2023-03-31 22:16:43 -04:00

101 lines
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package com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.rankers.weighted_candidate_source_ranker
import com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.base.Ranker
import com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.models.CandidateUser
import com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.rankers.common.DedupCandidates
import com.twitter.follow_recommendations.common.rankers.utils.Utils
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.common.identifier.CandidateSourceIdentifier
import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch
import com.twitter.timelines.configapi.HasParams
* Candidate Ranker that mixes and ranks multiple candidate lists from different candidate sources with the
* following steps:
* 1) generate a ranked candidate list of each candidate source by sorting and shuffling the candidate list
* of the algorithm.
* 2) merge the ranked lists generated in 1) into a single list using weighted randomly sampling.
* 3) If dedup is required, dedup the output from 2) by candidate id.
* @param basedRanker base ranker
* @param shuffleFn the shuffle function that will be used to shuffle each algorithm's sorted candidate list.
* @param dedup whether to remove duplicated candidates from the final output.
class WeightedCandidateSourceRanker[Target <: HasParams](
basedRanker: WeightedCandidateSourceBaseRanker[
shuffleFn: Seq[CandidateUser] => Seq[CandidateUser],
dedup: Boolean)
extends Ranker[Target, CandidateUser] {
val name: String = this.getClass.getSimpleName
override def rank(target: Target, candidates: Seq[CandidateUser]): Stitch[Seq[CandidateUser]] = {
val scribeRankingInfo: Boolean =
val rankedCands = rankCandidates(group(candidates))
Stitch.value(if (scribeRankingInfo) Utils.addRankingInfo(rankedCands, name) else rankedCands)
private def group(
candidates: Seq[CandidateUser]
): Map[CandidateSourceIdentifier, Seq[CandidateUser]] = {
val flattened = for {
candidate <- candidates
identifier <- candidate.getPrimaryCandidateSource
} yield (identifier, candidate)
private def rankCandidates(
input: Map[CandidateSourceIdentifier, Seq[CandidateUser]]
): Seq[CandidateUser] = {
// Sort and shuffle candidates per candidate source.
// Note 1: Using map instead mapValue here since mapValue somehow caused infinite loop when used as part of Stream.
val sortAndShuffledCandidates = {
case (source, candidates) =>
// Note 2: toList is required here since candidates is a view, and it will result in infinite loop when used as part of Stream.
// Note 3: there is no real sorting logic here, it assumes the input is already sorted by candidate sources
val sortedCandidates = candidates.toList
source -> shuffleFn(sortedCandidates).iterator
val rankedCandidates = basedRanker(sortAndShuffledCandidates)
if (dedup) DedupCandidates(rankedCandidates) else rankedCandidates
object WeightedCandidateSourceRanker {
def build[Target <: HasParams](
candidateSourceWeight: Map[CandidateSourceIdentifier, Double],
shuffleFn: Seq[CandidateUser] => Seq[CandidateUser] = identity,
dedup: Boolean = false,
randomSeed: Option[Long] = None
): WeightedCandidateSourceRanker[Target] = {
new WeightedCandidateSourceRanker(
new WeightedCandidateSourceBaseRanker(
randomSeed = randomSeed),
object WeightedCandidateSourceRankerWithoutRandomSampling {
def build[Target <: HasParams](
candidateSourceWeight: Map[CandidateSourceIdentifier, Double]
): WeightedCandidateSourceRanker[Target] = {
new WeightedCandidateSourceRanker(
new WeightedCandidateSourceBaseRanker(
randomSeed = None),