2023-03-31 22:16:43 -04:00

712 lines
25 KiB

package com.twitter.ann.hnsw;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;
import com.twitter.ann.common.IndexOutputFile;
import com.twitter.ann.common.thriftjava.HnswInternalIndexMetadata;
import com.twitter.bijection.Injection;
import com.twitter.logging.Logger;
import com.twitter.mediaservices.commons.codec.ArrayByteBufferCodec;
* Typed multithreaded HNSW implementation supporting creation/querying of approximate nearest neighbour
* Paper:
* Multithreading impl based on NMSLIB version :
* @param <T> The type of items inserted / searched in the HNSW index.
* @param <Q> The type of KNN query.
public class HnswIndex<T, Q> {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.get(HnswIndex.class);
private static final String METADATA_FILE_NAME = "hnsw_internal_metadata";
private static final String GRAPH_FILE_NAME = "hnsw_internal_graph";
private static final int MAP_SIZE_FACTOR = 5;
private final DistanceFunction<T, T> distFnIndex;
private final DistanceFunction<Q, T> distFnQuery;
private final int efConstruction;
private final int maxM;
private final int maxM0;
private final double levelMultiplier;
private final AtomicReference<HnswMeta<T>> graphMeta = new AtomicReference<>();
private final Map<HnswNode<T>, ImmutableList<T>> graph;
// To take lock on vertex level
private final ConcurrentHashMap<T, ReadWriteLock> locks;
// To take lock on whole graph only if vertex addition is on layer above the current maxLevel
private final ReentrantLock globalLock;
private final Function<T, ReadWriteLock> lockProvider;
private final RandomProvider randomProvider;
// Probability of reevaluating connections of an element in the neighborhood during an update
// Can be used as a knob to adjust update_speed/search_speed tradeoff.
private final float updateNeighborProbability;
* Creates instance of hnsw index.
* @param distFnIndex Any distance metric/non metric that specifies similarity between two items for indexing.
* @param distFnQuery Any distance metric/non metric that specifies similarity between item for which nearest neighbours queried for and already indexed item.
* @param efConstruction Provide speed vs index quality tradeoff, higher the value better the quality and higher the time to create index.
* Valid range of efConstruction can be anywhere between 1 and tens of thousand. Typically, it should be set so that a search of M
* neighbors with ef=efConstruction should end in recall>0.95.
* @param maxM Maximum connections per layer except 0th level.
* Optimal values between 5-48.
* Smaller M generally produces better result for lower recalls and/ or lower dimensional data,
* while bigger M is better for high recall and/ or high dimensional, data on the expense of more memory/disk usage
* @param expectedElements Approximate number of elements to be indexed
protected HnswIndex(
DistanceFunction<T, T> distFnIndex,
DistanceFunction<Q, T> distFnQuery,
int efConstruction,
int maxM,
int expectedElements,
RandomProvider randomProvider
) {
new HnswMeta<>(-1, Optional.empty()),
new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MAP_SIZE_FACTOR * expectedElements),
private HnswIndex(
DistanceFunction<T, T> distFnIndex,
DistanceFunction<Q, T> distFnQuery,
int efConstruction,
int maxM,
int expectedElements,
HnswMeta<T> graphMeta,
Map<HnswNode<T>, ImmutableList<T>> graph,
RandomProvider randomProvider
) {
this.distFnIndex = distFnIndex;
this.distFnQuery = distFnQuery;
this.efConstruction = efConstruction;
this.maxM = maxM;
this.maxM0 = 2 * maxM;
this.levelMultiplier = 1.0 / Math.log(1.0 * maxM);
this.graph = graph;
this.locks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MAP_SIZE_FACTOR * expectedElements);
this.globalLock = new ReentrantLock();
this.lockProvider = key -> new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
this.randomProvider = randomProvider;
this.updateNeighborProbability = 1.0f;
* wireConnectionForAllLayers finds connections for a new element and creates bi-direction links.
