twitter-team 5edbbeedb3 Open-sourcing Representation Scorer
Representation Scorer (RSX) serves as a centralized scoring system, offering SimClusters or other embedding-based scoring solutions as machine learning features.
2023-04-28 14:18:16 -05:00

107 lines
5.5 KiB

namespace java com.twitter.representationscorer.thriftjava
#@namespace scala com.twitter.representationscorer.thriftscala
#@namespace strato com.twitter.representationscorer
include "com/twitter/simclusters_v2/identifier.thrift"
include "com/twitter/simclusters_v2/online_store.thrift"
include "com/twitter/simclusters_v2/score.thrift"
struct SimClustersRecentEngagementSimilarities {
// All scores computed using cosine similarity
// 1 - 1000 Positive Signals
1: optional double fav1dLast10Max // max score from last 10 faves in the last 1 day
2: optional double fav1dLast10Avg // avg score from last 10 faves in the last 1 day
3: optional double fav7dLast10Max // max score from last 10 faves in the last 7 days
4: optional double fav7dLast10Avg // avg score from last 10 faves in the last 7 days
5: optional double retweet1dLast10Max // max score from last 10 retweets in the last 1 days
6: optional double retweet1dLast10Avg // avg score from last 10 retweets in the last 1 days
7: optional double retweet7dLast10Max // max score from last 10 retweets in the last 7 days
8: optional double retweet7dLast10Avg // avg score from last 10 retweets in the last 7 days
9: optional double follow7dLast10Max // max score from the last 10 follows in the last 7 days
10: optional double follow7dLast10Avg // avg score from the last 10 follows in the last 7 days
11: optional double follow30dLast10Max // max score from the last 10 follows in the last 30 days
12: optional double follow30dLast10Avg // avg score from the last 10 follows in the last 30 days
13: optional double share1dLast10Max // max score from last 10 shares in the last 1 day
14: optional double share1dLast10Avg // avg score from last 10 shares in the last 1 day
15: optional double share7dLast10Max // max score from last 10 shares in the last 7 days
16: optional double share7dLast10Avg // avg score from last 10 shares in the last 7 days
17: optional double reply1dLast10Max // max score from last 10 replies in the last 1 day
18: optional double reply1dLast10Avg // avg score from last 10 replies in the last 1 day
19: optional double reply7dLast10Max // max score from last 10 replies in the last 7 days
20: optional double reply7dLast10Avg // avg score from last 10 replies in the last 7 days
21: optional double originalTweet1dLast10Max // max score from last 10 original tweets in the last 1 day
22: optional double originalTweet1dLast10Avg // avg score from last 10 original tweets in the last 1 day
23: optional double originalTweet7dLast10Max // max score from last 10 original tweets in the last 7 days
24: optional double originalTweet7dLast10Avg // avg score from last 10 original tweets in the last 7 days
25: optional double videoPlayback1dLast10Max // max score from last 10 video playback50 in the last 1 day
26: optional double videoPlayback1dLast10Avg // avg score from last 10 video playback50 in the last 1 day
27: optional double videoPlayback7dLast10Max // max score from last 10 video playback50 in the last 7 days
28: optional double videoPlayback7dLast10Avg // avg score from last 10 video playback50 in the last 7 days
// 1001 - 2000 Implicit Signals
// 2001 - 3000 Negative Signals
// Block Series
2001: optional double block1dLast10Avg
2002: optional double block1dLast10Max
2003: optional double block7dLast10Avg
2004: optional double block7dLast10Max
2005: optional double block30dLast10Avg
2006: optional double block30dLast10Max
// Mute Series
2101: optional double mute1dLast10Avg
2102: optional double mute1dLast10Max
2103: optional double mute7dLast10Avg
2104: optional double mute7dLast10Max
2105: optional double mute30dLast10Avg
2106: optional double mute30dLast10Max
// Report Series
2201: optional double report1dLast10Avg
2202: optional double report1dLast10Max
2203: optional double report7dLast10Avg
2204: optional double report7dLast10Max
2205: optional double report30dLast10Avg
2206: optional double report30dLast10Max
// Dontlike
2301: optional double dontlike1dLast10Avg
2302: optional double dontlike1dLast10Max
2303: optional double dontlike7dLast10Avg
2304: optional double dontlike7dLast10Max
2305: optional double dontlike30dLast10Avg
2306: optional double dontlike30dLast10Max
// SeeFewer
2401: optional double seeFewer1dLast10Avg
2402: optional double seeFewer1dLast10Max
2403: optional double seeFewer7dLast10Avg
2404: optional double seeFewer7dLast10Max
2405: optional double seeFewer30dLast10Avg
2406: optional double seeFewer30dLast10Max
}(persisted='true', hasPersonalData = 'true')
* List score API
struct ListScoreId {
1: required score.ScoringAlgorithm algorithm
2: required online_store.ModelVersion modelVersion
3: required identifier.EmbeddingType targetEmbeddingType
4: required identifier.InternalId targetId
5: required identifier.EmbeddingType candidateEmbeddingType
6: required list<identifier.InternalId> candidateIds
}(hasPersonalData = 'true')
struct ScoreResult {
// This api does not communicate why a score is missing. For example, it may be unavailable
// because the referenced entities do not exist (e.g. the embedding was not found) or because
// timeouts prevented us from calculating it.
1: optional double score
struct ListScoreResponse {
1: required list<ScoreResult> scores // Guaranteed to be the same number/order as requested
struct RecentEngagementSimilaritiesResponse {
1: required list<SimClustersRecentEngagementSimilarities> results // Guaranteed to be the same number/order as requested