twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

260 lines
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namespace java com.twitter.simclusters_v2.thriftjava
namespace py gen.twitter.simclusters_v2.interests
#@namespace scala com.twitter.simclusters_v2.thriftscala
#@namespace strato com.twitter.simclusters_v2
* All of the scores below assume that the knownFor vector for each cluster is already
* of unit L2 norm i.e. sum of squares is 1.
struct UserToInterestedInClusterScores {
// dot product of user's binary follow vector with knownFor vector for this cluster
// TIP: By default, use this score or favScore.
1: optional double followScore(personalDataType = 'CountOfFollowersAndFollowees')
// first compute followScore as defined above
// then compute L2 norm of the vector of these scores for this cluster
// divide by that.
// essentially the more people are interested in this cluster, the lower this score gets
// TIP: Use this score if your use case needs to penalize clusters that a lot of other
// users are also interested in
2: optional double followScoreClusterNormalizedOnly(personalDataType = 'CountOfFollowersAndFollowees')
// dot product of user's producer normalized follow vector and knownFor vector for this cluster
// i.e. i^th entry in the normalized follow vector = 1.0/sqrt(number of followers of user i)
// TIP: Use this score if your use case needs to penalize clusters where the users known for
// that cluster are popular.
3: optional double followScoreProducerNormalizedOnly(personalDataType = 'CountOfFollowersAndFollowees')
// first compute followScoreProducerNormalizedOnly
// then compute L2 norm of the vector of these scores for this cluster
// divide by that.
// essentially the more people are interested in this cluster, the lower this score gets
// TIP: Use this score if your use case needs to penalize both clusters that a lot of other
// users are interested in, as well as clusters where the users known for that cluster are
// popular.
4: optional double followScoreClusterAndProducerNormalized(personalDataType = 'CountOfFollowersAndFollowees')
// dot product of user's favScoreHalfLife100Days vector with knownFor vector for this cluster
// TIP: By default, use this score or followScore.
5: optional double favScore(personalDataType = 'EngagementsPublic')
// first compute favScore as defined above
// then compute L2 norm of the vector of these scores for this cluster
// divide by that.
// essentially the more people are interested in this cluster, the lower this score gets
// TIP: Use this score if your use case needs to penalize clusters that a lot of other
// users are also interested in
6: optional double favScoreClusterNormalizedOnly(personalDataType = 'EngagementsPublic')
// dot product of user's favScoreHalfLife100DaysNormalizedByNeighborFaversL2 vector with
// knownFor vector for this cluster
// TIP: Use this score if your use case needs to penalize clusters where the users known for
// that cluster are popular.
7: optional double favScoreProducerNormalizedOnly(personalDataType = 'EngagementsPublic')
// first compute favScoreProducerNormalizedOnly as defined above
// then compute L2 norm of the vector of these scores for this cluster
// divide by that.
// essentially the more people are interested in this cluster, the lower this score gets
// TIP: Use this score if your use case needs to penalize both clusters that a lot of other
// users are interested in, as well as clusters where the users known for that cluster are
// popular.
8: optional double favScoreClusterAndProducerNormalized(personalDataType = 'EngagementsPublic')
// list of users who're known for this cluster as well as are being followed by the user.
9: optional list<i64> usersBeingFollowed(personalDataType = 'UserId')
// list of users who're known for this cluster as well as were faved at some point by the user.
10: optional list<i64> usersThatWereFaved(personalDataType = 'UserId')
// A pretty close upper bound on the number of users who are interested in this cluster.
// Useful to know if this is a niche community or a popular topic.
11: optional i32 numUsersInterestedInThisClusterUpperBound
// dot product of user's logFavScore vector with knownFor vector for this cluster
// TIP: this score is under experimentations
12: optional double logFavScore(personalDataType = 'EngagementsPublic')
// first compute logFavScore as defined above
// then compute L2 norm of the vector of these scores for this cluster
// divide by that.
// essentially the more people are interested in this cluster, the lower this score gets
// TIP: this score is under experimentations
13: optional double logFavScoreClusterNormalizedOnly(personalDataType = 'EngagementsPublic')
// actual count of number of users who're known for this cluster as well as are being followed by the user.
14: optional i32 numUsersBeingFollowed
// actual count of number of users who're known for this cluster as well as were faved at some point by the user.
