twitter-team 01dbfee4c0 Open-sourcing Tweetypie
Tweetypie is the core Tweet service that handles the reading and writing of Tweet data.
2023-05-19 16:20:06 -05:00

254 lines
9.2 KiB

package com.twitter.tweetypie.tweettext
import scala.collection.immutable
* An Offset is a typed index into a String.
trait Offset[T] extends Ordering[T] {
def toInt(t: T): Int
def count(text: String, start: Offset.CodeUnit, end: Offset.CodeUnit): T
def compare(t1: T, t2: T): Int = toInt(t1).compare(toInt(t2))
def length(input: String): T = count(input, Offset.CodeUnit(0), Offset.CodeUnit.length(input))
object Offset {
* UTF-16 code unit offsets are the native offsets for Java/Scala
* Strings.
case class CodeUnit(toInt: Int) extends AnyVal with Ordered[CodeUnit] {
def compare(other: CodeUnit): Int =
def +(other: CodeUnit) = CodeUnit(toInt + other.toInt)
def -(other: CodeUnit) = CodeUnit(toInt - other.toInt)
def min(other: CodeUnit): CodeUnit = if (toInt < other.toInt) this else other
def max(other: CodeUnit): CodeUnit = if (toInt > other.toInt) this else other
def incr: CodeUnit = CodeUnit(toInt + 1)
def decr: CodeUnit = CodeUnit(toInt - 1)
def until(end: CodeUnit): immutable.IndexedSeq[CodeUnit] =
* Converts this `CodeUnit` to the equivalent `CodePoint` within the
* given text.
def toCodePoint(text: String): CodePoint =
CodePoint(text.codePointCount(0, toInt))
def offsetByCodePoints(text: String, codePoints: CodePoint): CodeUnit =
CodeUnit(text.offsetByCodePoints(toInt, codePoints.toInt))
implicit object CodeUnit extends Offset[CodeUnit] {
def toInt(u: CodeUnit): Int = u.toInt
override def length(text: String): CodeUnit = CodeUnit(text.length)
def count(text: String, start: CodeUnit, end: CodeUnit): CodeUnit = end - start
* Offsets in whole Unicode code points. Any CodePoint is a valid
* offset into the String as long as it is >= 0 and less than the
* number of code points in the string.
case class CodePoint(toInt: Int) extends AnyVal with Ordered[CodePoint] {
def toShort: Short = toInt.toShort
def compare(other: CodePoint): Int =
def +(other: CodePoint) = CodePoint(toInt + other.toInt)
def -(other: CodePoint) = CodePoint(toInt - other.toInt)
def min(other: CodePoint): CodePoint = if (toInt < other.toInt) this else other
def max(other: CodePoint): CodePoint = if (toInt > other.toInt) this else other
def until(end: CodePoint): immutable.IndexedSeq[CodePoint] =
def toCodeUnit(text: String): CodeUnit =
CodeUnit(text.offsetByCodePoints(0, toInt))
implicit object CodePoint extends Offset[CodePoint] {
def toInt(p: CodePoint): Int = p.toInt
def count(text: String, start: CodeUnit, end: CodeUnit): CodePoint =
CodePoint(text.codePointCount(start.toInt, end.toInt))
* Offsets into the String as if the String were encoded as UTF-8. You
* cannot use a [[Utf8]] offset to index a String, because not all
* Utf8 indices are valid indices into the String.
case class Utf8(toInt: Int) extends AnyVal with Ordered[Utf8] {
def compare(other: Utf8): Int =
def +(other: Utf8) = Utf8(toInt + other.toInt)
def -(other: Utf8) = Utf8(toInt - other.toInt)
def min(other: Utf8): Utf8 = if (toInt < other.toInt) this else other
def max(other: Utf8): Utf8 = if (toInt > other.toInt) this else other
implicit object Utf8 extends Offset[Utf8] {
def toInt(u: Utf8): Int = u.toInt
* Count how many bytes this section of text would be when encoded as
* UTF-8.
def count(s: String, start: CodeUnit, end: CodeUnit): Utf8 = {
def go(i: CodeUnit, byteLength: Utf8): Utf8 =
if (i < end) {
val cp = s.codePointAt(i.toInt)
go(i + CodeUnit(Character.charCount(cp)), byteLength + forCodePoint(cp))
} else {
go(start, Utf8(0))
* Unfortunately, there is no convenient API for finding out how many
* bytes a unicode code point would take in UTF-8, so we have to
* explicitly calculate it.
