2023-04-01 13:05:24 +08:00

234 lines
7.3 KiB

import java.util.Arrays;
* Modeled after TwitterCharBlockPool, with a lot of simplification.
public class IntBlockPool implements Flushable {
private static final SearchLongGauge INT_BLOCK_POOL_MAX_LENGTH =
private static final String STAT_PREFIX = "twitter_int_block_pool_size_";
private static final int BLOCK_SHIFT = 14;
public static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 1 << BLOCK_SHIFT;
private static final int BLOCK_MASK = BLOCK_SIZE - 1;
// We can address up to 2^31 elements with an int. We use 1 << 14 bits for the block offset,
// so we can use the remaining 17 bits for the blocks index. Therefore the maximum number of
// addressable blocks is 1 << 17 or maxInt >> 14.
private static final int MAX_NUM_BLOCKS = Integer.MAX_VALUE >> BLOCK_SHIFT;
// Initial value written into the blocks.
private final int initialValue;
// Extra object with final array is necessary to guarantee visibility
// to other threads without synchronization / volatiles. See comment
// in TwitterCharBlockPool.
public static final class Pool {
public final int[][] blocks;
Pool(int[][] blocks) {
this.blocks = blocks;
// Adjust max size if exceeded maximum value.
synchronized (INT_BLOCK_POOL_MAX_LENGTH) {
if (this.blocks != null) {
final long currentSize = (long) (this.blocks.length * BLOCK_SIZE);
if (currentSize > INT_BLOCK_POOL_MAX_LENGTH.get()) {
public Pool pool;
private int currBlockIndex; // Index into blocks array.
private int[] currBlock = null;
private int currBlockOffset; // Index into current block.
private final String poolName;
private final SearchLongGauge sizeGauge;
public IntBlockPool(String poolName) {
this(0, poolName);
public IntBlockPool(int initialValue, String poolName) {
// Start with room for 16 initial blocks (does not allocate these blocks).
this.pool = new Pool(new int[16][]);
this.initialValue = initialValue;
// Start at the end of a previous, non-existent blocks.
this.currBlockIndex = -1;
this.currBlock = null;
this.currBlockOffset = BLOCK_SIZE;
this.poolName = poolName;
this.sizeGauge = createGauge(poolName, pool);
// Constructor for FlushHandler.
protected IntBlockPool(
int currBlockIndex,
int currBlockOffset,
String poolName) {
this.initialValue = 0;
this.pool = new Pool(blocks);
this.currBlockIndex = currBlockIndex;
this.currBlockOffset = currBlockOffset;
if (currBlockIndex >= 0) {
this.currBlock = this.pool.blocks[currBlockIndex];
this.poolName = poolName;
this.sizeGauge = createGauge(poolName, pool);
private static SearchLongGauge createGauge(String suffix, Pool pool) {
SearchLongGauge gauge = SearchLongGauge.export(STAT_PREFIX + suffix);
if (pool.blocks != null) {
gauge.set(pool.blocks.length * BLOCK_SIZE);
return gauge;
* Adds an int to the current block and returns it's overall index.
public int add(int value) {
if (currBlockOffset == BLOCK_SIZE) {
currBlock[currBlockOffset++] = value;
return (currBlockIndex << BLOCK_SHIFT) + currBlockOffset - 1;
* Returns number of ints in this blocks
public int length() {
return currBlockOffset + currBlockIndex * BLOCK_SIZE;
* Gets an int from the specified index.
public final int get(int index) {
return getBlock(index)[getOffsetInBlock(index)];
public static int getBlockStart(int index) {
return (index >>> BLOCK_SHIFT) * BLOCK_SIZE;
public static int getOffsetInBlock(int index) {
return index & BLOCK_MASK;
public final int[] getBlock(int index) {
final int blockIndex = index >>> BLOCK_SHIFT;
return pool.blocks[blockIndex];
* Sets an int value at the specified index.
public void set(int index, int value) {
final int blockIndex = index >>> BLOCK_SHIFT;
final int offset = index & BLOCK_MASK;
pool.blocks[blockIndex][offset] = value;
* Evaluates whether two instances of IntBlockPool are equal by value. It is
* slow because it has to check every element in the pool.
public boolean verySlowEqualsForTests(IntBlockPool that) {
if (length() != that.length()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
if (get(i) != that.get(i)) {
return false;
return true;
private void newBlock() {
final int newBlockIndex = 1 + currBlockIndex;
if (newBlockIndex >= MAX_NUM_BLOCKS) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Too many blocks, would overflow int index for blocks " + poolName);
if (newBlockIndex == pool.blocks.length) {
// Blocks array is too small to add a new block. Resize.
int[][] newBlocks = new int[pool.blocks.length * 2][];
System.arraycopy(pool.blocks, 0, newBlocks, 0, pool.blocks.length);
pool = new Pool(newBlocks);
sizeGauge.set(pool.blocks.length * BLOCK_SIZE);
currBlock = pool.blocks[newBlockIndex] = allocateBlock();
currBlockOffset = 0;
currBlockIndex = newBlockIndex;
private int[] allocateBlock() {
int[] block = new int[BLOCK_SIZE];
Arrays.fill(block, initialValue);
return block;
public FlushHandler getFlushHandler() {
return new FlushHandler(this);
public static final class FlushHandler extends Flushable.Handler<IntBlockPool> {
private static final String CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX_PROP_NAME = "currentBlockIndex";
private static final String CURRENT_BLOCK_OFFSET_PROP_NAME = "currentBlockOffset";
private static final String POOL_NAME = "poolName";
public FlushHandler() {
public FlushHandler(IntBlockPool objToFlush) {
protected void doFlush(FlushInfo flushInfo, DataSerializer out) throws IOException {
IntBlockPool pool = getObjectToFlush();
flushInfo.addIntProperty(CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX_PROP_NAME, pool.currBlockIndex);
flushInfo.addIntProperty(CURRENT_BLOCK_OFFSET_PROP_NAME, pool.currBlockOffset);
flushInfo.addStringProperty(POOL_NAME, pool.poolName);
out.writeIntArray2D(pool.pool.blocks, pool.currBlockIndex + 1);
protected IntBlockPool doLoad(FlushInfo flushInfo, DataDeserializer in) throws IOException {
String poolName = flushInfo.getStringProperty(POOL_NAME);
return new IntBlockPool(