15: optional i32 numUsersThatWereFaved
}(persisted = 'true', hasPersonalData = 'true')
struct UserToInterestedInClusters {
1: required i64 userId(personalDataType = 'UserId')
2: required string knownForModelVersion
3: required map<i32, UserToInterestedInClusterScores> clusterIdToScores(personalDataTypeKey = 'InferredInterests')
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'true')
struct LanguageToClusters {
1: required string language
2: required string knownForModelVersion
3: required map<i32, UserToInterestedInClusterScores> clusterIdToScores(personalDataTypeKey = 'InferredInterests')
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'true')
struct ClustersUserIsInterestedIn {
1: required string knownForModelVersion
2: required map<i32, UserToInterestedInClusterScores> clusterIdToScores(personalDataTypeKey = 'InferredInterests')
}(persisted = 'true', hasPersonalData = 'true')
struct UserToKnownForClusters {
1: required i64 userId(personalDataType = 'UserId')
2: required string knownForModelVersion
3: required map<i32, UserToKnownForClusterScores> clusterIdToScores(personalDataTypeKey = 'InferredInterests')
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'true')
struct UserToKnownForClusterScores {
1: optional double knownForScore
}(persisted = 'true', hasPersonalData = 'false')
struct ClustersUserIsKnownFor {
1: required string knownForModelVersion
2: required map<i32, UserToKnownForClusterScores> clusterIdToScores(personalDataTypeKey = 'InferredInterests')
}(persisted = 'true', hasPersonalData = 'true')
/** Thrift struct for storing quantile bounds output by QTreeMonoid in Algebird */
struct QuantileBounds {
1: required double lowerBound
2: required double upperBound
}(persisted = 'true', hasPersonalData = 'false')
/** Thrift struct giving the details of the distribution of a set of doubles */
struct DistributionDetails {
1: required double mean
2: optional double standardDeviation
3: optional double min
4: optional QuantileBounds p25
5: optional QuantileBounds p50
6: optional QuantileBounds p75
7: optional QuantileBounds p95
8: optional double max
}(persisted = 'true', hasPersonalData = 'false')
/** Note that the modelVersion here is specified somewhere outside, specifically, as part of the key */
struct ClusterNeighbor {
1: required i32 clusterId
/** Note that followCosineSimilarity is same as dot product over followScoreClusterNormalizedOnly
* since those scores form a unit vector **/
2: optional double followCosineSimilarity
/** Note that favCosineSimilarity is same as dot product over favScoreClusterNormalizedOnly
* since those scores form a unit vector **/
3: optional double favCosineSimilarity
/** Note that logFavCosineSimilarity is same as dot product over logFavScoreClusterNormalizedOnly
* since those scores form a unit vector **/
4: optional double logFavCosineSimilarity
}(persisted = 'true', hasPersonalData = 'false')
/** Useful for storing the list of users known for a cluster */
struct UserWithScore {
1: required i64 userId(personalDataType = 'UserId')
2: required double score
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'true')
// deprecated
struct EdgeCut {
1: required double cutEdges
2: required double totalVolume
}(persisted = 'true', hasPersonalData = 'false')
struct ClusterQuality {
// deprecated
1: optional EdgeCut deprecated_unweightedEdgeCut
// deprecated
2: optional EdgeCut deprecated_edgeWeightedCut
// deprecated
3: optional EdgeCut deprecated_nodeAndEdgeWeightedCut
// correlation of actual weight of (u, v) with I(u & v in same cluster) * score(u) * score(v)
4: optional double weightAndProductOfNodeScoresCorrelation
// fraction of edges staying inside cluster divided by total edges from nodes in the cluster
5: optional double unweightedRecall
// fraction of edge weights staying inside cluster divided by total edge weights from nodes in the cluster
6: optional double weightedRecall
// total edges from nodes in the cluster
7: optional double unweightedRecallDenominator
// total edge weights from nodes in the cluster
8: optional double weightedRecallDenominator
// sum of edge weights inside cluster / { #nodes * (#nodes - 1) }
9: optional double relativePrecisionNumerator
// above divided by the sum of edge weights in the total graph / { n * (n - 1) }
10: optional double relativePrecision
}(persisted = 'true', hasPersonalData = 'false')
* This struct is the value of the ClusterDetails key-value dataset.
* The key is (modelVersion, clusterId)
struct ClusterDetails {
1: required i32 numUsersWithAnyNonZeroScore
2: required i32 numUsersWithNonZeroFollowScore
3: required i32 numUsersWithNonZeroFavScore
4: optional DistributionDetails followScoreDistributionDetails
5: optional DistributionDetails favScoreDistributionDetails
6: optional list<UserWithScore> knownForUsersAndScores
7: optional list<ClusterNeighbor> neighborClusters
// fraction of users who're known for this cluster who're marked NSFW_User in UserSource
8: optional double fractionKnownForMarkedNSFWUser
// the major languages that this cluster's known_fors have as their "language" field in
// UserSource, and the fractions
9: optional map<string, double> languageToFractionDeviceLanguage
// the major country codes that this cluster's known_fors have as their "account_country_code"
// field in UserSource, and the fractions
10: optional map<string, double> countryCodeToFractionKnownForWithCountryCode
11: optional ClusterQuality qualityMeasuredOnSimsGraph
12: optional DistributionDetails logFavScoreDistributionDetails
// fraction of languages this cluster's known_fors produce based on what penguin_user_languages dataset infers
13: optional map<string, double> languageToFractionInferredLanguage
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'true')
struct SampledEdge {
1: required i64 followerId(personalDataType = 'UserId')
2: required i64 followeeId(personalDataType = 'UserId')
3: optional double favWtIfFollowEdge
4: optional double favWtIfFavEdge
5: optional double followScoreToCluster
6: optional double favScoreToCluster
7: optional double predictedFollowScore
8: optional double predictedFavScore
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'true')
* The key here is (modelVersion, clusterId)
struct BipartiteClusterQuality {
1: optional double inClusterFollowEdges
2: optional double inClusterFavEdges
3: optional double favWtSumOfInClusterFollowEdges
4: optional double favWtSumOfInClusterFavEdges
5: optional double outgoingFollowEdges
6: optional double outgoingFavEdges
7: optional double favWtSumOfOutgoingFollowEdges
8: optional double favWtSumOfOutgoingFavEdges
9: optional double incomingFollowEdges
10: optional double incomingFavEdges
11: optional double favWtSumOfIncomingFollowEdges
12: optional double favWtSumOfIncomingFavEdges
13: optional i32 interestedInSize
14: optional list<SampledEdge> sampledEdges
15: optional i32 knownForSize
16: optional double correlationOfFavWtIfFollowWithPredictedFollow
17: optional double correlationOfFavWtIfFavWithPredictedFav
18: optional double relativePrecisionUsingFavWtIfFav
19: optional double averagePrecisionOfWholeGraphUsingFavWtIfFav
}(persisted="true", hasPersonalData = 'true')