature_indices must be 1D."));
// reserve space in the hash map and fill in the values
int num_features = feature_IDs.shape().dim_size(0);
#endif // USE_DENSE_HASH
for (int i = 0 ; i < num_features ; i++) {
ID_to_index_[feature_IDs_flat(i)] = feature_indices_flat(i);
void Compute(OpKernelContext* context) override {
twml::Map<int64_t, int64_t> ID_to_index_;
int output_bits_;
int cost_per_unit_;
#define REGISTER(Type) \
Name("PercentileDiscretizerV2") \
.Device(DEVICE_CPU) \
.TypeConstraint<Type>("T"), \
PercentileDiscretizerV2<Type>); \
void CombinedComputeDiscretizers(
OpKernelContext* context,
int64_t output_bits,
const twml::Map<int64_t, int64_t> &ID_to_index,
int64_t cost_per_unit) {
const Tensor& keys = context->input(0);
const Tensor& vals = context->input(1);
const Tensor& bin_ids = context->input(2);
const Tensor& bin_vals = context->input(3);
const Tensor& feature_offsets = context->input(4);
uint64 full_size = keys.dim_size(0);
const int total_size = static_cast<int64>(full_size);
TensorShape output_shape = {total_size};
Tensor* new_keys = nullptr;
OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->allocate_output(0, output_shape, &new_keys));
Tensor* new_vals = nullptr;
OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, context->allocate_output(1, output_shape, &new_vals));
try {
twml::Tensor out_keys_ = TFTensor_to_twml_tensor(*new_keys);
twml::Tensor out_vals_ = TFTensor_to_twml_tensor(*new_vals);
const twml::Tensor in_keys_ = TFTensor_to_twml_tensor(keys);
const twml::Tensor in_vals_ = TFTensor_to_twml_tensor(vals);
const twml::Tensor bin_ids_ = TFTensor_to_twml_tensor(bin_ids);
const twml::Tensor bin_vals_ = TFTensor_to_twml_tensor(bin_vals);
const twml::Tensor feature_offsets_ = TFTensor_to_twml_tensor(feature_offsets);
// retrieve the thread pool from the op context
auto worker_threads = *(context->device()->tensorflow_cpu_worker_threads());
// Definition of the computation thread
auto task = [&](int64 start, int64 limit) {
twml::discretizerInfer(out_keys_, out_vals_,
in_keys_, in_vals_,
bin_ids_, bin_vals_,
feature_offsets_, output_bits,
start, limit,
// let Tensorflow split up the work as it sees fit
} catch (const std::exception &e) {