twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
Please note we have force-pushed a new initial commit in order to remove some publicly-available Twitter user information. Note that this process may be required in the future.
2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

95 lines
3.8 KiB

package com.twitter.product_mixer.component_library.premarshaller.urt.builder
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.marshalling.response.urt.operation.CursorOperation
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.marshalling.response.urt.Timeline
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.marshalling.response.urt.TimelineEntry
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.marshalling.response.urt.TimelineInstruction
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.pipeline.HasPipelineCursor
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.pipeline.PipelineQuery
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.pipeline.UrtPipelineCursor
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.util.SortIndexBuilder
trait UrtBuilder[-Query <: PipelineQuery, +Instruction <: TimelineInstruction] {
private val TimelineIdSuffix = "-Timeline"
def instructionBuilders: Seq[UrtInstructionBuilder[Query, Instruction]]
def cursorBuilders: Seq[UrtCursorBuilder[Query]]
def cursorUpdaters: Seq[UrtCursorUpdater[Query]]
def metadataBuilder: Option[BaseUrtMetadataBuilder[Query]]
// Timeline entry sort indexes will count down by this value. Values higher than 1 are useful to
// leave room in the sequence for dynamically injecting content in between existing entries.
def sortIndexStep: Int = 1
final def buildTimeline(
query: Query,
entries: Seq[TimelineEntry]
): Timeline = {
val initialSortIndex = getInitialSortIndex(query)
// Set the sort indexes of the entries before we pass them to the cursor builders, since many
// cursor implementations use the sort index of the first/last entry as part of the cursor value
val sortIndexedEntries = updateSortIndexes(initialSortIndex, entries)
// Iterate over the cursorUpdaters in the order they were defined. Note that each updater will
// be passed the timelineEntries updated by the previous cursorUpdater.
val updatedCursorEntries: Seq[TimelineEntry] =
cursorUpdaters.foldLeft(sortIndexedEntries) { (timelineEntries, cursorUpdater) =>
cursorUpdater.update(query, timelineEntries)
val allCursoredEntries =
updatedCursorEntries ++ cursorBuilders.flatMap(, updatedCursorEntries))
val instructions: Seq[Instruction] =
instructionBuilders.flatMap(, allCursoredEntries))
val metadata =, allCursoredEntries))
id = query.product.identifier.toString + TimelineIdSuffix,
instructions = instructions,
metadata = metadata
final def getInitialSortIndex(query: Query): Long =
query match {
case cursorQuery: HasPipelineCursor[_] =>
case _ => SortIndexBuilder.timeToId(query.queryTime)
* Updates the sort indexes in the timeline entries starting from the given initial sort index
* value and decreasing by the value defined in the sort index step field
* @param initialSortIndex The initial value of the sort index
* @param timelineEntries Timeline entries to update
final def updateSortIndexes(
initialSortIndex: Long,
timelineEntries: Seq[TimelineEntry]
): Seq[TimelineEntry] = {
val indexRange =
initialSortIndex to (initialSortIndex - (timelineEntries.size * sortIndexStep)) by -sortIndexStep
// Skip any existing cursors because their sort indexes will be managed by their cursor updater.
// If the cursors are not removed first, then the remaining entries would have a gap everywhere
// an existing cursor was present.
val (cursorEntries, nonCursorEntries) = timelineEntries.partition {
case _: CursorOperation => true
case _ => false
} {
case (entry, index) =>
} ++ cursorEntries