twitter-team 617c8c787d Open-sourcing Unified User Actions
Unified User Action (UUA) is a centralized, real-time stream of user actions on Twitter, consumed by various product, ML, and marketing teams. UUA makes sure all internal teams consume the uniformed user actions data in an accurate and fast way.
2023-04-14 16:45:37 -05:00

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package com.twitter.unified_user_actions.adapter.uua_aggregates
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.NullStatsReceiver
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.adapter.AbstractAdapter
import com.twitter.unified_user_actions.thriftscala._
* The main purpose of the rekey adapter and the rekey service is to not break the existing
* customers with the existing Unkeyed and also making the value as a super light-weight schema.
* After we rekey from Unkeyed to Long (tweetId), downstream KafkaStreams can directly consume
* without repartitioning.
class RekeyUuaAdapter extends AbstractAdapter[UnifiedUserAction, Long, KeyedUuaTweet] {
import RekeyUuaAdapter._
override def adaptOneToKeyedMany(
input: UnifiedUserAction,
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver = NullStatsReceiver
): Seq[(Long, KeyedUuaTweet)] =
adaptEvent(input).map { e => (e.tweetId, e) }
object RekeyUuaAdapter {
def adaptEvent(e: UnifiedUserAction): Seq[KeyedUuaTweet] =
Option(e).flatMap { e =>
e.actionType match {
case ActionType.ClientTweetRenderImpression =>
case _ => None