twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

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package com.twitter.product_mixer.component_library.premarshaller.urt.builder
import com.twitter.product_mixer.component_library.premarshaller.urt.builder.UrtCursorBuilder.DefaultSortIndex
import com.twitter.product_mixer.component_library.premarshaller.urt.builder.UrtCursorBuilder.NextPageTopCursorEntryOffset
import com.twitter.product_mixer.component_library.premarshaller.urt.builder.UrtCursorBuilder.UrtEntryOffset
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.marshalling.response.urt.TimelineEntry
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.marshalling.response.urt.operation.BottomCursor
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.marshalling.response.urt.operation.CursorItem
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.marshalling.response.urt.operation.CursorOperation
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.marshalling.response.urt.operation.CursorType
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.marshalling.response.urt.operation.GapCursor
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.model.marshalling.response.urt.operation.TopCursor
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.pipeline.HasPipelineCursor
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.pipeline.PipelineQuery
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.pipeline.UrtPipelineCursor
import com.twitter.product_mixer.core.util.SortIndexBuilder
object UrtCursorBuilder {
val NextPageTopCursorEntryOffset = 1L
val UrtEntryOffset = 1L
val DefaultSortIndex = (query: PipelineQuery) => SortIndexBuilder.timeToId(query.queryTime)
trait UrtCursorBuilder[-Query <: PipelineQuery] {
val includeOperation: IncludeInstruction[Query] = AlwaysInclude
def cursorType: CursorType
def cursorValue(query: Query, entries: Seq[TimelineEntry]): String
* Identifier of an *existing* timeline cursor that this new cursor would replace, if this cursor
* is returned in a `ReplaceEntry` timeline instruction.
* Note:
* - This id is used to populate the `entryIdToReplace` field on the URT TimelineEntry
* generated. More details at [[CursorOperation.entryIdToReplace]].
* - As a convention, we use the sortIndex of the cursor for its id/entryId fields. So the
* `idToReplace` should represent the sortIndex of the existing cursor to be replaced.
def idToReplace(query: Query): Option[Long] = None
def cursorSortIndex(query: Query, entries: Seq[TimelineEntry]): Long =
(query, cursorType) match {
case (query: PipelineQuery with HasPipelineCursor[_], TopCursor) =>
topCursorSortIndex(query, entries)
case (query: PipelineQuery with HasPipelineCursor[_], BottomCursor | GapCursor) =>
bottomCursorSortIndex(query, entries)
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Automatic sort index support limited to top and bottom cursors")
def build(query: Query, entries: Seq[TimelineEntry]): Option[CursorOperation] = {
if (includeOperation(query, entries)) {
val sortIndex = cursorSortIndex(query, entries)
val cursorOperation = CursorOperation(
id = sortIndex,
sortIndex = Some(sortIndex),
value = cursorValue(query, entries),
cursorType = cursorType,
displayTreatment = None,
idToReplace = idToReplace(query),
} else None
* Build the top cursor sort index which handles the following cases:
* 1. When there is at least one non-cursor entry, use the first entry's sort index + UrtEntryOffset
* 2. When there are no non-cursor entries, and initialSortIndex is not set which indicates that
* it is the first page, use DefaultSortIndex + UrtEntryOffset
* 3. When there are no non-cursor entries, and initialSortIndex is set which indicates that it is
* not the first page, use the query.initialSortIndex from the passed-in cursor + UrtEntryOffset
protected def topCursorSortIndex(
query: PipelineQuery with HasPipelineCursor[_],
entries: Seq[TimelineEntry]
): Long = {
val nonCursorEntries = entries.filter {
case _: CursorOperation => false
case _: CursorItem => false
case _ => true
lazy val initialSortIndex =
nonCursorEntries.headOption.flatMap(_.sortIndex).getOrElse(initialSortIndex) + UrtEntryOffset
* Specifies the point at which the next page's entries' sort indices will start counting.
* Note that in the case of URT, the next page's entries' does not include the top cursor. As
* such, the value of initialSortIndex passed back in the cursor is typically the bottom cursor's
* sort index - 2. Subtracting 2 leaves room for the next page's top cursor, which will have a
* sort index of top entry + 1.
protected def nextBottomInitialSortIndex(
query: PipelineQuery with HasPipelineCursor[_],
entries: Seq[TimelineEntry]
): Long = {
bottomCursorSortIndex(query, entries) - NextPageTopCursorEntryOffset - UrtEntryOffset
* Build the bottom cursor sort index which handles the following cases:
* 1. When there is at least one non-cursor entry, use the last entry's sort index - UrtEntryOffset
* 2. When there are no non-cursor entries, and initialSortIndex is not set which indicates that
* it is the first page, use DefaultSortIndex
* 3. When there are no non-cursor entries, and initialSortIndex is set which indicates that it is
* not the first page, use the query.initialSortIndex from the passed-in cursor
protected def bottomCursorSortIndex(
query: PipelineQuery with HasPipelineCursor[_],
entries: Seq[TimelineEntry]
): Long = {
val nonCursorEntries = entries.filter {
case _: CursorOperation => false
case _: CursorItem => false
case _ => true
lazy val initialSortIndex =
.flatMap(_.sortIndex).map(_ - UrtEntryOffset).getOrElse(initialSortIndex)