* The method assumes using a reentrant lock to link list reads.
* @param entryPoint the global entry point
* @param item the item for which the connections are found
* @param itemLevel the level of the added item (maximum layer in which we wire the connections)
* @param maxLayer the level of the entry point
private void wireConnectionForAllLayers(final T entryPoint, final T item, final int itemLevel,
final int maxLayer, final boolean isUpdate) {
T curObj = entryPoint;
if (itemLevel < maxLayer) {
curObj = bestEntryPointUntilLayer(curObj, item, maxLayer, itemLevel, distFnIndex);
for (int level = Math.min(itemLevel, maxLayer); level >= 0; level--) {
final DistancedItemQueue<T, T> candidates =
searchLayerForCandidates(item, curObj, efConstruction, level, distFnIndex, isUpdate);
curObj = mutuallyConnectNewElement(item, candidates, level, isUpdate);
* Insert the item into HNSW index.
public void insert(final T item) throws IllegalDuplicateInsertException {
final Lock itemLock = locks.computeIfAbsent(item, lockProvider).writeLock();
try {
final HnswMeta<T> metadata = graphMeta.get();
// If the graph already have the item, should not re-insert it again
// Need to check entry point in case we reinsert first item where is are no graph
// but only a entry point
if (graph.containsKey(HnswNode.from(0, item))
|| (metadata.getEntryPoint().isPresent()
&& Objects.equals(metadata.getEntryPoint().get(), item))) {
throw new IllegalDuplicateInsertException(
"Duplicate insertion is not supported: " + item);
final int curLevel = getRandomLevel();
Optional<T> entryPoint = metadata.getEntryPoint();
// The global lock prevents two threads from making changes to the entry point. This lock
// should get taken very infrequently. Something like log-base-levelMultiplier(num items)
// For a full explanation of locking see this document: http://go/hnsw-locking
int maxLevelCopy = metadata.getMaxLevel();
if (curLevel > maxLevelCopy) {
// Re initialize the entryPoint and maxLevel in case these are changed by any other thread
// No need to check the condition again since,
// it is already checked at the end before updating entry point struct
// No need to unlock for optimization and keeping as is if condition fails since threads
// will not be entering this section a lot.
final HnswMeta<T> temp = graphMeta.get();
entryPoint = temp.getEntryPoint();
maxLevelCopy = temp.getMaxLevel();
if (entryPoint.isPresent()) {
wireConnectionForAllLayers(entryPoint.get(), item, curLevel, maxLevelCopy, false);
if (curLevel > maxLevelCopy) {
"Global lock not held before updating entry point");
graphMeta.set(new HnswMeta<>(curLevel, Optional.of(item)));
} finally {
if (globalLock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {
* set connections of an element with synchronization
* The only other place that should have the lock for writing is during
* the element insertion
private void setConnectionList(final T item, int layer, List<T> connections) {
final Lock candidateLock = locks.computeIfAbsent(item, lockProvider).writeLock();
try {
HnswNode.from(layer, item),
} finally {
* Reinsert the item into HNSW index.
