twitter-team 617c8c787d Open-sourcing Unified User Actions
Unified User Action (UUA) is a centralized, real-time stream of user actions on Twitter, consumed by various product, ML, and marketing teams. UUA makes sure all internal teams consume the uniformed user actions data in an accurate and fast way.
2023-04-14 16:45:37 -05:00

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package com.twitter.unified_user_actions.adapter.tweetypie_event
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.QuotedTweet
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.Share
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.TweetCreateEvent
import com.twitter.tweetypie.thriftscala.TweetEventFlags
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.adapter.common.AdapterUtils
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftscala.ActionType
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftscala.AuthorInfo
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftscala.EventMetadata
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftscala.Item
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftscala.SourceLineage
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftscala.TweetInfo
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftscala.UnifiedUserAction
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftscala.UserIdentifier
* Base class for Tweetypie TweetCreateEvent including Quote, Reply, Retweet, and Create.
trait BaseTweetypieTweetEventCreate extends BaseTweetypieTweetEvent[TweetCreateEvent] {
type ExtractedEvent
protected def actionType: ActionType
* This is the country code where actionTweetId is sent from. For the definitions,
* check
* UUA sets this to be consistent with IESource to meet existing use requirement.
* For ServerTweetReply/Retweet/Quote, the geo-tagging country code is not available in TweetCreatEvent.
* Thus, user signup country is picked to meet a customer use case.
* The definition here conflicts with the intention of UUA to log the request country code
* rather than the signup / geo-tagging country.
protected def getCountryCode(tce: TweetCreateEvent): Option[String] = { match {
case Some(p) => p.countryCode
case _ =>
protected def getItem(
extractedEvent: ExtractedEvent,
tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent
): Item
protected def extract(tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent): Option[ExtractedEvent]
def getUnifiedUserAction(
tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent,
tweetEventFlags: TweetEventFlags
): Option[UnifiedUserAction] = {
extract(tweetCreateEvent).map { extractedEvent =>
userIdentifier = getUserIdentifier(tweetCreateEvent),
item = getItem(extractedEvent, tweetCreateEvent),
actionType = actionType,
eventMetadata = getEventMetadata(tweetCreateEvent, tweetEventFlags),
productSurface = None,
productSurfaceInfo = None
protected def getUserIdentifier(tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent): UserIdentifier =
UserIdentifier(userId = Some(
protected def getEventMetadata(
tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent,
flags: TweetEventFlags
): EventMetadata =
sourceTimestampMs = flags.timestampMs,
receivedTimestampMs = AdapterUtils.currentTimestampMs,
sourceLineage = SourceLineage.ServerTweetypieEvents,
traceId = None, // Currently traceId is not stored in TweetCreateEvent
// UUA sets this to None since there is no request level language info.
language = None,
countryCode = getCountryCode(tweetCreateEvent),
clientAppId = tweetCreateEvent.tweet.deviceSource.flatMap(_.clientAppId),
clientVersion = None // Currently clientVersion is not stored in TweetCreateEvent
* Get UnifiedUserAction from a tweet Create.
* Note the Create is generated when the tweet is not a Quote/Retweet/Reply.
object TweetypieCreateEvent extends BaseTweetypieTweetEventCreate {
type ExtractedEvent = Long
override protected val actionType: ActionType = ActionType.ServerTweetCreate
override protected def extract(tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent): Option[Long] =
protected def getItem(
tweetId: Long,
tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent
): Item =
actionTweetId = tweetId,
actionTweetAuthorInfo = Some(AuthorInfo(authorId = Some(
* Get UnifiedUserAction from a Reply.
* Note the Reply is generated when someone is replying to a tweet.
object TweetypieReplyEvent extends BaseTweetypieTweetEventCreate {
case class PredicateOutput(tweetId: Long, userId: Long)
override type ExtractedEvent = PredicateOutput
override protected val actionType: ActionType = ActionType.ServerTweetReply
override protected def extract(tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent): Option[PredicateOutput] =
.flatMap(_.reply).flatMap(r => => PredicateOutput(tweetId, r.inReplyToUserId)))
override protected def getItem(
repliedTweet: PredicateOutput,
tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent
): Item = {
actionTweetId = repliedTweet.tweetId,
actionTweetAuthorInfo = Some(AuthorInfo(authorId = Some(repliedTweet.userId))),
replyingTweetId = Some(
* Get UnifiedUserAction from a Quote.
* Note the Quote is generated when someone is quoting (retweeting with comment) a tweet.
object TweetypieQuoteEvent extends BaseTweetypieTweetEventCreate {
override protected val actionType: ActionType = ActionType.ServerTweetQuote
type ExtractedEvent = QuotedTweet
override protected def extract(tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent): Option[QuotedTweet] =
override protected def getItem(
quotedTweet: QuotedTweet,
tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent
): Item =
actionTweetId = quotedTweet.tweetId,
actionTweetAuthorInfo = Some(AuthorInfo(authorId = Some(quotedTweet.userId))),
quotingTweetId = Some(
* Get UnifiedUserAction from a Retweet.
* Note the Retweet is generated when someone is retweeting (without comment) a tweet.
object TweetypieRetweetEvent extends BaseTweetypieTweetEventCreate {
override type ExtractedEvent = Share
override protected val actionType: ActionType = ActionType.ServerTweetRetweet
override protected def extract(tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent): Option[Share] =
override protected def getItem(share: Share, tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent): Item =
actionTweetId = share.sourceStatusId,
actionTweetAuthorInfo = Some(AuthorInfo(authorId = Some(share.sourceUserId))),
retweetingTweetId = Some(
* Get UnifiedUserAction from a TweetEdit.
* Note the Edit is generated when someone is editing their quote or default tweet. The edit will
* generate a new Tweet.
object TweetypieEditEvent extends BaseTweetypieTweetEventCreate {
override type ExtractedEvent = Long
override protected def actionType: ActionType = ActionType.ServerTweetEdit
override protected def extract(tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent): Option[Long] =
override protected def getItem(
editedTweetId: Long,
tweetCreateEvent: TweetCreateEvent
): Item =
actionTweetId =,
actionTweetAuthorInfo = Some(AuthorInfo(authorId = Some(,
editedTweetId = Some(editedTweetId),
quotedTweetId =