* @see
def forCodePoint(cp: Int): Utf8 =
Utf8 {
// if the code point is an unpaired surrogate, it will be converted
// into a 1 byte replacement character
if (Character.getType(cp) == Character.SURROGATE) 1
else {
cp match {
case _ if cp < 0x80 => 1
case _ if cp < 0x800 => 2
case _ if cp < 0x10000 => 3
case _ => 4
* Display units count what we consider a "character" in a
* Tweet. [[DisplayUnit]] offsets are only valid for text that is
* NFC-normalized (See: and
* HTML-encoded, though this interface cannot enforce that.
* Currently, a [[DisplayUnit]] is equivalent to a single Unicode code
* point combined with treating "&lt;", "&gt;", and "&amp;" each as a
* single character (since they are displayed as '<', '>', and '&'
* respectively). This implementation is not directly exposed.
* It should be possible to change this definition without breaking
* code that uses the [[DisplayUnit]] interface e.g. to count
* user-perceived characters (graphemes) rather than code points,
* though any change has to be made in concert with changing the
* mobile client and Web implementations so that the user experience
* of character counting remains consistent.
case class DisplayUnit(toInt: Int) extends AnyVal with Ordered[DisplayUnit] {
def compare(other: DisplayUnit): Int =
def +(other: DisplayUnit) = DisplayUnit(toInt + other.toInt)
def -(other: DisplayUnit) = DisplayUnit(toInt - other.toInt)
def min(other: DisplayUnit): DisplayUnit = if (toInt < other.toInt) this else other
def max(other: DisplayUnit): DisplayUnit = if (toInt > other.toInt) this else other
implicit object DisplayUnit extends Offset[DisplayUnit] {
def toInt(d: DisplayUnit): Int = d.toInt
* Returns the number of display units in the specified range of the
* given text. See [[DisplayUnit]] for a descrption of what we
* consider a display unit.
* The input string should already be NFC normalized to get
* consistent results. If partially html encoded, it will correctly
* count html entities as a single display unit.
* @param text the string containing the characters to count.
* @param the index to the first char of the text range
* @param the index after the last char of the text range.
def count(text: String, start: CodeUnit, end: CodeUnit): DisplayUnit = {
val stop = end.min(CodeUnit.length(text))
def go(offset: CodeUnit, total: DisplayUnit): DisplayUnit =
if (offset >= stop) total
else go(offset + at(text, offset), total + DisplayUnit(1))
go(start, DisplayUnit(0))
* Return the length of the display unit at the specified offset in
* the (NFC-normalized, HTML-encoded) text.
def at(text: String, offset: CodeUnit): CodeUnit =
CodeUnit {
text.codePointAt(offset.toInt) match {
case '&' =>
if (text.regionMatches(offset.toInt, "&amp;", 0, 5)) 5
else if (text.regionMatches(offset.toInt, "&lt;", 0, 4)) 4
else if (text.regionMatches(offset.toInt, "&gt;", 0, 4)) 4
else 1
case cp => Character.charCount(cp)
* Ranges of offsets, useful for avoiding slicing entities.
sealed trait Ranges[T] {
def contains(t: T): Boolean
object Ranges {
private[this] case class Impl[T](toSeq: Seq[(T, T)])(implicit off: Offset[T])
extends Ranges[T] {
def contains(t: T): Boolean = toSeq.exists { case (lo, hi) =>, lo) &&, hi) }
* Non-inclusive range of offsets (matches values that are strictly
* between `hi` and `lo`)
def between[T](lo: T, hi: T)(implicit off: Offset[T]): Ranges[T] =
if (off.toInt(hi) > off.toInt(lo) + 1 && off.toInt(lo) < Int.MaxValue) Impl(Seq((lo, hi)))
else Impl(Nil)
* The union of all of the specified ranges.
def all[T](ranges: Seq[Ranges[T]])(implicit off: Offset[T]): Ranges[T] =
// Preprocess the ranges so that each contains check is as cheap
// as possible.
.flatMap { case r: Impl[T] => r.toSeq }
.foldLeft(Nil: List[(T, T)]) {
case ((a, b) :: out, (c, d)) if, b) => (a, d) :: out
case (out, r) => r :: out
def Empty[T: Offset]: Ranges[T] = Impl[T](Nil)
private[this] val HtmlEscapes = """&(?:amp|lt|gt);""".r
* Match [[CodeUnit]]s that would split a HTML entity.
def htmlEntities(s: String): Ranges[CodeUnit] = {
val it = HtmlEscapes.findAllIn(s)
all( => between(CodeUnit(it.start), CodeUnit(it.end))).toSeq)
def fromCodePointPairs(pairs: Seq[(Int, Int)]): Ranges[CodePoint] =
all( { case (lo, hi) => between(CodePoint(lo), CodePoint(hi)) })