* This method updates the links of an element assuming
* the element's distance function is changed externally (e.g. by updating the features)
public void reInsert(final T item) {
final HnswMeta<T> metadata = graphMeta.get();
Optional<T> entryPoint = metadata.getEntryPoint();
"Update cannot be performed if entry point is not present");
// This is a check for the single element case
if (entryPoint.get().equals(item) && graph.isEmpty()) {
Preconditions.checkState(graph.containsKey(HnswNode.from(0, item)),
"Graph does not contain the item to be updated at level 0");
int curLevel = 0;
int maxLevelCopy = metadata.getMaxLevel();
for (int layer = maxLevelCopy; layer >= 0; layer--) {
if (graph.containsKey(HnswNode.from(layer, item))) {
curLevel = layer;
// Updating the links of the elements from the 1-hop radius of the updated element
for (int layer = 0; layer <= curLevel; layer++) {
// Filling the element sets for candidates and updated elements
final HashSet<T> setCand = new HashSet<T>();
final HashSet<T> setNeigh = new HashSet<T>();
final List<T> listOneHop = getConnectionListForRead(item, layer);
if (listOneHop.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("No links for the updated element. Empty dataset?");
for (T elOneHop : listOneHop) {
if (randomProvider.get().nextFloat() > updateNeighborProbability) {
final List<T> listTwoHop = getConnectionListForRead(elOneHop, layer);
if (listTwoHop.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("No links for the updated element. Empty dataset?");
for (T oneHopEl : listTwoHop) {
// No need to update the item itself, so remove it
// Updating the link lists of elements from setNeigh:
for (T neigh : setNeigh) {
final HashSet<T> setCopy = new HashSet<T>(setCand);
int keepElementsNum = Math.min(efConstruction, setCopy.size());
final DistancedItemQueue<T, T> candidates = new DistancedItemQueue<>(
for (T cand : setCopy) {
final float distance = distFnIndex.distance(neigh, cand);
if (candidates.size() < keepElementsNum) {
candidates.enqueue(cand, distance);
} else {
if (distance < candidates.peek().getDistance()) {
candidates.enqueue(cand, distance);
final ImmutableList<T> neighbours = selectNearestNeighboursByHeuristic(
layer == 0 ? maxM0 : maxM
final List<T> temp = getConnectionListForRead(neigh, layer);
if (temp.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("existing linkslist is empty. Corrupt index");
if (neighbours.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("predicted linkslist is empty. Corrupt index");
setConnectionList(neigh, layer, neighbours);
wireConnectionForAllLayers(metadata.getEntryPoint().get(), item, curLevel, maxLevelCopy, true);
* This method can be used to get the graph statistics, specifically
* it prints the histogram of inbound connections for each element.
private String getStats() {
int histogramMaxBins = 50;
int[] histogram = new int[histogramMaxBins];
HashMap<T, Integer> mmap = new HashMap<T, Integer>();
for (HnswNode<T> key : graph.keySet()) {
if (key.level == 0) {
List<T> linkList = getConnectionListForRead(key.item, key.level);
for (T node : linkList) {
int a = mmap.computeIfAbsent(node, k -> 0);
mmap.put(node, a + 1);
for (T key : mmap.keySet()) {
int ind = mmap.get(key) < histogramMaxBins - 1 ? mmap.get(key) : histogramMaxBins - 1;
int minNonZeroIndex;
for (minNonZeroIndex = histogramMaxBins - 1; minNonZeroIndex >= 0; minNonZeroIndex--) {
if (histogram[minNonZeroIndex] > 0) {
String output = "";
for (int i = 0; i <= minNonZeroIndex; i++) {
output += "" + i + "\t" + histogram[i] / (0.01f * mmap.keySet().size()) + "\n";
return output;
private int getRandomLevel() {
return (int) (-Math.log(randomProvider.get().nextDouble()) * levelMultiplier);
* Note that to avoid deadlocks it is important that this method is called after all the searches
* of the graph have completed. If you take a lock on any items discovered in the graph after
* this, you may get stuck waiting on a thread that is waiting for item to be fully inserted.
* <p>
* Note: when using concurrent writers we can miss connections that we would otherwise get.
* This will reduce the recall.
