twitter-team ef4c5eb65e Twitter Recommendation Algorithm
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2023-03-31 17:36:31 -05:00

237 lines
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package com.twitter.simclusters_v2.common.clustering
import com.twitter.eventdetection.common.louvain.LouvainDriver
import com.twitter.eventdetection.common.louvain.NetworkFactory
import com.twitter.eventdetection.common.model.Entity
import com.twitter.eventdetection.common.model.NetworkInput
import com.twitter.eventdetection.common.model.TextEntityValue
import com.twitter.util.Stopwatch
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.math.max
* Groups entities by the Louvain clustering method.
* @param similarityThreshold: When building the edges between entities, edges with weight
* less than or equal to this threshold will be filtered out.
* @param appliedResolutionFactor: If present, will be used to multiply the applied resolution
* parameter of the Louvain method by this factor.
* Note that the DEFAULT_MAX_RESOLUTION will not be applied.
class LouvainClusteringMethod(
similarityThreshold: Double,
appliedResolutionFactor: Option[Double])
extends ClusteringMethod {
import ClusteringStatistics._
def cluster[T](
embeddings: Map[Long, T],
similarityFn: (T, T) => Double,
recordStatCallback: (String, Long) => Unit = (_, _) => ()
): Set[Set[Long]] = {
// 1. Build the graph on which to run Louvain:
// - Weigh edges by the similarity between the 2 embeddings,
// - Filter out edges with weight <= threshold.
val timeSinceGraphBuildStart = Stopwatch.start()
val edges: Seq[((Long, Long), Double)] = embeddings.toSeq
.map { pair: Seq[(Long, T)] => // pair of 2
val (user1, embedding1) = pair.head
val (user2, embedding2) = pair(1)
val similarity = similarityFn(embedding1, embedding2)
(similarity * 100).toLong // preserve up to two decimal places
((user1, user2), similarity)
.filter(_._2 > similarityThreshold)
recordStatCallback(StatSimilarityGraphTotalBuildTime, timeSinceGraphBuildStart().inMilliseconds)
// check if some entities do not have any incoming / outgoing edge
// these are size-1 clusters (i.e. their own)
val individualClusters: Set[Long] = embeddings.keySet -- edges.flatMap {
case ((user1, user2), _) => Set(user1, user2)
// 2. LouvainDriver uses "Entity" as input, so build 2 mappings
// - Long (entity id) -> Entity
// - Entity -> Long (entity id)
val embeddingIdToEntity: Map[Long, Entity] = {
case (id, _) => id -> Entity(TextEntityValue(id.toString, Some(id.toString)), None)
val entityToEmbeddingId: Map[Entity, Long] = {
case (id, e) => e -> id
// 3. Create the list of NetworkInput on which to run LouvainDriver
val networkInputList = edges
.map {
case ((fromUserId: Long, toUserId: Long), weight: Double) =>
new NetworkInput(embeddingIdToEntity(fromUserId), embeddingIdToEntity(toUserId), weight)
val timeSinceClusteringAlgRunStart = Stopwatch.start()
val networkDictionary = NetworkFactory.buildDictionary(networkInputList)
val network = NetworkFactory.buildNetwork(networkInputList, networkDictionary)
if (networkInputList.size() == 0) {
// handle case if no edge at all (only one entity or all entities are too far apart) => Set(e))
} else {
// 4. Run clustering algorithm
val clusteredIds = appliedResolutionFactor match {
case Some(res) =>
LouvainDriver.clusterAppliedResolutionFactor(network, networkDictionary, res)
case None => LouvainDriver.cluster(network, networkDictionary)
// 5. Post-processing
val atLeast2MembersClusters: Set[Set[Long]] = clusteredIds.asScala
.mapValues( { case (e, _) => entityToEmbeddingId(e) }.toSet)
atLeast2MembersClusters ++ { e => Set(e) }
def clusterWithSilhouette[T](
embeddings: Map[Long, T],
similarityFn: (T, T) => Double,
similarityFnForSil: (T, T) => Double,
recordStatCallback: (String, Long) => Unit = (_, _) => ()
): (Set[Set[Long]], Set[Set[(Long, Double)]]) = {
// 1. Build the graph on which to run Louvain:
// - Weigh edges by the similarity between the 2 embeddings,
// - Filter out edges with weight <= threshold.
