troantian2022 fc16083097 remove extra space in comments
remove extra space in comments
2023-03-31 22:39:52 -04:00

229 lines
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import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.NumericDocValues;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import com.twitter.common_internal.collections.RandomAccessPriorityQueue;
public class AntiGamingFilter {
private interface Acceptor {
boolean accept(int internalDocID) throws IOException;
private NumericDocValues userReputation;
private NumericDocValues fromUserIDs;
private final Query luceneQuery;
private boolean termsExtracted = false;
private final Set<Term> queryTerms;
// we ignore these user ids for anti-gaming filtering, because they were explicitly queried for
private Set<Long> segmentUserIDWhitelist = null;
// we gather the whitelisted userIDs from all segments here
private Set<Long> globalUserIDWhitelist = null;
* Used to track the number of occurrences of a particular user.
private static final class UserCount
implements RandomAccessPriorityQueue.SignatureProvider<Long> {
private long userID;
private int count;
public Long getSignature() {
return userID;
public void clear() {
userID = 0;
count = 0;
private static final Comparator<UserCount> USER_COUNT_COMPARATOR =
(d1, d2) -> d1.count == d2.count ?, d2.userID) : d1.count - d2.count;
private final RandomAccessPriorityQueue<UserCount, Long> priorityQueue =
new RandomAccessPriorityQueue<UserCount, Long>(1024, USER_COUNT_COMPARATOR) {
protected UserCount getSentinelObject() {
return new UserCount();
private final Acceptor acceptor;
private final int maxHitsPerUser;
* Creates an AntiGamingFilter that either accepts or rejects tweets from all users.
* This method should only be called in tests.
* @param alwaysValue Determines if tweets should always be accepted or rejected.
* @return An AntiGamingFilter that either accepts or rejects tweets from all users.
public static AntiGamingFilter newMock(boolean alwaysValue) {
return new AntiGamingFilter(alwaysValue) {
public void startSegment(EarlybirdIndexSegmentAtomicReader reader) {
private AntiGamingFilter(boolean alwaysValue) {
acceptor = internalDocID -> alwaysValue;
maxHitsPerUser = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
termsExtracted = true;
luceneQuery = null;
queryTerms = null;
public AntiGamingFilter(int maxHitsPerUser, int maxTweepCred, Query luceneQuery) {
this.maxHitsPerUser = maxHitsPerUser;
this.luceneQuery = luceneQuery;
if (maxTweepCred != -1) {
this.acceptor = internalDocID -> {
long userReputationVal =
userReputation.advanceExact(internalDocID) ? userReputation.longValue() : 0L;
return ((byte) userReputationVal > maxTweepCred) || acceptUser(internalDocID);
} else {
this.acceptor = this::acceptUser;
this.queryTerms = new HashSet<>();
public Set<Long> getUserIDWhitelist() {
return globalUserIDWhitelist;
private boolean acceptUser(int internalDocID) throws IOException {
final long fromUserID = getUserId(internalDocID);
final MutableInt freq = new MutableInt();
// try to increment UserCount for an user already exist in the priority queue.
boolean incremented = priorityQueue.incrementElement(
fromUserID, element -> freq.setValue(++element.count));
// If not incremented, it means the user node does not exist in the priority queue yet.
if (!incremented) {
priorityQueue.updateTop(element -> {
element.userID = fromUserID;
element.count = 1;
if (freq.intValue() <= maxHitsPerUser) {
return true;
} else if (segmentUserIDWhitelist == null) {
return false;
return segmentUserIDWhitelist.contains(fromUserID);
* Initializes this filter with the new feature source. This method should be called every time an
* earlybird searcher starts searching in a new segment.
* @param reader The reader for the new segment.
public void startSegment(EarlybirdIndexSegmentAtomicReader reader) throws IOException {
if (!termsExtracted) {
fromUserIDs =
// fill the id whitelist for the current segment. initialize lazily.
segmentUserIDWhitelist = null;
SortedSet<Integer> sortedFromUserDocIds = new TreeSet<>();
for (Term t : queryTerms) {
if (t.field().equals(EarlybirdFieldConstant.FROM_USER_ID_FIELD.getFieldName())) {
// Add the operand of the from_user_id operator to the whitelist
long fromUserID = LongTermAttributeImpl.copyBytesRefToLong(t.bytes());
} else if (t.field().equals(EarlybirdFieldConstant.FROM_USER_FIELD.getFieldName())) {
// For a [from X] filter, we need to find a document that has the from_user field set to X,
// and then we need to get the value of the from_user_id field for that document and add it
// to the whitelist. We can get the from_user_id value from the fromUserIDs NumericDocValues
// instance, but we need to traverse it in increasing order of doc IDs. So we add a doc ID
// for each term to a sorted set for now, and then we traverse it in increasing doc ID order
// and add the from_user_id values for those docs to the whitelist.
int firstInternalDocID = reader.getNewestDocID(t);
if (firstInternalDocID != EarlybirdIndexSegmentAtomicReader.TERM_NOT_FOUND) {
for (int fromUserDocId : sortedFromUserDocIds) {
userReputation =
// Reset the fromUserIDs NumericDocValues so that the acceptor can use it to iterate over docs.
fromUserIDs =
private void extractTerms(IndexReader reader) throws IOException {
Query query = luceneQuery;
for (Query rewrittenQuery = query.rewrite(reader); rewrittenQuery != query;
rewrittenQuery = query.rewrite(reader)) {
query = rewrittenQuery;
// Create a new TwitterIndexSearcher instance here instead of an IndexSearcher instance, to use
// the TwitterIndexSearcher.collectionStatistics() implementation.
query.createWeight(new TwitterIndexSearcher(reader), ScoreMode.COMPLETE, 1.0f)
termsExtracted = true;
public boolean accept(int internalDocID) throws IOException {
return acceptor.accept(internalDocID);
private void addUserToWhitelists(long userID) {
if (this.segmentUserIDWhitelist == null) {
this.segmentUserIDWhitelist = new HashSet<>();
if (this.globalUserIDWhitelist == null) {
this.globalUserIDWhitelist = new HashSet<>();
protected long getUserId(int internalDocId) throws IOException {
return fromUserIDs.advanceExact(internalDocId) ? fromUserIDs.longValue() : 0L;