* <p>
* For a full explanation of locking see this document: http://go/hnsw-locking
* The method returns the closest nearest neighbours (can be used as an enter point)
private T mutuallyConnectNewElement(
final T item,
final DistancedItemQueue<T, T> candidates, // Max queue
final int level,
final boolean isUpdate
) {
// Using maxM here. Its implementation is ambiguous in HNSW paper,
// so using the way it is getting used in Hnsw lib.
final ImmutableList<T> neighbours = selectNearestNeighboursByHeuristic(candidates, maxM);
setConnectionList(item, level, neighbours);
final int M = level == 0 ? maxM0 : maxM;
for (T nn : neighbours) {
if (nn.equals(item)) {
final Lock curLock = locks.computeIfAbsent(nn, lockProvider).writeLock();
try {
final HnswNode<T> key = HnswNode.from(level, nn);
final ImmutableList<T> connections = graph.getOrDefault(key, ImmutableList.of());
final boolean isItemAlreadyPresent =
isUpdate && connections.indexOf(item) != -1 ? true : false;
// If `item` is already present in the neighboring connections,
// then no need to modify any connections or run the search heuristics.
if (isItemAlreadyPresent) {
final ImmutableList<T> updatedConnections;
if (connections.size() < M) {
final List<T> temp = new ArrayList<>(connections);
updatedConnections = ImmutableList.copyOf(temp.iterator());
} else {
// Max Queue
final DistancedItemQueue<T, T> queue = new DistancedItemQueue<>(
updatedConnections = selectNearestNeighboursByHeuristic(queue, M);
if (updatedConnections.isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("Internal error: predicted linkslist is empty");
graph.put(key, updatedConnections);
} finally {
return neighbours.get(0);
* bestEntryPointUntilLayer starts the graph search for item from the entry point
* until the searches reaches the selectedLayer layer.
* @return a point from selectedLayer layer, was the closest on the (selectedLayer+1) layer
private <K> T bestEntryPointUntilLayer(
final T entryPoint,
final K item,
int maxLayer,
int selectedLayer,
DistanceFunction<K, T> distFn
) {
T curObj = entryPoint;
if (selectedLayer < maxLayer) {
float curDist = distFn.distance(item, curObj);
for (int level = maxLayer; level > selectedLayer; level--) {
boolean changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
final List<T> list = getConnectionListForRead(curObj, level);
for (T nn : list) {
final float tempDist = distFn.distance(item, nn);
if (tempDist < curDist) {
curDist = tempDist;
curObj = nn;
changed = true;
return curObj;
protected ImmutableList<T> selectNearestNeighboursByHeuristic(
final DistancedItemQueue<T, T> candidates, // Max queue
final int maxConnections
) {
"candidates in selectNearestNeighboursByHeuristic should be a max queue");
final T baseElement = candidates.getOrigin();
if (candidates.size() <= maxConnections) {
List<T> list = candidates.toListWithItem();
return ImmutableList.copyOf(list);
} else {
final List<T> resSet = new ArrayList<>(maxConnections);
// Min queue for closest elements first
final DistancedItemQueue<T, T> minQueue = candidates.reverse();
while (minQueue.nonEmpty()) {
if (resSet.size() >= maxConnections) {
final DistancedItem<T> candidate = minQueue.dequeue();
// We do not want to creates loops:
// While heuristic is used only for creating the links
if (candidate.getItem().equals(baseElement)) {
boolean toInclude = true;
for (T e : resSet) {
// Do not include candidate if the distance from candidate to any of existing item in
// resSet is closer to the distance from the candidate to the item. By doing this, the
// connection of graph will be more diverse, and in case of highly clustered data set,
// connections will be made between clusters instead of all being in the same cluster.
final float dist = distFnIndex.distance(e, candidate.getItem());
if (dist < candidate.getDistance()) {
toInclude = false;
if (toInclude) {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(resSet);
* Search the index for the neighbours.
* @param query Query
* @param numOfNeighbours Number of neighbours to search for.
* @param ef This param controls the accuracy of the search.
* Bigger the ef better the accuracy on the expense of latency.
* Keep it at least number of neighbours to find.