val timeSinceGraphBuildStart = Stopwatch.start()
val edgesSimilarityMap = collection.mutable.Map[(Long, Long), Double]()
val edges: Seq[((Long, Long), Double)] = embeddings.toSeq
.map { pair: Seq[(Long, T)] => // pair of 2
val (user1, embedding1) = pair.head
val (user2, embedding2) = pair(1)
val similarity = similarityFn(embedding1, embedding2)
val similarityForSil = similarityFnForSil(embedding1, embedding2)
edgesSimilarityMap.put((user1, user2), similarityForSil)
edgesSimilarityMap.put((user2, user1), similarityForSil)
(similarity * 100).toLong // preserve up to two decimal places
((user1, user2), similarity)
.filter(_._2 > similarityThreshold)
recordStatCallback(StatSimilarityGraphTotalBuildTime, timeSinceGraphBuildStart().inMilliseconds)
// check if some entities do not have any incoming / outgoing edge
// these are size-1 clusters (i.e. their own)
val individualClusters: Set[Long] = embeddings.keySet -- edges.flatMap {
case ((user1, user2), _) => Set(user1, user2)
// 2. LouvainDriver uses "Entity" as input, so build 2 mappings
// - Long (entity id) -> Entity
// - Entity -> Long (entity id)
val embeddingIdToEntity: Map[Long, Entity] = {
case (id, _) => id -> Entity(TextEntityValue(id.toString, Some(id.toString)), None)
val entityToEmbeddingId: Map[Entity, Long] = {
case (id, e) => e -> id
// 3. Create the list of NetworkInput on which to run LouvainDriver
val networkInputList = edges
.map {
case ((fromUserId: Long, toUserId: Long), weight: Double) =>
new NetworkInput(embeddingIdToEntity(fromUserId), embeddingIdToEntity(toUserId), weight)
val timeSinceClusteringAlgRunStart = Stopwatch.start()
val networkDictionary = NetworkFactory.buildDictionary(networkInputList)
val network = NetworkFactory.buildNetwork(networkInputList, networkDictionary)
val clusters = if (networkInputList.size() == 0) {
// handle case if no edge at all (only one entity or all entities are too far apart) => Set(e))
} else {
// 4. Run clustering algorithm
val clusteredIds = appliedResolutionFactor match {
case Some(res) =>
LouvainDriver.clusterAppliedResolutionFactor(network, networkDictionary, res)
case None => LouvainDriver.cluster(network, networkDictionary)
// 5. Post-processing
val atLeast2MembersClusters: Set[Set[Long]] = clusteredIds.asScala
.mapValues( { case (e, _) => entityToEmbeddingId(e) }.toSet)
atLeast2MembersClusters ++ { e => Set(e) }
// Calculate silhouette metrics
val contactIdWithSilhouette = {
case cluster =>
val otherClusters = clusters - cluster {
case contactId =>
if (otherClusters.isEmpty) {
(contactId, 0.0)
} else {
val otherSameClusterContacts = cluster - contactId
if (otherSameClusterContacts.isEmpty) {
(contactId, 0.0)
} else {
// calculate similarity of given userId with all other users in the same cluster
val a_i = {
case sameClusterContact =>
edgesSimilarityMap((contactId, sameClusterContact))
}.sum / otherSameClusterContacts.size
// calculate similarity of given userId to all other clusters, find the best nearest cluster
val b_i = {
case otherCluster => {
case otherClusterContact =>
edgesSimilarityMap((contactId, otherClusterContact))
}.sum / otherCluster.size
// silhouette (value) of one userId i
val s_i = (a_i - b_i) / max(a_i, b_i)
(contactId, s_i)
(clusters, contactIdWithSilhouette)