* @return Neighbours
public List<DistancedItem<T>> searchKnn(final Q query, final int numOfNeighbours, final int ef) {
final HnswMeta<T> metadata = graphMeta.get();
if (metadata.getEntryPoint().isPresent()) {
T entryPoint = bestEntryPointUntilLayer(metadata.getEntryPoint().get(),
query, metadata.getMaxLevel(), 0, distFnQuery);
// Get the actual neighbours from 0th layer
final List<DistancedItem<T>> neighbours =
searchLayerForCandidates(query, entryPoint, Math.max(ef, numOfNeighbours),
0, distFnQuery, false).dequeueAll();
return neighbours.size() > numOfNeighbours
? neighbours.subList(0, numOfNeighbours) : neighbours;
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
// This method is currently not used
// It is needed for debugging purposes only
private void checkIntegrity(String message) {
final HnswMeta<T> metadata = graphMeta.get();
for (HnswNode<T> node : graph.keySet()) {
List<T> linkList = graph.get(node);
for (T el : linkList) {
if (el.equals(node.item)) {
throw new RuntimeException("integrity check failed");
private <K> DistancedItemQueue<K, T> searchLayerForCandidates(
final K item,
final T entryPoint,
final int ef,
final int level,
final DistanceFunction<K, T> distFn,
boolean isUpdate
) {
// Min queue
final DistancedItemQueue<K, T> cQueue = new DistancedItemQueue<>(
// Max Queue
final DistancedItemQueue<K, T> wQueue = cQueue.reverse();
final Set<T> visited = new HashSet<>();
float lowerBoundDistance = wQueue.peek().getDistance();
while (cQueue.nonEmpty()) {
final DistancedItem<T> candidate = cQueue.peek();
if (candidate.getDistance() > lowerBoundDistance) {
final List<T> list = getConnectionListForRead(candidate.getItem(), level);
for (T nn : list) {
if (!visited.contains(nn)) {
final float distance = distFn.distance(item, nn);
if (wQueue.size() < ef || distance < wQueue.peek().getDistance()) {
cQueue.enqueue(nn, distance);
if (isUpdate && item.equals(nn)) {
wQueue.enqueue(nn, distance);
if (wQueue.size() > ef) {
lowerBoundDistance = wQueue.peek().getDistance();
return wQueue;
* Serialize hnsw index
public void toDirectory(IndexOutputFile indexOutputFile, Injection<T, byte[]> injection)
throws IOException, TException {
final int totalGraphEntries = HnswIndexIOUtil.saveHnswGraphEntries(
* Load hnsw index
public static <T, Q> HnswIndex<T, Q> loadHnswIndex(
DistanceFunction<T, T> distFnIndex,
DistanceFunction<Q, T> distFnQuery,
AbstractFile directory,
Injection<T, byte[]> injection,
RandomProvider randomProvider) throws IOException, TException {
final AbstractFile graphFile = directory.getChild(GRAPH_FILE_NAME);
final AbstractFile metadataFile = directory.getChild(METADATA_FILE_NAME);
final HnswInternalIndexMetadata metadata = HnswIndexIOUtil.loadMetadata(metadataFile);
final Map<HnswNode<T>, ImmutableList<T>> graph =
HnswIndexIOUtil.loadHnswGraph(graphFile, injection, metadata.numElements);
final ByteBuffer entryPointBB = metadata.entryPoint;
final HnswMeta<T> graphMeta = new HnswMeta<>(
entryPointBB == null ? Optional.empty()
: Optional.of(injection.invert(ArrayByteBufferCodec.decode(entryPointBB)).get())
return new HnswIndex<>(
private List<T> getConnectionListForRead(T node, int level) {
final Lock curLock = locks.computeIfAbsent(node, lockProvider).readLock();
final List<T> list;
try {
list = graph
.getOrDefault(HnswNode.from(level, node), ImmutableList.of());
} finally {
return list;
AtomicReference<HnswMeta<T>> getGraphMeta() {
return graphMeta;
Map<T, ReadWriteLock> getLocks() {
return locks;
Map<HnswNode<T>, ImmutableList<T>> getGraph() {
return graph;
public interface RandomProvider {
* RandomProvider interface made public for scala 2.12 compat
Random get();